許志才教授長期從事數學基礎理論方面的研究,主要研究方向包括微分流形、黎曼流形、曲率與拓撲等純粹數學理論研究領域,在微分幾何子流形等研究領域取得了許多研究成果,數年來,他主持完成和參與多項省部級重點科研項目和國家自然科學基金項目,在《數學研究與評論》、《數學學報》、《Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math.》等國內外重要雜誌上發表學術論文40多篇,被SCI, EI, ISTP檢索多篇,出版學術專著 3 部,教材 1 本。
11. Z.C.Xu, A generalization of a theorem of Delaunay to rotational W-hypersurfaces of in Lorentz-Minkowski space , Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math.,22(1998), 473-479.
12. Z.C.Xu, Pinching theorems for minimal submanifolds in sphere,theast.Math.J.,14(4)(1998), 487-494.
13. 許志才, de Sitter 空間中具有常均曲率的類空超曲面( Ⅱ) , J. of Math..(PRC)18(4)(1998), 465-468.
29.FANG Xianwen,XU Zhicai, YIN Zhixiang, A Study about the Mapping of Process- Processor based on Petri Nets, The 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2007),IEEE Press (EI檢索)
30.FANG Xianwen,XU Zhicai, YIN Zhixiang, Distributed processing based on Timed Petri Nets, The 3nd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC07), IEEE Press(ISTP檢索)
34.LIU Shixi , XU Zhicai, FANG Xianwen. Dependability research of cluster system Based on Stochastic Petri net.2008 International conference on computer science and software Engineering (CSSE2008) Vol 3,481—485;(EI 檢索)
35.Shixi Liu, Zhicai Xu, Guilin Chen. Dependability research of standby system Based on Stochastic Petri net. 2009 International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless, Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009) Vol 1,177—181;(EI 檢索)
36.Zhicai Xu,Independent glogal constraints-aware web service composition optimization based on genetic algorithm, 2009 International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems,2009. (EI檢索)
37.Zhicai Xu,Independent global constraints web service composition optimization based on color petri net, 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing,2009,(33). (EI檢索)