



  • 中文名:系統功能語法入門:加的夫模式
  • 作者:何偉,等 黃國文
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • 出版時間:2008年3月1日
  • 頁數:346 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787301134276
  • 類型:人文社科
  • 語種:簡體中文


《系統功能語法入門:加的夫模式》共由三部分組成:第一部分由六位學者撰寫的介紹和評論“加的夫語法”(the Cardiff Grammar)的七篇文章組成;第二部分是羅賓·福塞特(Robin P.Fawcett)撰寫的Invitation toSystemic Functional Linguistics一書的漢語譯文;第三部分是三個附錄:附錄1是福塞特一書的原文;附錄2和附錄3是早在2002年發表的兩篇關於加的夫語法方面的文章。


Part One Introducing theCardiff Grammar
Chapter 1 From Systemic Functional Grammar toCardiff Grammar
Chapter 2 TheCardiff Grammar: aComponent of Systemic Functional Linguistics
Chapter 3 Notes on theCardiff Grammar
Chapter 4 TheCardiff Grammar: a simplification of Halliday's Functional Grammar
Chapter 5 TheCardiff Grammar: an extension of Halliday's Functional Grammar
Chapter 6 TheConcept of "'place" in theCardiff Grammar
Chapter 7 FromCardiff Grammar to Systemic Functional Linguistics
Part Two TheChinese Version of Fawcett's Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics Preface
Chapter 1 Who this book is for and where itComes from
Chapter 2 The place of syntax structure in an overall model of language
Chapter 3 Introducing TRANSITIVITY and MOOD a simple example
Chapter 4 ExploringCriteria for establishing reliable Guidelines
Chapter 5 Introducing the Subject Test
Chapter 6 Elements, words and units: keeping things simple
Chapter 7 Conflating the Main Verb with the Operator (O/M) : the specialCase of 'being'
Chapter 8 The Auxiliary Verb and the Subject Theme. an introduction
Chapter 9 Improving the Subject Test : introducing forms of do
Chapter 10 More on TRANSITIVITY: Participants as Subjects andComplements
Chapter 11 A brief outline of some other aspects of Clause structure
Chapter 12 The Guidelines forClause analysis
Chapter 13 A final analysis task
Chapter 14 Conclusions
Appendix 1 A systemic functional micro-grammar forsome of the structures presented here
Appendix 2 A summary of English syntax for the text analyst References
Part Three Appendices
Appendix 1 Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics
Appendix 2 Introducing theCardiff Grammar
Appendix 3 Studies of theCardiff Grammar inChina
Technical terms and theirChinese equivalents
Names of non-Chinese Authors and theirChinese translations


黃國文(HUANG Guowen),男,中山大學外國語學院教授、博士生導師。英國愛丁堡大學“套用語言學”博士,英國威爾斯大學“功能語言學”博士。研究興趣包括:功能語言學、套用語言學、語篇分析、翻譯研究。


