



  • 書名:英語詩歌欣賞指南
  • 作者:何功傑、許慶紅
  • 出版社:安徽大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787566416544




Ⅰ. Poetry and Poetry Reading
1.1 Poetry Defined
1.2 Experiencing Poems
1.3 The Good of Reading Poems
1.4 How to Read a Poem
1.5 Tone
Ⅱ. The Language of Poetry
2.1 Levels of Language Formality
2.2 Different Views About Poetic Diction
Ⅲ. Words in Poetry
3.1 The Significance of Words to Poets
3.2 Poetic Diction
3.3 Archaisms
Ⅳ. Figurative Language
4.1 Simile and Metaphor
4.2 Metonymy and Synecdoche
4.3 Personification
4.4 Apostrophe
4.5 Hyperbole and Litotes
4.6 Paradox and Oxymoron
4.7 Conceit
4.8 Pun
4.9 Syllepsis and Zeugma
4.10 Repetition
Ⅴ. Other Figures of Speech
5.1 Allusion
5.2 Symbol
5.3 Allegory
5.4 Irony
Ⅵ. Imagery
6.1 Image and Imagery
6.2 Types of Imagery
6.3 Images and Figures of Speech
Ⅶ. Music Quality (Ⅰ)
7.1 Rhyme Defined
7.2 Kinds of Rhyme
Ⅷ. Music Quality
8.1 The Nature of Rhythm
8.2 Rhythm, Meaning and Emotion
8.3 Rhythm in Poetry
8.4 Meter
8.5 Verse Lines
8.6 Scansion
Ⅸ. Sound and Sense
9.1 Onomatopoeia
9.2 Phonetic Intensives
Ⅹ. Stanza Forms
10.1 Couplets
10.2 Triplets——Tercet and Terza Rima
10.3 Quatrain


