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  • 中文名:薛照輝
  • 專業方向:基於天然產物活性和功能因子的化學結構與生物活性
  • 職稱天津大學化工學院副教授
天津市食品學會常務理事;國家自然科學基金委員會同行評議專家、河北省自然科學基金評議專家;Food Research International、Food and Bioprocess Technology、食品科學、食品安全質量檢測學報等國內外期刊審稿專家。
學術成就:1. 天津市年度食品科技創新先進工作者(2013年)
2. 教育部科技進步獎二等獎(2007年)
3. 湖北省科技進步獎二等獎(2006年)
4. 天津市年度食品科技優秀管理帶頭人(2005年)
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31571825),2016/01-2019/12(主持)。
2. 天津市自然科學基金(15JCYBJC30100),2015/4-2018/3(主持)。
3. 天津市重點實驗室開放課題(YF117100102),2014/12-2016/12(主持)。
4. 天津大學自主創新基金(2017XQ-0001),2017/01-2017/12(主持)。
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(31271979),2013/01-2016/12(主持)。
6. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(30800767),2009/01-2011/12(主持)。
7. 天津大學自主創新基金(2010XJ-0216),2010/01-2010/12(主持)。
8. 企業合作:鷹嘴豆肽開發與研究(G208182),2008/06-2010/06(主持)。
9. 企業合作:靈芝保健飲料研製(G207310),2006/12-2007/12(主持)。
10. 國家科技重大專項(2014Z1-0002),2014/1-2016/12(參加)。
11. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(20806053),2009/01-2011/12(參加)。
Zhaohui Xue,Qian Zhang, Wancong Yu, Haichao Wen, Xiaonan Hou, Dan Li, Xiaohong Kou*. Potential lipid-lowering mechanisms of Biochanin A.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2017,65:3842-3850.
Zhaohui Xue, Dan Li, Wancong Yu, Qian Zhang, Xiaonan Hou, Yulong He, Xiaohong Kou*. Mechanisms and therapeutic prospects of polyphenols as modulators of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor.Food & Function.2017,8(4):1414- 1437.
Zhaohui Xue, Xiaonan Hou, Wancong Yu, Haichao Wen, Qian Zhang, Dan Li, Xiaohong Kou*. Lipid metabolism potential and mechanism of CPe-III form Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Food Research International, DOI:10.1016/ j. foodres.2017.03.016.
Zhaohui Xue, Ru Wang, Wancong Yu, Xiaohong Kou. Cholesterol-lowering mechanisms of phytochemicals: a Review. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research,2017,15(3/4):111-122.
Zhaohui Xue,Jingfeng Hao, Wancong Yu, Xiaohong Kou*. Effects of processing and storage preservation technologies on nutritional quality and biological activities of edible fungi: a review. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2017, 40:e12429.
Jingfeng Hao,Xueya Zhang, Wancong Yu,Zhaohui Xue*,Xiaohong Kou*.Identification and evaluation of bioactivity against breast cancer of phytochemical from the mushroom Pleurotus nebrodensis. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms,2017, 19(9):839-848..
Zhaohui Xue, Aiqing Cheng, Yanni Li, Wancong Yu, Xiaohong Kou*. Investigating interaction between biochanin A and human serum albumin by multi-spectroscopic and molecular simulation methods. Transactions ofTianjinUniversity. 2017,23(4):325-333.
Zhaohui Xue, Haichao Wen, Cen Wang, Lijuan Zhai, Aiqing Cheng, Xiaohong Kou*. CPe-III-S metabolism in vitro and in vivo and molecular simulation of its metabolites using a p53-R273H mutant. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2016,64(38):7095-9103.
Zhaohui Xue, Jiaomei Li, Wancong Yu,Xiaohong Kou*. Effects of non- thermal preservation technologies on antioxidant activity of fruits: a review. Food Science and Technology International.2016,22(5):440-458.
Zhaohui Xue, Cen Wang, Lijuan Zhai, Wancong Yu, Huiru Chang, Xiaohong Kou*, Fengjuan Zhou*. Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of Mung Bean(Vigna radiate L.),Soybean(Glycine max L.) and Black Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during the germination process.Czech Journal of Food Science,2016, 35(1):79-86.
Zhaohui Xue, Haichao Wen, Lijuan Zhai, Yanqing Yu,Yanni Li, Wancong Yu, Aiqing Cheng, Cen Wang, Xiaohong Kou*.Antioxidant activity and anti- proliferative effect of a bioactive peptide from Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Food Research International.2015,77:75-81.
Zhaohui Xue, Jiaomei Li, Aiqing Cheng, Wancong Yu, Zhijun Zhang, Xiaohong Kou*,Fengjuan Zhou*.Structure identification of triterpene from the mushroom pleurotus eryngii with inhibitory effects against breast cancer.Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 2015,70(3): 291-296.
Zhaohui Xue, Lijuan Zhai, Wancong Yu, Hua Wang, Xiaohong Kou*, Lvyang Peng, Dongmei Hu. Antitumor and immunomodulatory activity of Pleurotus eryngiiextract. Journal of Food Biochemistry.2015,39:19-27.


