

童銀棟,博士,天津大學環境科學與工程學院教授;2009年本科畢業於天津大學環境科學專業,2014年博士畢業於北京大學環境地理學專業。聚焦區域環境過程及其生態效應,關注氮、磷、汞等關鍵元素在流域尺度和河湖水體中的環境行為,闡釋人為活動的變化及環境改善措施對河湖營養物濃度、元素計量特徵、有毒物水生態風險等影響;近年來以第一作者或通訊作者在Nat. Geosci. (封面)、PNAS、ES&T、Water Res等期刊發表SCI收錄論文60餘篇


  • 中文名:童銀棟
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:浙江省紹興市
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:氮、磷、汞等重要生物地球化學元素
  • 任職院校:天津大學環境科學與工程學院


2009/9-2014/7:北京大學,環境科學, 博士學位;






1. 國家自然科學基金優青項目,區域環境過程及其生態效應,在研,主持;
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,沿海富營養化水體有機質對沉積物中汞甲基化及釋放的影響機制,在研,主持;
3. 國家重點研發計畫,水華藍藻合成微生物控制系統構建與套用,在研,子課題負責人;
4. 生態環境部環境規劃院,巢湖氮磷污染歷史演變特徵與水質改善策略研究,主持;
5. 生態環境部環境保護對外合作中心,東北地區典型河流磷污染狀況及控制對策研究,主持;
6. 中國-東協環境保護合作中心,中印跨境河流雅魯藏布江水環境調查,主持;
7. 生態環境部環境規劃院,太湖富營養化變化過程及環境驅動因子識別研究,主持;
8. 國家自然基金青年項目,大氣汞形態間的光致化學轉化及其影響因素研究,主持;
9. 自然科學基金重點項目,中國與南向周邊國家大氣汞區域傳輸過程,第一參加人;
10. 生態環境部環境規劃院,基於質量平衡的長江重點區域總磷年際傳輸通量估算研究,主持;
[1]Wang, M.; Xu, X.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, X.; Sun, P.; Wen, Y.; Lu, X.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.; Tong, Y.* Seasonal pattern of nutrient limitation in a eutrophic lake and quantitative analysis of the impacts from internal nutrient cycling. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b04266 (IF: 7.38).
[2]Tong, Y.; Li, J.; Qi, M.; Zhang, X.; Wang, M.; Liu, X.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.; Lu, Y.; Lin, Y. Impacts of water residence time on nitrogen budget of lakes and reservoirs. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 646, 75-83 (IF: 5.92).
[3]Lin, H.; Tong, Y.*; Yin, X.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, H.; Chen, L.; Kang, S.; Zhang, W.; Schauer, J.; de Foy, B.; Bu, X.; Wang, X. First measurement of atmospheric mercury species in Qomolangma Natural Nature Preserve, Tibetan Plateau, and evidence of transboundary pollutant invasion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2019, 19, 1373-1391 (IF: 5.668).
[4]Tong, Y., Xu, X., Zhang, S., Shi, L., Zhang, X., Wang, M., Qi, M., Chen, C., Wen, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhang, W.; Lu, X. Establishment of season-specific nutrient thresholds and analyses of the effects of nutrient management in eutrophic lakes through statistical machine learning. Journal of Hydrology. 2019, 578, 124079 (IF: 4.90).
[5]Guan, C.; Wang, C.; Li, Q.; Ji, Q.; Wang, G.; Jin, C.; Tong, Y*.; LcSABP2, a salicylic acid binding protein 2 gene from Lycium chinense, confers resistance to triclosan stress in Nicotiana tabacum. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 2019, 183 (IF: 4.527).
[6]Deng, C.; Tong, Y.*; Chen, L.; Yuan, W.; Sun, Y.; Li, J.; Wang, X.; Zhang, W.; Lin, H.; Xie, H.; Bu, X. Impact of particle chemical composition and water content on the photolytic reduction of particle-bound mercury. Atmospheric Environment. 2019, 200, 24-33 (IF: 4.012).
[7]Sun, Y.; Lv, G.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, X.; Bu, X.; Wang, X.; Zhang, W.; Tong, Y.* Characteristics of speciated mercury emissions from coal combustion in air and oxygen-enriched Environment. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2019, 102, 659-700 (IF: 1.65).
[8]Tong, Y.; Qiao, Z.; Wang, X.; Liu, X.; Chen, G.; Zhang, W.; Dong, X.; Yan, Z.; Han, W.; Wang, R.; Wang, M.; Lin, Y. Human activities altered water N:P ratios in the populated regions of China. Chemosphere. 2018, 210, 1070-1081 (IF: 5.34).
[9]Bu, X.; Zhang, H.; Lv, G.; Lin, H.; Chen, L.; Yin, X.; Shen, G.;Yuan, W.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.; Tong, Y. * Comparison of reactive gaseous mercury collection by different sampling methods in a laboratory test and field monitoring. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2018, 5, 600-607 (IF:5.87).
[10]Wang, M.; Tong, Y. *; Chen, C.; Liu, X.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, W.; He, W.; Wang, X.; Zhao, S.; Lin, Y. Ecological risk assessment to marine organisms induced by heavy metals in China's coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018, 126, 349-356 (IF: 4.01).
