2、*Wang, Pei; Sun, Qing-feng; Xie, X. C.,Transport properties of Floquet topological superconductors at the transition from the topological phase to the Anderson localized phase, Physical Review B, 90(15), 2014/10/6.
3、Zhao, Yanfei; Liu, Haiwen; Guo, Xin; Jiang, Ying; Sun, Yi; Wang, Huichao; Wang, Yong; Li, Han-Dong; *Xie, Mao-Hai;Xie, Xin-Cheng; Wang, Jian,Crossover from 3D to 2D Quantum Transport in Bi2Se3/In2Se3 Superlattices, Nano Letters, 14(9), pp 5244-5249, 2014/9.
4、*Zhang, Yan-Yang; Shen, Man; An, Xing-Tao; Sun, Qing-Feng;Xie, Xin-Cheng; Chang, Kai; Li, Shu-Shen,Coexistence and decoupling of bulk and edge states in disordered two-dimensional topological insulators, Physical Review B, 90(5), 2014/8/18.
5、*Liu, Haiwen; Jiang, Hua; Sun, Qing-feng;Xie, X. C.,Dephasing Effect on Backscattering of Helical Surface States in 3D Topological Insulators, Physical Review Letters, 113(4), 2014/7/24.
6、Wang, Huichao; Liu, Haiwen; Chang, Cui-Zu; Zuo, Huakun; Zhao, Yanfei; Sun, Yi; Xia, Zhengcai; He, Ke; Ma, Xucun;Xie, X. C.; Xue, Qi-Kun; *Wang, Jian,Crossover between Weak Antilocalization and Weak Localization of Bulk States in Ultrathin Bi2Se3 Films, Scientific Reports, 4卷, 2014/7/24.
7、*Jiang, Hua; Liu, Haiwen; Feng, Ji; Sun, Qingfeng;Xie, X. C.,Transport Discovery of Emerging Robust Helical Surface States in Z(2)=0 Systems, Physical Review Letters, 112(17), 2014/5/2.
9、*Zhang, Shu-feng; Jiang, Hua;Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Effect of magnetic field on a magnetic topological insulator film with structural inversion asymmetry, Physical Review B, 89(15), 2014/4/15.
10、*Ren, Yong-Zhi; Tong, Ning-Hua;Xie, Xin-Cheng,Cluster mean-field theory study of J(1)-J(2) Heisenberg model on a square lattice, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26(11), 2014/3/19.
11、*Guo, Ai-Min;Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Delocalization and scaling properties of low-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, Physical Review B, 89(7), 2014/2/26.
12、*Yang, Zhi-Cheng; Sun, Qing-Feng;Xie, X. C.,Spin-current Seebeck effect in quantum dot systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26(4), 2014/1/29.
13、*Wang, Zi-bo; Sun, Qing-feng;Xie, X. C.,The electric "Meissner effect" in spin superconductor, European Physical Journal B, 86(12), 2013/12/4.
14、Bao, Zhi-qiang;*Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Ginzburg-Landau-type theory of spin superconductivity, Nature Communications, 4卷, 2013/12.
15、*Guo, Ai-Min; Xiong, Shi-Jie;Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Universal scheme to generate metal-insulator transition in disordered systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25(41), 2013/10/16.
16、*Xie, Xin-Cheng,Preface: Centennial Physics at Peking University, Frontiers of Physics, 8(5), pp 473-474, 2013/10.
17、Zhang, Yan-Yang; *Tsai, Wei-Feng; Chang, Kai; An, X. -T.; Zhang, G. -P.;Xie, X. -C.; Li, Shu-Shen,Electron delocalization in gate-tunable gapless silicene, Physical Review B, 88(12), 2013/9/26.
18、*Chen, Chui-Zhen; Sun, Qing-feng; Wang, Fa; Xie, X. C.,Detection of spinons via spin transport, Physical Review B, 88(4), 2013/7/18.