[2]J. Y. Fu, Q. S. Li, J. R. Wu, Y.Q. Xiao, L. L. Song. Field measurements of boundary layer wind characteristics and wind-induced responses of super tall buildings during typhoons. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. (SCI, In press).
[3]Q.S. Li, J.Y. Fu, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.N. Li, Z.H. Ni, Z.N. Xie, M. Gu, (2006). Wind tunnel and full-scale study of wind effects on China’s tallest building. Engineering Structures, Vol.(28):1745–1758 (impact factor 0.625, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 31, at top 31/80=38.8%) (SCI)
[4]Q. S. Li , Y. Q. Xiao, J. R. Wu, J. Y. Fu, Z. N. Li. Typhoon effects on super-tall buildings. Journal of Sound and Vibration. (SCI, In press)
[5]Jinping Ou, Xu Long, Q.S. Li and Y.Q. Xiao. Vibration control of steel jacket offshore platform structures with damping isolation systems. Engineering Structures,Volume 29, Issue 7, July 2007, Pages 1525-1538 8 (impact factor 0.625, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 31, at top 31/80=38.8%) (SCI) (EI)
[6]Q.S. Li, Y.Q. Xiao, J.Y. Fu, Z.N. Li, (2007) Full-scale measurements of wind effects on the Jin Mao building. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol.95:445-466 (impact factor 0.588, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 35, at top 35/80=44%)
[7]Q. S. Li, J. Y. Fu, Y. Q. Xiao, Z. N. Li, Z. H. Ni, Z. N. Xie, M. Gu. Wind tunnel and full-scale study of wind effects on China’s tallest building. Engineering Structures. Vol.28 (12), pp.1745-1758, 2006. (impact factor 0.625, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 31, at top 31/80=38.8%) (SCI)
[8]Y.Q. Xiao, Q.S. Li, Z.N. Li, Y.W. Chow, G.Q. Li, (2006). Probability distributions of extreme wind speed and its occurrence interval. Engineering Structures, Vol.28(8), pp:1173-1181 (impact factor 0.625, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 31, at top 31/80=38.8%) (JUL, 2006) (SCI)
[9]Q.S. Li, Y.Q. Xiao, C.K. Wong, S.K. Hau, A.P. Jeary, (2005). Serviceability of a 79-storey Tall Building under Typhoon Condition. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Structures and Buildings, Vol.158, No.4, pp.219-228. (impact factor 0.575, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 37, at top 37/80=46.2%) (AUG, 2005) (SCI)
[10]Q.S. Li, Y.Q. Xiao, C.K. Wong, (2005). Full-scale Monitoring of Typhoon Effects on Super Tall Buildings. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol.20, pp.697-717. (impact factor 0.832, category: ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL, rank: 22, at top 22/104=21.2%) (JUL, 2005) (SCI)
[11]Q.S. Li, J.R. Wu, S.G. Liang, Y.Q. Xiao, C.K. Wong, (2004). Full Scale Measurements and Numerical Evaluation of Wind-Induced Vibration of a 63-Storey Reinforced Concrete Tall Building. Engineering Structures, Vol.26, pp.1779-1794. (impact factor 0.625, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 31, at top 31/80=38.8%) (OCT, 2004) (EI) (SCI)
[12]Q.S. Li, Y.Q. Xiao, C.K. Wong, A.P. Jeary, (2004). Field Measurements of Typhoon Effects on a Super Tall Building. Engineering Structures, Vol.26, pp.233-244. (impact factor 0.625, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 31, at top 31/80=38.8%) (JAN, 2004) (SCI)
[13]W.L. Qu, W. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, (2003). A Two-step Approach for Joint Damage Diagnosis of Framed Structures Using Artificial Neural Network. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, Vol.16, No.5, pp.581-595. (impact factor 0.432, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank: 51, at top 51/80=63.8%) (NOV, 2003) (SCI)
[14]J.P. Ou, L. He, Y.Q. Xiao, (2003). Parameter identification in offshore platform using ARMA model and technology of extracting free vibration signal. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol.24(4), pp:449-457. (impact factor 0.181, category: MATHEMATICS, APPLIED, rank: 144, at top 144/151=95.3%) (APR. 2003)(SCI)
[15]Q.S. Li, Y.Q. Xiao, C.K. Wong, A.P. Jeary, (2003). Field Measurements of Wind Effects on the Tallest Building in Hong Kong. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Vol.12, No.1, pp.67-82. (impact factor 0.216, category: ENGINEERING, CIVIL, rank:64, at top 64/80=80%) (MAR, 2003)(SCI)
[29]Y.Q. Xiao, C. Li, Q.S. Li, J.P. Ou, L.L. Song. Numerical Simulation of Wind Speed Distributions over Complex Terrains. The 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia, July 1-6, 2007, pp: 1119-1126
[30]J.P. Ou, F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical Simulation of wind-induced vibration of an elastic cylinder in uniform flow. The 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia, July 1-6, 2007, pp: 2647-2654
[31]Y.Q. Xiao, Q.S. Li, (2006) Synchronal Monitoring of Wind Characteristics and Wind Effects on Super Tall Building During Typhoon Chanzhu. The 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring & The 5th Symposium on China Structural Control, October 16-17, 2006, Hangzhou, China
[32]Y. Q. Xiao, C. T. Li, Q. S. Li, Y. Teng, (2006) Analysis of Modal Damping of Super Tall Buildings Based on Vibration Signal. the Fourth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (4WCSCM), 11-13 July 2006 in San Diego, California, U.S.A.
[33]Q.S. Li, J.Y. Fu, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.N. Li, Z.H. Ni, Z.N. Xie, M. Gu, (2005). Wind Tunnel and Full Scale Study of Wind Effects on the Highest Building in China. Proceedings of the Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, pp.1061-1069, Seoul, Korea. (SEP, 2005)
[34]J.P. Ou, H.W. Li, Y.Q. Xiao, Q.S. Li, (2005) Health dynamic measurement of tall building using wireless sensor network. Smart Structures and Materials 2005 - Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, Mar 7-10 2005, San Diego, CA, United States (EI)(ISTP)
[35]Y.Q. Xiao, Q.S. Li, J.R. Wu. Simultaneous Measurement of Typhoon Characteristic and Wind Induced Structural Vibration of Di-Wang Tower. The Third International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'04), 2-4 September 2004, Seoul, Korea (CD-ROM) (SEP, 2004)
[36]S. X. Zhang, Q. S. Li , C. M. Ma, Y. Q. Xiao, Alex P. To, Alexis C. C. Lee. Wind and Movement Monitoring System for Two International Financial Centre, Hong Kong. 第十三屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集. 大連, pp.199-207, 2007.