



  • 中文名:葉保輝
  • 出生地:海南文昌
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:功能配合物和超分子化學
  • 任職院校:中山大學


1997年10月到中山大學化學與化學工程學院工作,期間獲日本學術振興會(JSPS)資助,在日本九州大學(Kyushu University)作博士後特別研究員(1999,7-2001,6)




研究方向:功能配合物和超分子化學。 主要研究興趣:(1) 結構新穎的框架、籠狀配合物設計和合成及在催化和分離方面的套用;(2) 釕、稀土配合物在感測器和光學材料方面的套用



1. 仿生水解酶的模研究(廣東省自然科學基金,編號021423398)
2. 手性配合物的識別及組裝(教育部,編號31240415001)
3. 金屬卟啉分子篩類雜化材料的合成及性質研究 (廣東省自然科學基金資助,編號031581)
4. 新型金屬卟啉多孔聚合物的合成及性質研究 (國家自然科學資助,編號20371052)


1. Template Trapping and Crystal Structure of the Magic Number (H2O)21Cluster in the Tetrahedral Hole of a Nanoscale Global Ion Packed in a Face-Centered Cubic PatternMan-LiCao, Jin-JiWu, Hao-JunMo,Bao-HuiYe*,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2009,131, 3458-3459.
2. Characterization of a Dinuclear MnV=O Complex and Its Efficient Evolution of O2in the Presence of Water Y. Shimazaki, T. Nagano, H. Takesue,Bao-Hui Ye, F. Tani, Y. Naruta,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2004,43, 98-100.
3. Metal-organic Molecular Architectures with 2,2’-Bipyridyl-like and Carboxylate LigandsBao-Hui Ye, Ming-Liang Tong, Xiao-Ming Chen*,Coord. Chem. Rev.2005,249, 545-565.
4. Spontaneous Chiral Resolution ofmer-[CoII(N,N,O-L3)2] Enantiomers Mediated byp-pInteractionsJin-Ji Wu, Man-Li Cao,Bao-Hui Ye*,Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 3687-3689.
5.Interlocking of Molecular Rhombi into a 2D Polyrotaxane Network via p-p Interactions. Crystal Structure of [Cu2(bpa)2(phen)2(H2O)2].2H2O (bpa2- = biphenyl-4,4’-dicarboxylate, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline)Gao-Feng Liu,Bao-Hui Ye, Y.-H. Liu, Xiao-Ming Chen*,Chem. Commun.2002, 1442-1443.
6. Novel Dimanganese(II) Complexes with (m-H2O)(m-OAc)2Bridges. Model for Dimanganese EnzymesBao-HuiYe, T. Mak, I. D. Williams and Xiao-Yuan Li*,Chem. Commun.1997, 1813-1814.
7. Formation of a Novel Tetranuclear Iron(III) Complex with a m4-PO4Bridge from 4-Nitrophenyl PhosphateBao-Hui Ye, Xiao-Yuan Li*, Feng Xue and T. C. W. Mak,Chem. Commun.1997, 2407-2408.
8. Ruthenium(II) 2,2′-Bibenzimidazole Complex as a Second-SphereReceptor for Anions Interaction and Colorimeter Ying Cui, Yan-Li Niu, Man-Li Cao, Ke Wang, Hao-Jun Mo, Yong-Rui Zhong, andBao-Hui Ye*,Inorg. Chem.2008,47, 5616-5624
9. Assembly of a Cubic Nanocage Co8L12and a Hydrogen-Bonded 3D NbONet Based on the [(HCO3)2]2-Synthon and Water Man-Li Cao, Hong-Guo Hao, Wei-Xiong Zhang, andBao-Hui Ye*,Inorg. Chem,2008,47, 8126-8133
10. A Copper(II) Ion-Selective ON-OFF Type Fluoroionophore Based on Zinc Porphyrin-DipyridylaminoYan-Qin Weng, Fan Yue, Yong-Rui Zhong andBao-Hui Ye*,Inorg. Chem.2007,46,7749-7755.
