- 中文名:紀瑛琳
- 畢業院校:英國劍橋大學
- 性別:女
- 職稱:教授
紀瑛琳,女,英國劍橋大學英語與套用語言學博士, 英國學術院(英國國家人文與社會科學研究院)博士後,劍橋蓋茨學者,倫敦大學國王學院語言,語篇與交流中心研究員(2010-2013)。深圳市政府引進海外高層次人才(孔雀計畫)外國語言文學學科專家,深圳大學首位文科海外特聘教授(2013-至今),語言與認知研究中心主任。
主要研究領域為認知語言學和套用語言學,包括基於空間事件辭彙化模式的語言類型學,兒童一語習得,成人二語習得,認知普遍性與語言獨特性因素,以及語言與思維的關係。有主持國際大中型語言學科研項目的經驗,多篇著述發表於社會科學引文索引(SSCI),藝術與人文科學引文索引(A & HCI),以及歐洲人文學科期刊索引一分區(ERIH INT1)所收錄的世界高水平語言學雜誌上。
Ji, Y. (Ed.). (2015). Representing Motion in Language and Cognition. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
Ji, Y. (2015). The (non)-linguistic effect of motion event typology. Language and Cognitive Science, 1 (1), 1–22.
Ji, Y. (2014). The Expression of Motion Events: Typological and developmental perspectives. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
Ji, Y., & Hohenstein, J. (2014a). The syntactic packaging of caused motion components in a second language: English learners of Chinese. Lingua, 140, 100–116.
Ji, Y., & Hohenstein, J. (2014b). The expression of caused motion by adult Chinese learners of English. Language and Cognition,6 (4), 427–461.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., & Hickmann, M. (2011a). How children express caused motion events in Chinese and English: universal and language-specific influences. Lingua,121 (12), 1796–1819.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., & Hickmann, M. (2011b). The expression of caused motion events in Chinese and in English: some typological issues. Linguistics, 49 (5), 1041–1076.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H., & Hickmann, (2011c). M. Children’s expression of voluntary motion events in English and Chinese. Journal of Foreign Languages, 34 (4), 2–20.
Ji, Y., Hendriks, H. & Hickmann, M. (2010). An exploration of the status of Chinese in motion event typology. In G. Marotta et al. (Eds.), Space in Language(pp. 533–542).Pisa, Italy: ETS.
Hendriks, H., Ji, Y. & Hickmann, M. (2008). Typological issues regarding the expression of caused motion: English, French and Chinese. In M. Brala (Ed.), Space and Time in Language and Literature (pp. 1–15). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Ji, Y. (2007). Reference to space in Chinese and English poster descriptions. In CamLing 2007 Proceedings (pp. 104–111). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Institute of Language Research.
Ji, Y. & Shen, D. (2005). Transitivity, indirection and redemption in Sheila Watson’s The Double Hook. Style, 39 (3), 348–362.
Ji, Y. & Shen, D. (2004). Transitivity and mental Transformation: Sheila Watson’s The Double Hook. Language and Literature, 13 (4), 335–348.
Principal investigator (PI) of NSSFC (National Social Sciences Foundation of China) funded project ‘Motion representation in English, Chinese and Spanish children’ (project code: 15BYY063; grant: ¥200,000).
Principal investigator (PI) of Shenzhen University funded project ‘The Effect of Language Typology in (Non)-linguistic Representation of Caused Motion Events’ (project code: 801; grant: ¥600,000).
Principal investigator (PI) of British Academy funded project ‘Cognitive and Linguistic Representation of Space in English and Chinese’ (project code: pf100022; grant: £312895.00).
Research member on French ANR-funded programme LANGACROSS project 'Utterance structure in context: first and second language acquisition in a cross-linguistic perspective’. Maya Hickmann, PI. CNRS, Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage (SFL) and University of Paris 8.