



  • 中文名:葉繼丹
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1966年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師








[1] 主持國家自然科學基金項目“利用代謝組學方法研究牛磺酸調控魚類生長的機制(31372546)”,2014.1-2017.12。
[2] 主持福建省自然科學基金項目“飼料直鏈/支鏈澱粉比及其與蛋白和脂肪互作對羅非魚糖代謝影響的研究(2012J01141)”,2012.01-2014.12。
[3] 主持廈門市科技計畫項目“石斑魚飼料的研發(3502Z20120013)”,2012.09-2015.08。


[1] J-D Ye, X-H Liu, J-H Kong, K Wang, Y-Z Sun, C-X Zhang, S-W Zhai, K Song. The evaluation of practical diets on a basis of digestible crude protein, lysine and methionine for Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2012, 18: 651-661.
[2] Ji-dan Ye, Kun Wang, Fu-dong Li, Yun-zhang Sun, Xiang-he Liu. Incorporation of a mixture of meat and bone meal, poultry by-product meal, blood meal and corn gluten meal as a replacement for fish meal in practical diets of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei at two dietary protein levels. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2011, 17: e337-e347.
[3] Ji-dan Ye*, Kun Wang, Fu-dong Li, Yun-zhang Sun. Single or combined effects of fructo- and mannan oligosaccharide supplements and Bacillus clausii on the growth, feed utilization, body composition, digestive enzyme activity, innate immune response and lipid metabolism of the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2011, 17: e902-e911.
[4] Jidan Ye*, Xianghe Liu, Zijia Wang, Kun Wang. Effect of partial fish meal replacement by soybean meal on the growth performance and biochemical indices of juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Aquaculture International, 2011, 19: 143-153.
[5] Ji-dan Ye*, Kun Wang, Fu-dong Li, Yun-zhang Sun. Effects of long-term dietary administration of β-glucan on tissue enzyme activity and disease resistance in common carp, Cyprinus carpio. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 2011, IIC: 63.2011.664, 6 pages.
[6] Xiang-he Liu, Ji-dan Ye, Kun Wang, Jiang-hong Kong, Wei Yang, Lei Zhou. Partial replacement of fish meal with peanut meal in practical diets for Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43: 745-755.
[7] X.-H. Liu, J.-D. Ye*, J.-H. Kong, K. Wang, A.-L. Wang. Apparent digestibility of 12 protein-origin ingredients for the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 2013, 75: 90-98.
[8] Xiao-Hui Dong, Yun-Xue Guo, Ji-Dan Ye, Wen-Dong Song, Xiang-Hu Huang, Hui Wang. Apparent digestibility of selected feed ingredients in diets for juvenile hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus ×Oreochromis aureus. Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41: 1365-1364.
[9] Yang HL, Sun YZ, Ma RL, Ye JD. PCR-DGGE analysis of the autochthonous gut microbiota of grouper Epinephelus coioides following probiotic Bacillus clausii administration. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43: 489-497.
[10]Sun Y-Z, Yang H-L, Ma R-L, Huang K-P, Ye J-D. Culture-independent characterization of the autochthonous gut microbiota of grouper Epinephelus coioides following the administration of probiotic Enterococcus faecium. Aquaculture International, 2012, 20: 791-801.
[11]王和偉, 葉繼丹*, 陳建春. 牛磺酸在魚類營養中的作用及其在魚類飼料中的套用. 動物營養學報, 2013, 25(7): 1418-1428.
[12]楊偉, 葉繼丹*, 王琨,孫雲章, 張春曉, 翟少偉, 宋凱. 斜帶石斑魚經葡萄糖灌餵後的代謝反應. 水生生物學報, 2012, 36(3): 563-568.
[13]劉襄河, 葉繼丹*, 王子甲, 王琨, 孔江紅. 飼料中豆粕部分替代魚粉對牙鮃生長及生化指標的影響. 水產學報, 2010, 34(3): 450-458.


[1] “一種蝦複合蛋白飼料及其製備方法”獲2011年度授權國家發明專利(ZL200810072490.0),完成人:葉繼丹、關瑞章、張春曉、李富東。
[2] “一種蝦配合飼料及製備方法” 獲2011年度授權國家發明專利(ZL200810072489.8),完成人:葉繼丹、關瑞章、張春曉、李富東。
[3] “棉酚對主要養殖魚類毒性作用的研究”獲1994年度農業部科技進步三等獎,完成人:富惠光、葉繼丹、盧彤岩、張良、梁志龍。
[4] “海水魚育苗用環保型防病微顆粒配合飼料的研製”獲2007年度廈門市科技進步二等獎(2007.11/xk20070086),完成人:常建波、陳政強、黎中寶、葉繼丹、謝欽銘、張美華。
[5] “烏蘇里擬鱨人工繁育及規模化養殖技術研究”獲2007年度黑龍江省科技進步二等獎(2007/黑2005-1002),完成人:潘偉志、王鵬、趙春剛、葉繼丹、尹家勝、尹洪斌。
[6] “鱘鰉魚人工繁育與雜交技術及產業化開發研究”獲2004年度黑龍江省科技進步二等獎(2004.7/黑2003-0198),完成人:潘偉志、王鵬、趙春剛、葉繼丹、尹家勝、尹洪斌。
現擔任集美大學校學術帶頭人,集美大學水產動物營養與飼料學科創新團隊負責人,“廈門市飼料檢測與安全評價重點實驗室”主任,中國水產學會鮭魚類專業委員會委員,《集美大學學報》(自然科學版)編委,《水產學報》、《動物營養學報》、《大連海洋大學學報》、《Aquaculture Research》、《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》、《Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences》審稿人。


