《算法V》是由中國電力出版社於2003年12月出版的圖書,作者是塞奇威克(Robert Sedgewick)。
- 書名:算法V
- 作者:塞奇威克 (Robert Sedgewick)
- 頁數:482
- 出版社:中國電力出版社
- 出版時間:2003-12
- 裝幀:平裝
Chapter17.GraphProperties and Types
17.1 Glossary
17.2 GraphADT
17.3 Adjacency-Matrix Representation
17.4 Adjacency-Lists Representation
17.5 Variations,Extensions,and Costs
17.6 GraphGenerators
17.7 Simple,Euler,and Hamilton Paths
17.8 Graph-Processing Problems
Chapter18.Graph Search
18.1 Exploring a Maze
18.2 Depth-First Search
18.3 Graph-Search ADT Functions
18.4 PropertiesofDFSForests
18.5 DFS Algorithms
18.6 Separability and Biconnectivity
18.7 Breadth-FirstSearch
18.8 GeneralizedGraphSearch
18.9 AnalysisofGraphAlgorithms
Chapter19.Digraphs and DAGs
19.1 Glossary and Rulesof the Game
19.2 Anatomy of DFS in Digraphs
19.3 Reachability and Transitive Closure
19.4 Equivalence Relations and PartialOrders
19.5 DAGs
19.6 Topological Sorting
19.7 Reachability in DAGs
19.8 Strong Components in Digraphs
19.9 TransitiveClosure Revisited
19.10 Perspective
20.1 Representations
20.2 Underlying Principles of MST Algorithms
20.3 Prim's Algorithm and Priority-FirstSearch
20.4 Kruskal's Algorithm
20.5 Boruvka's Algorithm
20.6 Comparisons and Improvements
20.7 Euclidean MST
Chapter21.Shortest Paths
21.1 Underlying Principles
21.2 Dijkstra's algorithm
21.3 All-Pairs Shortest Paths
21.4 Shortest Pathsin Acyclic Networks
21.5 Euclidean Networks
21.6 Reduction
21.7 Negative Weights
21.8 Perspective
Chapter22.Network Flows
22.1 Flow Networks
22.2 Augmenting-Path Maxflow Algorithms
22.3 Preflow-Push Maxflow Algorithms
22.4 Maxflow Reductions
22.5 Mincost Flows
22.6 Network Simplex Algorithm
22.7 Mincost-Flow Reductions
22.8 Perspective
References for Part Five