1. “Prison education and its social foundation in China”, in Bill Forster (ed.), Behind the bar: comparative education studies in the international penal perspective (Leceister, England: Leicester University Press,1998) .
2. “Facing difference: relations, changes and the prison sector in contemporary China” (with Dr. Michael Dutton), in Robert P. Weiss and Nigel South(ed.), Comparing prison systems(Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 1998).
3. “The theory and practice of criminal re-education, training and employment in China”, in Bob Semmens and Sandy Cook (eds.), The conference proceedings of international forum on education in penal system( Melbourne: 1994).
4. “Talk law, live law and make law(s)”, in the Journal of Asian Law, No.1, Vol. 1,1999 (Sydney: Federal Press).
5. “Liang Shu-ming’ s narrative concerning Chinese understanding of life and legal reality”, in Journal of Asian Law Studies, No.2, Vol. 1, 2000 (Melbourne: University of Melbourne Press, forthcoming).