11. Anion Selective Interaction and Colorimeter by An Optical Metalloreceptor Based on Ruthenium(II) 2,2’-Biimidazole. Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer.Ying Cui, Hao-Jun Mo, Jin-Can Chen, Yan-Li Niu, Yong-Rui Zhong, Kang-Cheng Zheng, andBao-Hui Ye*,Inorg. Chem,2007,46,6427-6436
12. In Situ Solvothermal Generation of 1,2,4-Triazolates and Related Compounds from Organonitriles and Hydrazine Hydrate: A Mechanism Study LinCheng, Wei-Xiong Zhang,Bao-Hui Ye*,Jian-Bin Lin,Xiao-Ming Chen*,Inorg. Chem.2007,46, 1135-1143.
13. Pillared-layer Microporous Metal-organic Frameworks Constructed by Robust Hydrogen Bonds. Synthesis, Characterization, Magnetic and Adsorption Properties of 2,2’-Biimidazole and Carboxylate Complexes.Bing-Bing Ding, Yan-Qin Weng, Zong-Wan Mao, C.-K. Lam, Xiao-Ming Chen,Bao-Hui Ye*,Inorg. Chem.2005,44, 8836-8845.
14. Formation of One-dimensional Metal-water Chain Containing Cyclic Water Hexamers,Bao-Hui Ye*, Bing-Bing Ding, Yan-Qin Weng, Xiao-Ming Chen,Inorg. Chem.2004,43, 6866-6868.
15. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Di- and Tetranuclear Zinc Complexes with Phenolate and Carboxylate Bridges. Correlations between13C NMR Chemical Shifts and Carboxylate Binding ModesBao-Hui Ye*, Xiao-Yuan Li, I. D. Williams, Xiao-Ming Chen,Inorg. Chem.2002,41, 6426-6431.
16. The First Two Aqua-bridged Dimagnesium(II) complexes: Structural Models for Active Sites in Dimetallic HydrolasesBao-Hui Ye, T. Mak, I. D. Willams and Xiao-Yuan Li*,J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans.1998, 1935-1936.
17. Mononuclear Nickel Complexes Assembled into Two-dimensional Networks via Hydrogen Bonds andp-pStacking interactionsBao-Hui Ye*, Xiao-Ming Chen, Gen-Qiang Xue and Liang-Nian Ji,J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans.1998, 2827-2827.
18. Mono- and Binuclear Ruthenium(II) Complexes Containing a New Asymmetric Ligand 3-Pyrazyl-as-triazino[5,6-f]1,10-phenanthroline: Synthesis, Characterization and DNA-binding PropertiesXiao-Hua Zou,Bao-Hui Ye*, Hong Li, Jing-Gang Liu, Ya Xiong and Liang-Nian Ji,J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans.1999, 1423-1428.
19. A Novel Method for the Synthesis of Regiospcicically Sulfonated Porphyrin Monomers and Dimmers,Bao-Hui Ye*, Y. Naruta,Tetrahedron2003,59, 3593-3601.
20. Synthesesand Characterization of Aqua-bridged Dimetallic Complexes, M2(m-H2O)(m-OAc)2(Im)4(OAc)2( M = Mg2+, Mn2+and Ni2+). Structural Models for the Active Sites of Dimetallic HydrolasesBao-Hui Ye*, I. D. Williams, X.-Y. Li,J. Inorg.Biochem.2002,92, 128-136.


1994年“黑曲酶發酵生產葡萄糖酸鋅” 獲中國專利局發明專利,1996年3月27日公開,公開號:CN119213A。


1. 1996年“混配配合物的生物功能、作用機制及其套用探索”1996年獲廣東省自然科學一等獎。(第三完成人)
2. 1998年“金屬酶體系的結構、機制和模擬研究”獲國家教育部科技進步二等獎(基礎類)。(第三完成人)
3. 200年“金屬酶模型化合物的結構、生物功能、作用機制之間規律性” 獲中國高校自然科學二等獎。(第四完成人)


