暗黑破壞神3(2017-PATCH 2.4.3) (Windows)
潛行者:晴空(2008) (Windows)
孤島危機:彈頭(2008) (Windows)
帝國:全面戰爭(2009) (Windows)
無主之地(2009) (Windows and Xbox 360 versions)
極度恐慌2:起源計畫(2009) (Windows)
蝙蝠俠:阿卡姆瘋人院' (2009) (Windows and Xbox 360 versions)
神秘海域2:縱橫四海(2009) (PlayStation 3)
潛行者:普里皮亞季的召喚(2009) (Windows)
拿破崙:全面戰爭(2010) (Windows)
捷運2033(2010) (Windows and Xbox 360 versions)
光環:致遠星(2010) (Xbox 360)
星際爭霸II:自由之翼(2010) (Windows) (after Patch 1.2.0 released 1/12/2011)
武裝突襲2(2009-2010) (Windows)
工人物語7:王國之路(2010) (Windows)
黑手黨II(2010) (Windows and Xbox 360)
失憶症:黑暗後裔(2010) (Windows)
刺客信條:兄弟會(2010) (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360)
戰地:叛逆連隊2(2010) (Windows) (uses HBAO - improved form of SSAO)
孤島危機2(2011) (Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3)
黑色洛城(2011) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows)
黑客入侵:人類革命(2011) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows)
死亡島(2011) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows)
戰地3(2011) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows)
使命召喚:現代戰爭3(2011) (Windows version only)
黑街聖徒3(2011) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows)
極度恐慌3(2011) (Windows and Xbox 360)
魔獸世界:熊貓人之謎(2012) (Windows) (該特性首次使用於熊貓人之謎資料包)