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許天福,男,教授,博士生導師,國家“千人計畫”特聘專家。1984年畢業於長春地質學院(現吉林大學)水文地質工程地質專業(學士學位),1993年獲荷蘭Delft國際水文和環境學院碩士學位,1996獲得西班牙La Coruña大學博士學位。畢業後到美國勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)地球科學部從事兩年博士後研究,之後留下工作從助理研究員,副研究員,到研究員。2010年,受聘為吉林大學國家“千人計畫”特聘教授。


  • 中文名:許天福
  • 外文名:Xu T
  • 職業:科學家
  • 畢業院校:吉林大學






1980.9-1984.7 學士學位 中國 吉林大學(原長春地質學院) 水文地質專業
1984.10-1987.7 碩士學位 中國 吉林大學(原長春地質學院) 水文地質專業
1991.10-1993.5 碩士學位 荷蘭 Delft國際水力與環境工程學院 水文學
1993.6-1996.12 博士學位 西班牙 La Coruña大學 土木工程
1996.12-1998.11 博士後 美國 勞倫斯國家實驗室 地球科學部


1987.8-1991.10 主任科,工程師 中國 國土資源部
1998.11-2001.8 助理研究員 美國 勞倫斯國家實驗室地球科學部(Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,USA)
2001.8-2006.6 副研究員 美國 勞倫斯國家實驗室地球科學部
2006.6-2013 研究員 美國 勞倫斯國家實驗室地球科學部
2010-國家“千人計畫”特聘教授 中國 吉林大學




  • 地下水多組份反應溶質運移
  • 水-岩相互作用數值模擬
  • CO2和核廢料地質儲置
  • 地熱能開發利用
  • 天然氣水合物最佳化開採模擬
  • 地下水污染物運移和修復模擬


