2. Chen Li, Mengxue Wu, Qing Chen Zhengwu Jiang*. Chemical and mineralogical alterations of concrete subjected to chemical attacks in complex underground tunnel environments during 20-36 years, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018, 86: 139~159.
3、Chen Li; Hongbo Zhu*; Mengxue Wu; Kaifan Wu; Zhengwu Jiang*. Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash modified by fluidized bed reactor-vapor deposition. Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, 92: 8~109.
4、Zhengwu Jiang; Wenting Li*; Zhengcheng Yuan. Influence of mineral additives and environmental conditions on the self-healing capabilities of cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2015, 57: 116~127.
5、Wenting Li; Zhengwu Jiang* ; Zhenghong Yang. Acoustic characterization of damage and healing of microencapsulation-based self-healing cement matrices. Cement and Concrete Composite, 2017, 84: 48~61.
6、Haoxin Li; Zhengwu Jiang*; Xiaojie Yang; Long Yu; Guofang Zhang; Jianguo Wu; XiangYong Liu, Sustainable resource opportunity for cane molasses: use of cane molasses as a grinding aid in the production of Portland cement. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 93: 56~64.
7、Zhengwu Jiang *; Chen Qian; Qing Chen. Experimental investigation on the volume stability of magnesium phosphate cement with different types of mineral admixtures. Construction and Building Mateirals, 2017, 157: 10~17.
8、Hongbo Zhu; Chen Li*; Yijie Cheng; ; Kaifan Wu, Zhengwu Jiang*. Pozzolanicity of fly ash modified by fluidized bed reactor-vapor deposition. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 156: 719~727.
9、Qing Chen, Zhengwu Jiang*, Hehua Zhu; Ju J. Woody; Zhiguo Yan, Micromechanical framework for saturated concrete repaired by the electrochemical deposition method with interfacial transition zone effects. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2016.09.25, 26(2): 210~228.
10. Qing Chen, Zhengwu* Jiang, Zhenghong Yang, Hehua Zhu, Ju, J. Woody, Zhiguo Yan, Yaqiong Wang, Differential-scheme based micromechanical framework for unsaturated concrete repaired by the electrochemical deposition method. Materials and Structures, 2016.09.26, 49(12): 5183~193.