[11]Tong, Y.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.; Couture, R. M.; Larssen, T.; Zhao, Y.; Li, J.; Liang, H.; Liu, X.; Bu, X.; He, W.; Zhang, Q.; Lin, Y. Decline in Chinese lake phosphorus concentration accompanied by shift in sources since 2006. Nat. Geosci. 2017, 10, 507−511 (IF:14.391).
[12]Tong, Y.; Bu, X.; Chen, J.; Zhou, F.; Chen, L.; Liu, M.; Tan, X.; Yu, T.; Zhang, W.; Mi, Z.; Ma, L.; Wang, X.; Ni, J. Estimation of nutrient discharge from the Yangtze River to the East China Sea and the identification of nutrient sources. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017, 321, 728-736 (IF: 7.91).
[13]Tong, Y.; Wang, M.; Bu, X.; Guo, X.; Lin, Y.; Lin, H.; Li, J.;Zhang, W.; Wang, X. Mercury concentrations in China’s coastal waters and implications for fish consumption by vulnerable populations. Environmental Pollution. 2017, 231, 396-405 (IF: 5.98).
[14]Tong, Y.; Bu, X.; Chen, C.; Yang, X.; Lu, Y.; Liang, H.; Liu, M.; Lin, H.; Zhang, H.; Lin, Y.; Zhou, F.; Zhao, S.; Wu, T.; Mao, G.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X. Impacts of sanitation improvement on reduction of nitrogen discharges entering the environment from human excreta in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 593, 439-448 (IF: 4.61).
[15]Tong, Y.; Yin, X.; Lin, H.; Buduo.; Danzeng.; Wang, H.; Deng, C.; Chen, L.; Li, J.; Zhang, W.; Schauer, J.; Kang, S.; Zhang, G.; Bu, X.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Q. Recent decline of atmospheric mercuryrecorded by Androsace tapete on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, 50, 13224-13231(IF: 7.38).
[16]Tong, Y.; Yao, R.; He, W.; Zhou, F.; Chen, C.; Liu, X.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X.; Lin, Y.; Zhou, M. Impacts of sanitation upgrading to the decrease of fecal coliforms entering into the environment in China. Environmental Research. 2016, 149, 57-65 (IF: 4.73).
[17]Tong, Y.; Chen, L.; Chi, J.; Zhen, G.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, R.; Yao, R.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X. Riverine nitrogen loss in the Tibetan Plateau and potential impacts of climate change. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, 553, 276-284 (IF: 4.61).
[18]Tong, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhang, W. Methylmercury exposure and risk from rice consumption for vulnerable populations in a traditional fish eating area in china. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2016, 251.
[19]Tong, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhen, G.; Li, Y.; Zhang, W.; He, W. Agricultural water consumption decreasing nutrient burden at Bohai Sea, China. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 2016, 169, 85-95 (IF: 2.98).
[20]Tong, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Zhen, G.; Chi, J.; Liu, X.; Lu, Y.; Wang, X.; Yao, R.; Chen, J.; Zhang, W. Nutrient Loads Flowing into Coastal Waters from the Main Rivers of China (2006-2012). Scientific Reports. 2015, 5, 1-12 (IF: 4.29).
[21]Tong, Y.; Ou, L.; Chen, L.; Wang, H.; Chen, C.; Wang, X.; Zhang, W.; Wang, Q. Modeled methylmercury exposure and risk from rice consumption for vulnerable populations in a traditional fish-eating area in China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2015, 34, 1161-1168(IF: 3.09).
[22]Tong, Y.; Eichhorst, T.; Olson, M.; Rutter, A.; Shafer, M.; Wang, X.; Schauer, J. Comparison of heterogeneous photolytic reduction of Hg(II) in the coal fly ashes and synthetic aerosols. Atmospheric Research. 2014, 138, 324-329 (IF: 4.37).
[23]Tong, Y.; Zhang, W.; Chen, C.; Chen, L.; Wang, W.; Hu, X.; Wang, H.; Hu, D.; Ou, L.; Wang, X.; Wang, Q. Fate modeling of mercury species and fluxes estimation in an urban river. Environmental Pollution. 2014, 184, 54-61 (IF: 5.98).




