

薛雷,北京大學生物系學士,中國科學院上海細胞生物學研究所碩士,瑞士蘇黎世大學分子生物學研究所博士,美國耶魯大學醫學院博士後。 歷任耶魯大學醫學院副研究員 (Associate Research Scientist),霍華德修斯醫學研究院 (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) 研究專家 (Research Specialist),自2008年9月起任同濟大學生命科學與技術學院教授,博導,首席科學家。


  • 中文名:薛雷
  • 畢業院校:瑞士蘇黎世大學分子生物學研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:腫瘤發生的分子遺傳學機制
  • 職務:博士生導師


The molecular and genetic mechanism of tumorigenesis.
2. 細胞凋亡的分子生物學機制
The molecular mechanism of apoptosis.
The molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease.
Genetic regulation of embryonic development and organogenesis by Pax genes.
A screen for Chinese herbal medicines against tumor metastasis and neurodegenerative diseases.




1.S Zhang, X Guo, H Wu, Y Sun, X Ma, J Li, Q Xu, C Wu, Q Li, C Jiang, W Li, MS Ho, Z Lv, and L Xue* (2019) Wingless modulates activator protein-1-mediated tumor invasion. Oncogene. doi: 10.1038/s41388-018-0629-x
2.Y Sun, D Zhang, X Guo, W Li, C Li, J Luo, M Zhou and L Xue* (2019) MKK3 modulates JNK-dependent cell migration and invasion. Cell Death Dis. 10:149.
3.Y Sun, D Zhang, C Li, J Huang, W Li, Y Qiu, A Mao, M Zhou and L Xue* (2019) Lic regulates JNK‐mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Proliferation. e12593
4.X Ma, X Guo, HE Richardson, T Xu and L Xue* (2018) POSH regulates Hippo signaling through ubiquitin-mediated expanded degradation. PNAS115:2150-2155.
5.X Wang, X Huang, C Wu and L Xue* (2018) Pontin/Tip49 acts as a novel regulator of JNK pathway. Cell Death Disease9: 978.
6.X Wang, X Huang, C Wu and L Xue* (2018) Pontin/Tip49 negatively regulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila.Cell Death Discov.4:74.
7.X Wang, X Guo, Y Ma, C Wu, W Li and L Xue* (2018) APLP2 Modulates JNK-Dependent Cell Migration in Drosophila. BioMed Research International: Article ID 7469714.
8.X Ma, H Wang, J Ji, W Xu, Y Sun, W Li, X Zhang, J Chen and L Xue* (2017) Hippo Signaling Promotes JNK-dependent Cell Migration. PNAS114:1934-1939.
9.X Ma, J Huang, Y Tian,Y Chen, Y Yang, X Zhang*, F Zhang*and L Xue*(2017) Myc Suppresses Tumor Invasion and Cell Migration by inhibiting JNK Signaling. Oncogene36:3159-3167
10.X Wang, Y Sun, S Han, C Wu, Y Ma, Y Zhao, Y Shao, Y Chen, L Kong, W Li, F Zhang, L Xue*(2017) Amyloid precursor like protein-1 promotes JNK-mediated cell migration in Drosophila. Oncotarget8:49725-49734.
11.J Huang, Y Feng, X Chen, W Li and L Xue* (2017) Myc inhibits JNK-mediated cell death in vivo. Apoptosis22:479-490
12.P Ren, W Li and L Xue* (2017) GLYAT regulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila.Scientific Reports7:5183.
13.L Zhuang, Y Sun, M Hu, C Wu, X La, X Chen, Y Feng, X Wang, Y Hu*and L Xue*(2016) Or47b plays a role in Drosophila males’ preference for younger mates. Open Biology6: 160086.
14.S Zhang, X Guo, C Chen, Y Chen, J Li, Y Sun, C Wu, Y Yang, C Jiang, W Li* and L Xue*(2016) dFoxO promotes Wingless signaling in Drosophila. Scientific Reports6:22348.