(1)Tian H, Xu T, Li Y, et al. Evolution of sealing efficiency for CO 2 geological storage due to mineral alteration within a hydrogeologically heterogeneous caprock[J]. Applied Geochemistry, 2015, 63: 380-397.(SCI)
(2)Na J, Xu T, Yuan Y, et al. An integrated study of fluid–rock interaction in a CO 2-based enhanced geothermal system: A case study of Songliao Basin, China[J]. Applied Geochemistry, 2015, 59: 166-177.(SCI)
(3)Wei, X., Li, W., Tian, H., Li, H., Xu, H., & Xu, T. THC-MP: High performance numerical simulation of reactive transport and multiphase flow in porous media[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2015, 80: 26-37.(SCI)
(4)Lei H, Xu T, Jin G. TOUGH2Biot–A simulator for coupled thermal–hydrodynamic–mechanical processes in subsurface flow systems: Application to CO 2 geological storage and geothermal development[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2015, 77: 8-19.(SCI)
(5)Yang L, Xu T, Wei M, et al. Dissolution of arkose in dilute acetic acid solution under conditions relevant to burial diagenesis[J]. Applied Geochemistry, 2015, 54: 65-73.(SCI)
(6)Xu T, Feng G, Hou Z, et al. Wellbore–reservoir coupled simulation to study thermal and fluid processes in a CO2-based geothermal system: identifying favorable and unfavorable conditions in comparison with water[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73(11): 6797-6813.(SCI)
(7)Zhang, Y. J., Li, Z. W., Yu, Z. W., Guo, L. L., Jin, X. P., & Xu, T. F. eva luation of developing an enhanced geothermal heating system in northeast China: Field hydraulic stimulation and heat production forecast[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2015, 88: 1-14.(SCI)
(8)Xu T, Feng G, Shi Y. On fluid–rock chemical interaction in CO 2-based geothermal systems[J]. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2014, 144: 179-193.(SCI)
(9)Yang L, Xu T, Yang B, et al. Effects of mineral composition and heterogeneity on the reservoir quality evolution with CO2 intrusion[J]. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2014, 15(3): 605-618.(SCI)
(10)Tian H, Pan F, Xu T, et al. Impacts of hydrological heterogeneities on caprock mineral alteration and containment of CO 2 in geological storage sites[J]. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014, 24: 30-42.(SCI)
(11)Xu T, Yue G, Wang F, et al. Using natural CO 2 reservoir to constrain geochemical models for CO 2 geological sequestration[J]. Applied Geochemistry, 2014, 43: 22-34.(SCI)
(12)Wang, T., Wang, H., Zhang, F., & Xu, T. Simulation of CO 2–water–rock interactions on geologic CO 2 sequestration under geological conditions of China[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2013, 76(1): 307-314.(SCI)
(13)Tian H, Xu T, Wang F, et al. A numerical study of mineral alteration and self-sealing efficiency of a caprock for CO2 geological storage[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2014, 9(1): 87-100.(SCI)
(14)Xu T, Zheng L, Tian H. Reactive transport modeling for CO 2 geological sequestration[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2011, 78(3): 765-777.(SCI)
(15)Xu T, Kharaka Y K, Doughty C, et al. Reactive transport modeling to study changes in water chemistry induced by CO 2 injection at the Frio-I Brine Pilot[J]. Chemical Geology, 2010, 271(3): 153-164.(SCI)
(16)Xu T, Rose P, Fayer S, et al. On modeling of chemical stimulation of an enhanced geothermal system using a high pH solution with chelating agent[J]. Geofluids, 2009, 9(2): 167-177.(SCI)
(17)Xu T. Incorporating aqueous reaction kinetics and biodegradation into TOUGHREACT: applying a multiregion model to hydrobiogeochemical transport of denitrification and sulfate reduction[J]. Vadose Zone Journal, 2008, 7(1): 305-315.(SCI)
(18)Xu T, Senger R, Finsterle S. Corrosion-induced gas generation in a nuclear waste repository: Reactive geochemistry and multiphase flow effects[J]. Applied Geochemistry, 2008, 23(12): 3423-3433.(SCI)
(19)Xu T, Apps J A, Pruess K, et al. Numerical modeling of injection and mineral trapping of CO 2 with H 2 S and SO 2 in a sandstone formation[J]. Chemical Geology, 2007, 242(3): 319-346.(SCI)
(20)Xu T, Apps J A, Pruess K. Mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide in a sandstone–shale system[J]. Chemical geology, 2005, 217(3): 295-318.(SCI)
(21)魏銘聰, 許天福, 劉肖, 金光榮, 曹玉清, & 劉娜. 甲烷滲漏環境中硫酸鹽還原對水化學組分的影響[J]. 天然氣地球科學, 2015, 26(12): 2372-2380.(EI)
(22)金光榮, 許天福, 劉肖, 辛欣, & 劉昌嶺. 天然氣水合物降壓熱激法模擬開採方案最佳化研究[J]. 中南大學學報: 自然科學版, 2015, 46(4): 1534-1543.(EI)
(23)雷宏武, 金光榮, 石岩, 李佳琦, 王福剛, & 許天福. 地下熱-水動力-力學耦合過程數值模擬: 以 CO2 地質儲存為例[J]. 岩土力學, 2014, 35(8): 2415-2425.(EI)
(24)那金, 馮波, 蘭乘宇, 許天福, & 鮑新華. CO2 化學刺激劑對增強地熱系統熱儲層的改造作用[J]. 地熱能, 2015 (3): 19-29.(EI)
(25)魏曉輝, 李維山, 李洪亮, 朱彤, & 許天福. 耦合溶質運移和化學反應模擬的並行最佳化[J]. 吉林大學學報: 理學版, 2013, 51(3): 453-458.(EI)
(26)魏曉輝, 朱彤, 李洪亮, 李維山, & 許天福. 地下多相流動數值模擬的 GPU 並行最佳化[J]. 吉林大學學報: 理學版, 2013, 51(2): 250-256.(EI)
(27)石岩, 許天福, 王福剛, 田海龍, & 雷宏武. 導熱與導熱-滲流作用下淺層地能熱量輸運數值模擬[J]. 吉林大學學報: 地球科學版, 2012 (S2): 379-385.(EI)
(28)許天福, 金光榮, 岳高凡, 雷宏武, & 王福剛. 地下多組分反應溶質運移數值模擬: 地質資源和環境研究的新方法[J]. 吉林大學學報: 地球科學版, 2012, 42(5): 1410-1425.(EI)
(29)Tian H, Xu T, Wang F. Simulation and analysis of geological Sequestration environment factors change caused by CO 2 injection[C]//Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE), 2011 International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 8484-8487.(EI)


