

《綜合教程教師手冊1》 是2008年5月1日上海外語教育出版社出版的圖書。本書主要介紹了大學生學習英語的方法,以便提高大學生的英語水平。


  • 書名:綜合教程教師手冊1
  • ISBN:9787544603027
  • 頁數: 323頁
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年5月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝 
  • 開本:16
  • 正文語種:簡體中文, 英語




Unit One Learning a Language
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A A Language Teacher's Personal Opinion
Text B Learning to Read
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Two Growing Up
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A The Doctor's Son
Text B The Needs of Teenagers
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Three Knowing Yourself
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A Personality Development
Text B Test Your Personality
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Four Care of the Elderly
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A A Doll for Great-Grandmother
Text B Care of the Elderly: A Family Matter
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Practice Test I (Units 1-4)
Unit Five Parents and Children
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A A Time for Memories
Text B Cellular Love
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Six Christmas Spirit
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A A Sailor's Christmas Gift
Text B Our "Family"
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Seven Relationships and Communication
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A How Well Can We Listen?
Text B What We Can Do to Improve Human Relationships
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Eight College Life
Get Started
Listen and Respond
Read and Explore
Text A Secrets of Straight-A Students
Text B College Pressures
Optional Classroom Activities
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Practice Test II (Units 5-8)
Appendix I Scripts and Key to Practice Test I
Appendix II Scripts and Key to Practice Test II
Appendix III Glossary


