- 中文名:許朵霞
- 外文名:Xu, D.
- 出生地:山西省
- 出生日期:1986年08月
- 職業:講師
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
- 主要成就:SCI論文7篇、會議論文4篇、中文核心期刊9篇、主編專著1部
- 代表作品:乳清分離蛋白-甜菜果膠共價複合物理化特性分析
本科 2003年至2007年 畢業於河南工業大學(鄭州糧院) 食品科學與工程專業
碩士 2007年至2009年 畢業於中國農業大學 農產品加工及貯藏工程專業
博士 2009年至2012年 畢業於中國農業大學 農產品加工及貯藏工程專業
[1] Xu, D., Yuan F., Gao, Y, McClements, J., & Decker, E*. Influence of whey protein-beet pectin conjugate on the properties and digestibility of β-carotene emulsion during in vitro digestion Food Chemistry 2014, 156(1), 374-379
[2] Xu, D., Yuan F., Gao, Y, McClements, J., & Decker, E*. Influence of pH, metal chelator, free radical scavenger and interfacial characteristics on the oxidative stability of beta-carotene in conjugated whey protein-pectin stabilized emulsion. Food Chemistry, 2013: 139, 1098-1104
[3] Xu, D., Wang, X., Jiang, J., Yuan, F., Decker, E., & Gao, Y*. Influence of pH, EDTA, α-tocopherol, and WPI oxidation on the degradation of beta-carotene in WPI-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2013, 54(1), 236-241
[4] Xu, D., Wang, X., Yuan, F., Hou, Z., & Gao, Y*. Stability of β-carotene in O/W emulsions prepared by mixed layer and bilayer of WPI and beet pectin. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2013, 34(6), 785-792
[5] Xu, D., Wang, X., Jiang, J., Yuan F., & Gao, Y*. Impact of whey protein-beet pectin conjugation on the physicochemical stability of beta-carotene emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2011, 25, 258-266
[6] Xu, D., Yuan F., Jiang, J., Wang, X., Hou, Z, & Gao, Y*. Structural and conformational modification of whey proteins induced by supercritical carbon dioxide. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2011, 12, 31-37
[7] Xu, D., Yuan, F., Wang, X., Li, X., Hou, Z., & Gao, Y*. The effect of whey protein isolate-dextran conjugates on the freeze-thaw stability of oil-in-water emulsions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2010, 32, 77-83
[13] 許朵霞,曹雁平,韓富。食品乳狀液穩定性檢測方法研究進展,食品工業科技,2014,21(35):365-370
[14] 許朵霞,許洪高,毛立科,高彥祥*。蛋白質多糖共價複合物的研究進展。食品研究與開發,2008,29(11),186-190
[15] 許朵霞,王小亞,尤嘉,蔣俊平,袁芳,高彥祥*。乳清分離蛋白-甜菜果膠共價複合物對beta-胡蘿蔔素乳液穩定性的影響。食品研究與開發,2011,33(4),9-13
[16] 許朵霞,包亞妮,閆冰,房子舒,高彥祥,袁芳*。乳清分離蛋白殼聚糖美拉德反應初級階段產物乳化性研究。食品科學,2011,33(7),16-19
[17] Yuan, F., Xu, D., Qi, X., Zhao, J., & Gao, Y*. Impact of high hydrostatic pressure on the emulsifying properties of Whey protein isolate-chitosan mixtures. Food Bioprocess Technology, 2013, 6(4), 1024-1031
[18] Mao, L., Xu, D., Yang, J., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. *, & Zhao, J. Effects of small and large molecule emulsifiers on the characteristics of b-carotene nanoemulsions prepared by high pressure homogenization. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2009, 47(3), 336-342
[19] Mao, L., Yang, J., Xu, D., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y*. Effects of homogenization models and emulsifiers on the physicochemical properties of beta-carotene nanoemulsions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2010, 31(7), 986-993
[20] Hou, Z., Zhang, M., Liu, B., Yan, Q., Yuan, F., Xu, D., & Gao, Y*. Effect of chitosan molecular weight on the stability and rheological properties of β-carotene emulsions stabilized by soybean soluble polysaccharides. Food Hydrocolloids, 2012, 26 (1), 205-211
[21] Hou, Z., Gao, Y.*, Yuan, F., Liu, Y., Li, C., & Xu, D. Investigation into the physicochemical stability and rheological properties of beta-carotene emulsion stabilized by soybean soluble polysaccharides and chitosan. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(15), 8604-8611
[22] 毛立科,許朵霞,楊佳,高彥祥*。不同乳化劑製備β-胡蘿蔔素納米乳液研究。食品工業科技,2008,29(4),64-68
[23] 王瑩瑩,許朵霞,焦瓊,袁芳,高彥祥*。天然防腐劑美拉德反應改性研究進展。食品科學,2013,34(7),296-300
[24] Xu, D., Cao, Y., Yuan, F., Decker, E., McClements, J, Gao, Y. Effect of whey protein-pectin conjugate on the physical properties and bioavailability of emulsified beta-carotene during in vitro digestion. 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference (IHC), 2014, National Taiwan University, poster
[25] Xu, D., Yuan, F., Decker, E., McClements, J, Gao, Y*. Physicochemical stability and rheological properties of beta-carotene emulsion stabilized by whey protein-beet pectin conjugates. IFT, 2011, USA, poster
[26] Xu, D., Yuan, F., Jiang, J., Wang, X., & Gao, Y*. Impact of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment on structural modification of whey protein isolate. The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2010, Shanghai, poster
[27] Yuan, F., Xu, D., Hao, X., Gao, Y*. Effect of high pressure on the emulsifying behavior of whey protein isolate-chitosan complex. The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2010, Shanghai, presentation
[28] 許朵霞,曹雁平。微晶纖維素對大豆分離蛋白-薑黃素乳狀液穩定性的影響。食品科學青年論壇,2014,無錫,口頭報告。
[29] 曹雁平,許朵霞,侯占群。《食品乳化與乳狀液新技術》,化學工業出版社,2014