蔡啟瑞( 1914.1.7-2016.10.3),福建同安人(今為廈門市翔安區),物理化學家 ,中國催化科學研究與配位催化理論概念的奠基人和開拓者,中國科學院資深院士。
- 中文名:蔡啟瑞
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:福建同安
- 出生日期:1914年1月7日
- 逝世日期:2016年10月3日
- 職業:物理化學家
- 畢業院校:廈門大學、美國俄亥俄州立大學
- 主要成就:中國催化科學研究與配位催化理論概念的奠基人和開拓者
- 代表作品:《有機酸混合物萃取分析法》
- X. Dong, H.B. Zhang, G.D. Lin, Y.Z. Yuan, K.R. Tsai, Highly active CNT-promoted Cu-ZnO-Al2O3 catalyst for methanol synthesis from H-2/CO/CO2, Catal. Lett., 85(3-4), 237-246 (2003).
- H.B. Zhang, G.D. Lin, H.L. Wan, Y.D. Liu, W.Z. Weng, J.X. Cai, Y.F. Shen, K.R. Tsai, Active-oxygen species on non-reducible rare-earth-oxide-based catalysts in oxidative coupling of methane, Catal. Lett., 73(2-4), 141-147 (2001).
- K.R. Tsai, D.A. Chen, H.L. Wan, H.B. Zhang, G.D. Lin, P.X. Zhang, Forty years of applied catalysis research at Xiamen University and its interaction with fundamental catalysis research, Catal. Today, 51(1), 3-23 (1999).
- H.L. Wan, Y.Z, Yuan, J.X. Gao, H.B. Zhang, K.R. Tsai, Evolution and significance of molecular design conception in the development of stereo-selective transition-metal complex catalysts, Chem. J. Chinese Univ.(in Chinese), 18(7), 1185-1193 (1997).
- H.L. Wan, J.W. Huang, F.Z. Zhang, Y.Wu, L.S. Xu, J.L. Li, K.R. Tsai, Molecular recognition in nitrogenase catalysis and two proton-relay pathways from P-cluster to M-center, In C. Elmerich, A. Kondorosi, W.E. Newton, eds., 'Biological Nitrogen Fixation for the 21st Century' (Proc. of the 11th Int. Congr. on Nitrogen Fixation), 78-79. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1997).
- H.L. Wan, J.W. Huang, F.Z. Zhang, Z.H. Zhou, H.T. Zhang, L.S. Xu, K.R. Tsai, Chemical probe approach in the study of structure-function relationship of nitrogenase M-cluster and P-cluster pair. J Xiamen Univ. (Nat. Sci.) (in Chinese), 35, 890-899 (1996).
- K.R. Tsai, H.L. Wan, On the structure-function relationship of nitrogenase M-cluster and P-cluster pair, J. Cluster Sci, 6(4), 495-501 (1995).
- Y.D. Liu, H.B. Zhang, G.D. Lin, K.R. Tsai, Molecular catalysis in oxidative coupling of methane, In K.R. Tsai, S.Y. Peng et al. eds. 'Catalysis in C1 Chemistry(in Chinese)', 47-78. Beijing: Chem Ind. Press (1995).
- H.Y. Wang, J.P. Liu, K.R. Tsai, Molecular catalysis in ethanol synthesis from syngas, In K.R. Tsai,S.Y. Peng et al. eds. Catalysis in C1 Chemistry(in Chinese), 167-186, Beijing: Chem Ind. Press (1995).
- Y.D. Liu, H.B. Zhang, G.D. Lin, Y.Y. Liao, K.R. Tsai, Insitu Raman spectroscopic study of oxygen adspecies on a Th-La-Ox catalyst for methane oxidative coupling reaction, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 1871-1872 (1994).
- H.Y. Wang, J.P. Liu, J.K. Fu, H.L. Wan, K.R. Tsai, Study on the mechanism of ethanol synthesis from syngas by insitu chemical trapping and isotopic exchange reactions, Catal. Lett., 12, 87-96 (1992).
- Y.H. Du, D.A. Chen, K.R. Tsai, Promoter action of rare-earth oxidesin Rh/SiO2 catalysts for conversion of syngas to ethanol, Appl. Catal., 35, 77-92 (1987).
- J.P. Liu, H.Y. Wang, J.K. Fu, Y.G. Li, K.R. Tsai, In situ chemical trapping of ketene intermediate in syngas conversion to ethanol over promoted rhodium catalysts, Proc. 9th Intl, Congr. Catal, 537-544, (Calgary, 1988).
- D.W. Liao, H.B. Zhang, Z.Q. Wang, K.R. Tsai, Raman Spectra of Chemisorbed Species on Ammonia Synthesis Iron Catalysts, Scientia Sinica( Ser. B), (Engl. Ed.), 30(3), 246 (1987).
- K.R. Tsai, H.L. Wan, Corodination catalysis by transition metal complexes, in M. Tsutsui,Y. Ishi, Y.Z. Huang eds. 'Fund. Res. Organomet. Chem.', 1-12, Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, U.S.A., (1982).
- K.R. Tsai, Development of a model of nitrogenase active-centre and mechanism of nitrogenase catalysis, In W.E. Newton,W.H. Orme-Johnson eds ' Nitrogen Fixation', Vol. I, 373-387 Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, U.S.A. (1980).
- K.R. Tsai, Catalysis by coordination activation, Chinese Uinv. J. Nat. Sci. (Chem. & C. E., Test. Ed.)(in Chinese), 470-486 (1965).
- T.J. Zhou, H.L. Wan, K.R. Tsai, Polarization field, polarization energy, and lattice energy of α-TiCl3 layer crystal, J. Xiamen Univ. ( Nat. Sci.)(in Chinese), 11(1), 1-10 (1964).
- K.R. Tsai, Estimation of repulsive exponents in the calculation of lattice energies of ionic crystals, Scientia Sinica(in Chinese), 13, 47 (1964).
- J.X. Lin, K.R. Tsai, Spontaneous polarization, polarization energy and lattice energy of barium titanate crystals, J. Xiamen Univ. ( Nat. Sci.) (in Chinese), 9(2), 79-86 (1962).
獲獎時間 | 獎項名稱 | 備註 |
1979 | 榮獲全國勞動模範稱號 | 獲獎 |
獲獎時間 | 獎項名稱 | 備註 |
2005 | 獲福建省科學技術重大貢獻獎 | 獲獎 |
1999 | 獲得何梁何利基金科技進步獎 | 獲獎 |