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(7)Ji Kui, Shi Rui, Similarity of multiplication operators on the Sobolev disk algebra. Acta. Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.)29 (2013), no. 4, 789–800.
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(9)Ji, Kui, Jiang, Chunlan, Dinesh Kumar Keshari, Gadadhar Misra, Flag structure for operators in the Cowen-Douglas class, C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris.Ser. I, 352 (2014) 511-514.
(10)Hou, Yingli and Ji, Kui On the extended holomorphic curves on C* algebras. Oper. Matrices 8 (2014), no. 4,999–1011.
(11)Dai, Hong; Hou, Yingli and Ji, Kui A note on curvature and similarity of some CowenDouglas operators. J. Math. Anal.Appl. 444 (2016), no. 1, 167–181.
(12)Hou, Yingli; Ji, Kui and Kwon, HyunKyoung The trace of the curvature determines similarity. Stud. Math.236, No. 2, 193-200 (2017).
(13)Ji, Kui, Jiang, Chunlan, Dinesh Kumar Keshari, Gadadhar Misra, Rigidity of the flag structure for a class of Cowen-Douglas operators. J. Funct. Anal. 272 (2017), no. 7, 2899–2932
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(15)Ji, Kui. Curvature formulas of holomorphic curves on C*-algebras and Cowen-Douglas operators. Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 13 (2019), no.4, 1609–1642.
(16)Ji,Kui Jaydeb Sarkar, Similarity of quotient Hilbert modules in the Cowen–Douglasclass, European Journal of Mathematics,5 (2019), no. 4, 1331–1351.
(17)Tian, Liang, Guo, Wei and Ji, Kui, A note on a subclass of Cowen-Douglasoperators, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 35 (2019), no. 11, 1795–1806.
(18)Ji, Kui, Hyun-Kyoung Kwon, and Xu, Jing, N-hypercontractivity and similarity of Cowen-Douglas operators, Linear Algebra Appl. 592 (2020),20–47.
(19)Jiang, Chunlan, Ji, Kui, Integral curvature and similarity of Cowen-DouglasOperators, In: Curto R.E., Helton W., Lin H., Tang X., Yang R., Yu G. (eds)Operator Theory,Operator Algebrasand Their Interactions with Geometry and Topology. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 278 (2020),373-390.
(20)Ma,Zhenhua, Ji, Kui and Li, Yucheng, Compact operators under Orlicz functions, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 51(2020), 1633–1649.
(21)Hou, yingli, Ji, Kui and Linlin, Zhao, Factorization of generalized holomorphic curve and homogeneity of operators, Banach. J. Math. Anal.15, 43 (2021).
(22)Jiang, Chunlan, Ji, Kui and Wu, Jinsong, Similarity Invariants of Essentially normal Cowen-Douglas Operators and Chern Polynomials , Israel Journal of Mathematics,248,(2022)229–270.
(23)Ji,Kui and Ji, Shanshan, The metrics of Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles and the similarity of Cowen-Douglas operators,Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 53 (2022), no. 3, 736–749.
(24)Ji, Kui, Hyun-Kyoung Kwon, Jaydeb Sarkar,and Xu, Jing, A subclass of the Cowen-Douglas class and similarity, Mathematische Nachrichten, to appear.
(25)Jiang,Chunlan, Ji, Kui and Dinesh Kumar Keshari, Geometric Similarity invariants of Cowen-Douglas Operators, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, to appear.
(26)Ji,Kui and Ji, Shanshan, A note on unitary equivalence of operators acting onreproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Houston Journal of Mathematics, to appear.
(27)Hou, Yingli, Ji, Kui, Ji, Shanshan and Xu, Jing, Geometry of holomorphic vector bundles and similarity of commuting operator tuples,Journal of Operator Theory, to appear.
(28)Jiang,Chunlan, Fang, Junsheng and Ji Kui, Cowen Douglas operators and the third of Halmos' ten problems, arXiv:1904.10401.
(29) Ji,Kui, Ji, Shanshan and Xu, Jing On the similarity of restriction of the operator to an invariant subspace,arXiv:2012.13535.
(30)Ji, Kui, Hyun-Kyoung Kwon, Ji, Shanshan and Xu, Jing, The Cowen-Douglas theory for operator tuples and similarity, in prepare.