This book may be used as a textbook for the first or second year graduate student who is studying concurrently such topics as theory of complex analysis, classical mechanics, classical electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics. In a textbook on statistical mechanics, it is common practice to deal with two im-portant areas of the subject: mathematical formulation of the distribution laws of sta- tistical mechanics, and demonstrations of the applicability of statistical mechanics. 本書為英文版。
- 書名:統計物理學方法
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 頁數:293頁
- ISBN:7506260123
- 作者:T.Tanaka
- 出版日期:2003年9月1日
- 開本:24開
- 品牌:世界圖書出版公司北京公司
1 The laws of thermodynamics
1.1 The thermodynamic system and processes
1.2 The zeroth law of thermodynamics
1.3 The thermal equation of state
1.4 The classical ideal gas
1.5 The quasistatic and reversible processes
1.6 The first law of thermodynamics
1.7 The heat capacity
1.8 The isothermal and adiabatic processes
1.9 The enthalpy
1.10 The second law of thermodynamics
1.11 The Carnot cycle
1.12 The thermodynamic temperature
1.13 The Camot cycle of an ideal gas
1.14 The Clausius inequality
1.15 The entropy
1.16 General integrating factors
1.17 The integrating factor and cyclic processes
1.18 Hausen's cycle
1.19 Employnent of the second law of thermodynamics
2.20 The universal i tegrating factor Exercises
2 Thermodynamic relations
2.1 Thermodynamic potentials
2.2 Maxwell relations
3 The ensemble theory
4 System Hamitonians
5 The density matrix
6 The cluster variation method
7 Infintite-series reprentaions of correlation functions
8 The extended mean-field approximation
9 The exact Ising lattice identities
10 Propagatinon of short range order
11 Phase transition of the two-dimensional Ising model
Appendix1 The gamma function
Appendix2 The critical exponent in the tetrahedron approximation
Appendix3 Programming organizationo of cluster variation method
Appendix4 Aunitary transformation applied to the Hubbard Hamiltomina
Appendix5 Exact Ising identities on the diamond lattice