



  • 書名:英語作為外語的課堂問答話語語用研究
  • 又名:A Pragmatic Study on the EFL Classroom Question-answer Discourse
  • ISBN:9787030227683
  • 頁數:188
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版(2008年5月1日)
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 正文語種:英語
  • 尺寸:21 x 15 x 1.8 cm
  • 重量:399 g




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of the Study
1.2 Rationale for the Study
1.3 Methodology and Data for the Study
1.3.1 Methodology
1.3.2 Data collection
1.3.3 Data description
1.3.4 Limitations in data collection
1.4 Outline of the Book
Chapter 2 Review of Discourse Analysis
2.1 Discourse Analysis
2.1.1 Early attempts
2.1.2 Sociological approach
2.1.3 Sociolinguistic approach
2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis
2.2.1 Discourse as power/knowledge
2.2.2 Discourse as social practice
2.2.3 Discourse as(re)production of dominance
2.2.4 Critique
2.3 Classroom Discourse Analysis
213.1Hierarchical rank model
2.3.2 Instructional phase
2.3.3 Language classroom research
2.3.4 Critical analysis of classroom discourse
2.3.5 Classroom question and answer research
Chapter 3 Pragmatic Theories for the Study
3.1.1 What is context?
3.1.2 The context-bound study
3.1.3 The context-bound discourse
3.2 Speech Act Theory
3.2.1 Speech acts
3.2 2 Illocutionary acts
3.2.3 Questions and answers as illocutionary acts
3.2.4 Questions as indirect directives
3.2.5 Questions and answers as indirect speech acts
3.3 Interpersonal Rhetoric
3.3.1 Cooperative principle(CP)
3.3.2 Politeness principle(PP)
3.3.3 Questions as face-threatening acts?
3.3.4 Answers and silence as face-losing acts?
Chapter 4 Questions in the EFL Classroom
4.1 Forms of Questions
4.1.1 General questions
4.1.2 Special questions
4.1.3 Alternative questions
4.1.4 Disjunctive questions
4.1.5 Rhetorical questions69
4.1.6 Declarative and imperative questions‘70
4.1.7 Shortened forms of questions72
4.2 Functions of Questions74
4.2.1 Informative function
4.2.2 Interpersonal function
4.2.3 Directive function
4.2.4 Instructive function
4.2.5 Exploratory function
4.3 Features of Teacher’s Questions
4.3.1 Reiteration of questions
4.3.2 Simplification of questions
4.3.3 Clustering of questions
4.3.4 Self-answering of questions
Chapter 5 Answers in the EFL Classroom
5.1 Criteria for the Classification of Answers
5.1.1 Adjacency pair
5.1.2 Pragmatic presupposition
5.1.3 Cooperative principle
5.2 Preferred Second Pair Part
5.2.1 Adequate answers
5.2.2 Excessive answers
5.3 Dispreferred Second Pair Part
5.3.1 Deficient answers
5.3.2 Incorrect answers
5.3.3 Indirect answers
5.4 Zero Second Pajr Part
5.4.1 Silence and void of action
5.4.2 Examination of silence
Chapter 6 Question——Answer Structures in the EFL Classroom118
6.1 Instructional Interaction
6.1.1 Institutional talk and ordinary talk
6.1.2 Institutional interaction and classroom interaction120
6.1.3 Teacher’S domination of tum·taking·122
6.2 Question·Answer Structures123
6.2.1 Initiation-Response124
6.2.2 Initiation-Response-Feedback125
6.2.3 Initiation-Responselflnitiation2一Feedback/Response2
6.2.4 Initiation-Response-Feedbackfl2一(Ra·F2f13)
6.2.5 Initiation-Response(一h-R2)一Feedback
6.2.6 Initiation-Response-Feedback一(R2Fn)
6.3 Examination of Question-Answer Structures
6.3.1 The IRF structure133
6.3.2 Examination of the initiation
6.3.3 Examination of the response
6.3.4 Examination of the feedback
6.3.5 Extension of the IRF structure
6.4 Repairs in the Question-Answer Discourse
6.4.1 Intra-sentence repairs
6.4.2 Intra-tum repairs
6.4.3 Inter-rum self-initiated other-repairs
6.4.4 Inter-tum other-initiated other-repairs
6.4.5 Tri-tum repairs
6.4.6 Examination of the repairs
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Limitations in the Study
7.2 Summary of the Study
7.3 Implications for EFL Teaching
7.3.1 The role relationship between teacher and student
7.3.2 The increase of student talk
7.3.3 The functions of feedback
7.3.4 The development of students’pragmatic competence
7.4 Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix 1 Transcription Conventions
Appendix 2 Transcripts of Chapter 5
Appendix 3 Transcripts of Chapter 6


