- 中文名:賈洪偉
- 出生日期:1987年9月
- 學位/學歷:碩導
- 職業:東華大學環境科學與工程學院教師
- 性別:男
- 國家自然科學基金青年項目(5200630),集成散熱智慧型調控研究,主持
- 上海市青年科技英才揚帆計畫(18YF1400700),新製冷劑高效套用研究,主持
- 中國博士後基金(2018M641891),主持
- 中央高校基本科研自由探索類項目(2232018D3-37),主持
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目(42075179),參與
- 上海市科技攻關項目(19DZ12050),參與
- 上海市自然科學基金面上項目(19ZR1401700),參與
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51876115),參與
- L.L. Feng, K. Zhong, X. Xiao, H.W. Jia*, Experimental investigation on flow boiling characteristics of HFO-1234yf in a 0.5 mm microchannel, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022
- 常楚鑫, 徐黎婷, 殷嘉倫, 雒先, 賈洪偉*, 浸沒狀態下的低壓電潤濕行為研究, 化工學報, 2022
- H.W. Jia*, L.T. Xu, X. Xiao, K. Zhong. Study on boiling heat transfer of surfactant solution on grooved surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 181,121876
- 馮龍龍, 鐘珂, 張羽森, 商慶春, 賈洪偉*, 水平管內R1234yf的流動沸騰換熱特性, 化工進展, 2021
- H.W. Jia, P. Zhang*. Bubble formation in viscous fluids by a microfluidic flow-focusing junction: a computational study, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2020, 24(11),85.
- J.L. Yin, X. Xiao. L.L. Feng, K. Zhong, H.W. Jia*. Experimental investigation of pool boiling characteristics of surfactant solutions on bi-conductive surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 157, 119914.
- X. Xiao, H.W. Jia, D.S. Wen, X.D. Zhao*. Molten Salt/Metal Foam/Graphene Nanoparticle Phase Change Composites for Thermal Energy Storage, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3(6), pp. 5240-5251
- X. Xiao, H.W. Jia, D.S. Wen, X.D. Zhao*. Thermal performance analysis of a solar energy storage unit encapsulated with HITEC salt/copper foam/nanoparticles composite, Energy, 2020, 192:116593.
- H.W. Jia, X. Xiao, Y.M. Kang*. Investigation of a free rising bubble with mass transfer by an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137: 545-557.
- H.W. Jia, X. Xiao, Y.M. Kang*. Investigation of bubble behavior with phase change under the effect of noncondensable gas. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 207:631-643
- H. Shen, H.W. Jia, Y.M. Kang*. Electrohydrodynamic flows in electrostatic precipitator of five shaped collecting electrodes[J]. Journal of Electrostatics, 2018, 95:61-70.
- H.W. Jia, P. Zhang*. Mass transfer of a rising spherical bubble in the contaminated solution with chemical reaction and volume change. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 110:43-57.
- H.W. Jia, P. Zhang*. Investigation of the Taylor bubble under the effect of dissolution in microchannel. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 285:252-263.
- P. Zhang*, H.W. Jia. Evolution of flow patterns and the associated heat and mass transfer characteristics during flow boiling in mini-/micro-channels.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 306:978-991.
- H.W. Jia, P. Zhang*, Xing Fu, Shicheng Jiang. A numerical investigation of nucleate boiling at a constant surface temperature. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 88:248-257.
- 賈洪偉,張鵬*,郭濤,付鑫,,江世臣,微通道熱沉內液氮的流動沸騰換熱實驗,上海交通大學學報,2014,48(9):274~1278
- H.W. Jia, L. Jia*, Z.T. Tan. An Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Performance of Nanofluid Pulsating Heat Pipe. Journal of Thermal Science, 2012, 22(5):484-490.
- 賈洪偉, 馬飛, 亢燕銘, 基於任意拉格朗日-歐拉有限元法的兩相流中可溶性表面活性劑的數值研究, 2019年中國工程熱物理學會傳熱傳質學術會議, 青島 中國, 2017. 10.27-10.30,
- 賈洪偉, 張鵬, 亢燕銘, 基於等值追蹤法的流動沸騰數值研究, 2017年中國工程熱物理學會傳熱傳質學術會議, 蘇州 中國, 2017. 10.27-10.30,
- H.W. Jia, P. Zhang*, X. Fu and S.C. Jiang, Numerical investigation of nucleate boiling of water at a constant surface temperature, International Heat Transfer Symposium, Beijing, P.R. China, 2014. 05.06-05.09.
- H.W. Jia, P. Zhang*, X. Fu and S.C. Jiang, Numerical study on boiling of liquid nitrogen through micro-channels, International Conference of Cryogenics and Refrigeration, Hangzhou, P.R. China, 2013. 04.06-04.10
- H.W. Jia, P. Zhang*, Dynamic behavior of a Dissolving Bubble with large volume change. The 16th Cross Straits Symposium-Campus Asia EEST ASIA, Jeju, Korea, 2014. 11.13-11.15