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  • 中文名:袁健
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:研究員 




美國癌症協會(AACR)會員 ;
Mayo Clinic Research Fellow’s Association(梅奧醫院研究學者聯合會會員);
International Journal of Biological Sciences雜誌審稿人 ;
Nucleic Acids Research 雜誌審稿人 。


共發表SCI論文18篇,通訊作者及第一作者8篇,主要論著在《Cell》、《Nature Cell Biology》、《Genes&development》、《Journal of Cell Biology》、《EMBO J》、《Cell Cycle》及《J Biol Chem》等國際雜誌上發表。國際SCI期刊《Cell》,《Science》子刊《Science signaling》及《Journal of Cell Biology》等對這些研究成果進行了重點評述。 《Cell》對其研究成果評述道:“這項研究圍繞人類重要抑癌基因p53展開,為歷經30年的p53研究提供了新的方向,為進一步以p53為靶點的基因治療提供新的理論依據。”


1. Yuan J(袁健), Luo K, Zhang L, Cheville J , Lou Z. USP10 Regulates p53 Localization and Stability by Deubiquitinating p53. Cell 2010 Feb 5;140(3):384-96. (Highlighted by Cell. 2010 Feb 5;140(3):308-10.) (IF=31.253)
2. Yuan J(袁健)*, Luo K,tongzheng Liu, Lou Z*. Regulation of SIRT1 activity by genotoxic stress. Genes&Development 2012 Apr 15;26(8):791-6. (IF=12.889) (共同通訊作者及第一作者)
3. Luo K, Zhang H, Wang L, Yuan J(袁健)*, Lou Z*. Sumoylation of MDC1 is important for proper DNA damage response. EMBO J 2012 May 25. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2012.158. (IF=10.124) (共同通訊作者)
4. Yuan J(袁健), Minter-Dykhouse K, Lou Z. A c-Myc-SIRT1 feedback loop regulates cell growth and transformation.J Cell Biol. 2009 Apr 20;185(2):203-11. (Highlighted by J Cell Biol. 2009 Apr 20;185(2):203-11. and reported by The BCN (Breast Cancer.Net) News 23 Apr 2009) (IF=9.12)
5. Luo K, Yuan J(袁健), Chen J, Lou Z. Topoisomerase IIalpha controls the decatenation checkpoint. Nat Cell Biol. 2009 Feb;11(2):204-10. (IF=17.774)
6. Yuan J(袁健), Pu M, Zhang Z, Lou Z. Histone H3-K56 acetylation is important for genomic stability in mammals. Cell Cycle. 2009 Jun 1;8(11):1747-53. (IF=4.12)
7. Luo K, Yuan J(袁健), Lou Z. Oligomerization of MDC1 Protein Is Important for Proper DNA Damage Response. J Biol Chem. 2011 Aug 12;286(32):28192-9.(並列第一作者)(IF=5.328)
8. Yuan J(袁健), Tang W, Luo K, Chen X, Gu X, Wan B, Yu L. Cloning and characterization of the human gene DERP6, which activates transcriptional activities of p53. Mol Biol Rep. 2006 Sep; 33(3): 151-8.
9. Yuan J(袁健), Shan Y, Chen X, Tang W, Luo K, Ni J, Wan B, Yu L. Identification and characterization of RHEBL1, a novel member of Ras family, which activates transcriptional activities of NF-kappa B. Mol Biol Rep. 2005 Dec;32(4):205-14.
10. Tang W, Yuan J(袁健), Chen X, Gu X, Luo K, Li J, Wan B, Wang Y, Yu L. Identification of a novel human lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, LPAAT-theta, which activates mTOR pathway. J Biochem Mol Biol. 2006 Sep; 39(5):626-35.
11. Guo Z, Yuan J(袁健), Tang W, Chen X, Gu X, Luo K, Wang Y, Wan B, Wang Y, Yu L. Cloning and Characterization of the human gene RAP2C, a novel member of Ras family, which activates transcriptional activities of SRE. Mol Biol Rep. 2007 Sep; 34(3):137-44. (並列第一作者)