15.X Ma, Y Chen, S Zhang, W Xu, Y Shao, Y Yang, W Li, M Li*and L Xue* (2016) Rho1–Wnd signaling regulates loss-of-cell polarity-induced cell invasion in Drosophila.Oncogene35, 846–855.
16.X Ma, Y Chen, W Xu, N Wu, M Li, Y Cao, S Wu, Q Li and L Xue* (2015) Impaired Hippo signaling promotes Rho1-JNK-dependent growth. PNAS112:1065-70.
17.C Wu, Y Chen, F Wang, C Chen, S Zhang, C Li, W Li, S Wu and L Xue* (2015) Pelle Modulates dFoxO-Mediated Cell Death in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics11:e1005589.
18.F Peng, Y Zhao, X Huang, C Chen, L Sun, L Zhuang and L Xue* (2015) Loss of Polo ameliorates APP-induced Alzheimer’s disease-like symptoms in Drosophila. Scientific Reports5:16816/DOI: 10.1038/srep16816.
19.Y Hu, Y Han, Y Shao, X Wang, Y Ma, E Ling and L Xue* (2015) Gr33a Modulates Drosophila Male Courtship Preference. Scientific Reports5:7777
20.X Ma, W Xu, D Zhang, Y Yang, W Li and L Xue*(2015) Wallenda regulates JNK-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Death Disease6, e1737.
21.S Zhang, C Chen, C Wu, Y Yang, W Li and L Xue*(2015) The canonical Wg signaling modulates Bsk-mediated cell death in Drosophila. Cell Death Disease6, e1713.
22.C Wu, C Chen, J Dai, F Zhang, Y Chen, W Li, J Pastor-Pareja and L Xue*(2015) Toll pathway modulates TNF-induced JNK-dependent cell death in Drosophila. Open Biology5: 140171
23.L Li, P Li and L Xue* (2015) The RED domain of Paired is specifically required for Drosophila accessory gland maturation. Open Biology5: 140179
24.J Huang and L Xue*(2015) Loss of flfl Triggers JNK-Dependent Cell Death in Drosophila. BioMed Research International: Article ID 623573.
25.X Wang, Y Ma, Y Zhao, Y Chen, Y Hu, C Chen, Y Shao and L Xue* (2015) APLP1 promotes dFoxO-dependent cell death in Drosophila. Apoptosis 20, 778-786.
26.X Wang, Z Wang, Y Chen, X Huang, Y Hu, R Zhang, M S Ho and L Xue* (2014)FoxO Mediates APP-Induced AICD-Dependent Cell Death. Cell Death Disease5, e1233.
27.Y Hu, Y Han, X Wang and L Xue* (2014) Aging-related Neurodegeneration Eliminates Male Courtship Choice in Drosophila. Neurobiology of Aging35, 2174-2178.
28.X Ma, W Li, H Yu, Y Yang, M Li, L Xue*and T Xu* (2014) Bendless modulates JNK-mediated cell death and migration in Drosophila. Cell Death Diff.21, 407-415.
29.H Yang, W Li, H Yu, R Yuan, Y Yang, K Pung, P Li and L Xue*(2013) Physiological Effects of L-Theanine on Drosophila melanogaster. Molecules18,13175-13187.
30.X Ma, Y Shao, H Zheng, M Li, W Li* and L Xue* (2013) Src42A modulates tumor invasion and cell death via Ben/dUev1a-mediated JNK activation in Drosophila. Cell Death Disease 4, e864.
31.X Ma, L Yang, Y Yang, M Li, W Li* and L Xue* (2013) dUev1aModulates TNF-JNK Mediated Tumor Progression and Cell Death in Drosophila. Dev. Biol.380, 211-221.
32.W Li, S Li, S Zhang and L Xue* (2012) A Broad Expression Profile of the GMR-GAL4 driver in Drosophila melanogaster. Genet. Mol. Res.11, 1997-2002.
33.X Ma, J Huang, YYang, W Li and L Xue* (2012) NOPO Modulates Egr- induced JNK- independent cell death in Drosophila. Cell Research22, 425-431.


