蘇冬蔚,現任暨南大學經濟學院微觀金融研究中心主任、廣東經濟學會中青年學術委員會常務理事、廣東省高、中級專業技術資格評審委員會專家、國家社會科學基金和國家自然科學基金通訊評議專家以及《經濟研究》和《世界經濟》匿名審稿專家,曾任美國Sandra Ann Morsilli亞太金融市場研究中心研究員、加拿大蒙基爾大學(McGill University)金融教育與研究中心專家、澳門科技大學訪問教授、美國國家科學基金會和香港大學資助局通訊評議專家、美國Unext.com遠程教學顧問及中國留美金融協會理事和總編輯 。
(1) "Stock Price Performance Around Earnings Releases", 2003,Review of Financial Economics 12: 271-286.
(2) "Adverse Selection v. Signaling: Evidence from the Pricing ofChinese IPOs", 2004, Journal of Economics and Business 56: 1-19.
(3) "Leverage, Insider Ownership, and the Underpricing of ChineseIPOs", 2004, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions& Money 14: 37-54.
(4) "Corporate Finance and State Enterprise Reform in China", 2005,China Economic Review 16: 118-148. (SSCI Journal)
(5) "Industrial Diversification, Partial Privatization and FirmValuation: Evidence from Publicly Listed Firms in China", 2008,Journal of Corporate Finance 14: 405-417(with Chen Lin) (SSCIJournal).
(6) "Corporate Governance and Firm Efficiency: Evidence from China'sPublicly Listed Firms", 2009, Managerial and Decision Economics 30:193-209 (with Chen Lin and Yue Ma).
(7) "Does State Control Affect Managerial Incentives? Evidence from China's Publicly Listed Firms", 2009, Journal of Business Economicsand Management 10: 291-311(with Chen Lin) (SSCI Journal).
(8) "Executive Pay at Publicly Listed Firms in China", 2011, EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change 59: 271-292 (with Chen Lin and WeiShen) (SSCI Journal).
(9) "An Empirical Analysis of Industry Momentum in Chinese Stockmarkets", 2011, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, forthcoming (SSCIJournal).
(10) "State Ownership, Corporate Tournament and Executive Compensation:Evidence from Publicly Listed Firms in China", 2011, SingaporeEconomic Review, forthcoming (SSCI Journal).