在 Friendship Game 中,碧琪與人類紫悅(Sci-Twi )使用了巨大的電子派對大炮以讓派對氣氛升到最高點。有別於小馬碧琪的是,人類碧琪使用的派對大炮是粉色與黃色而不是藍色。
在歌曲The Smile Song中,碧琪唱過"There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile,and that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile.(意為:有一件事能讓我感到快樂並讓我感到生命的意義,那就是當我與我的朋友說話並使他們微笑。)因此人們認為碧琪代表歡樂精神。但事實沒那么簡單。在小馬寶莉第一季第二集中,歌曲Face Your Fears(Laughter Song)中,碧琪所唱"She said:'Pinkie,you gotta stand up tall.Learn to face your fears.You'll see that they can't hurt you,just laugh to make them disappear.'"(意為:她說:“碧琪,你應該勇敢地站起來,學著面對自己的恐懼。你會發現它們不能把你怎么樣,只要大笑就能讓恐懼消失。”)證明,碧琪在她的祖母身上繼承了一種精神,一種笑對困難與恐懼的精神!沒錯,這就是樂觀精神。碧琪希望小馬們即使在遇到困難與不順心的事情時,也可以開懷大笑。[3]
碧琪有自己的誓言,每次碧琪總是非常認真地對待這些誓言,而且還自編了一首小令:Cross my heart and hope to fly , stick a cupcake in my eye(誠心發誓飛呀飛,眼裡塞個蛋糕杯)。此外在必要的時候碧琪也會讓他人發碧琪誓而且一旦發誓絕不能違背(只有蘋果嘉兒違背過一次)。
在“Blizzard or Bust”中,碧琪和朋友們為了免考企圖偽造暴雪,但最終被發現並受到了試後留堂的懲處。在“Saving Pinkie's Pie”中,她和餘暉爍爍拼盡全力穿越雪球大戰前線將蛋奶酥送給珍奇。在“Winter Break-In”中,她建議烤一盤杯糕引誘宇宙校長出去,趁機進入學校從幫餘暉拿到儲物室的鑰匙。在“Dashing Through the Mall”中,她和朋友們進行了秘密禮物交換。在“O Come, All Ye Squashful”中,她和朋友們為了蘋果嘉兒的節日相冊裝扮成了食物,而萍琪派打扮成了一顆玉米。
Isn't this exciting? Are you excited because I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went [gasp] but I mean really, who could top that?
I'd never felt joy like that before! It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever! And I wanted everyone I knew to smile too, but rainbows don't come along that often. I wondered, how else could I create some smiles?
—— “可愛紀元”
My friends laugh with me, not at me.
—— “諧律再臨(上)”
Too old for free candy? Never!
—— “噩夢之夜”
Oh, I never leave home without my party cannon.
—— “社交名馬”
Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!
Ha-ha, just kidding. OR AM I?!?!? Sometimes I can't even tell!
—— “物有所值”
We did it! Ponyville won the medal count! And only by one medal.
—— “運動盛會”
Yeah, I get that a lot. Now about those bubbles...
I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I know smiles. And those smiles? They're just not right.
—— “地圖之謎(上)”
Laughs don't come in barrels. They come from inside you as your body's response to delight.
—— “地圖之謎(下)”
No glowing tushies here!
—— “三日之交”
Maud... [sniffs] You know me so well. You really are the most thoughtful gift-giver in the world! I'm gonna love it five-ever! That's even longer than for-ever.
—— “禮尚往來”
Buuuut now that you mention it... I could use more confetti for my party cannon. You wouldn't believe how much of that stuff I go through in a day!
—— “禮尚往來”
Well, look at the bright side! At least they didn't call you Rainbow Trash!
Fluttershy and Twilight in Appleloosa! No, me and Rainbow Dash in Las Pegasus! No, Rainbow Dash and Twilight in Yakyakistan! No, Twilight and Twilight in Twilight's castle! Oh. Me! Me! Oh, me... and Rarity! Ooh! I hope it's some faraway place that nopony has gone before!
You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it they don't work anymore, and you need them all to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time! [squee]
—— 《小馬國女孩》中對暮光閃閃
If I only had some kind of... party cannon that could decorate everything super fast!
—— 《小馬國女孩》
Status update: 'Okie-dokie-lokie!'
—— 《小馬國女孩:彩虹搖滾》
Anybody here remember fun?! I'll give you a hint: It's the exact opposite of being in the Rainbooms!
—— 《小馬國女孩:彩虹搖滾》
Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world in cake?!
Pie eating? Cake eating? [gasps] Pie-cake eating?!
—— 《小馬國女孩:友誼大賽》
That Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world since the Twilight from the pony world doesn't go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses.
在 Friendship Game 中,碧琪與人類紫悅(Sci-Twi )使用了巨大的電子派對大炮以讓派對氣氛升到最高點。有別於小馬碧琪的是,人類碧琪使用的派對大炮是粉色與黃色而不是藍色。
在歌曲The Smile Song中,碧琪唱過"There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile,and that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile.(意為:有一件事能讓我感到快樂並讓我感到生命的意義,那就是當我與我的朋友說話並使他們微笑。)因此人們認為碧琪代表歡樂精神。但事實沒那么簡單。在小馬寶莉第一季第二集中,歌曲Face Your Fears(Laughter Song)中,碧琪所唱"She said:'Pinkie,you gotta stand up tall.Learn to face your fears.You'll see that they can't hurt you,just laugh to make them disappear.'"(意為:她說:“碧琪,你應該勇敢地站起來,學著面對自己的恐懼。你會發現它們不能把你怎么樣,只要大笑就能讓恐懼消失。”)證明,碧琪在她的祖母身上繼承了一種精神,一種笑對困難與恐懼的精神!沒錯,這就是樂觀精神。碧琪希望小馬們即使在遇到困難與不順心的事情時,也可以開懷大笑。[3]
碧琪有自己的誓言,每次碧琪總是非常認真地對待這些誓言,而且還自編了一首小令:Cross my heart and hope to fly , stick a cupcake in my eye(誠心發誓飛呀飛,眼裡塞個蛋糕杯)。此外在必要的時候碧琪也會讓他人發碧琪誓而且一旦發誓絕不能違背(只有蘋果嘉兒違背過一次)。
在“Blizzard or Bust”中,碧琪和朋友們為了免考企圖偽造暴雪,但最終被發現並受到了試後留堂的懲處。在“Saving Pinkie's Pie”中,她和餘暉爍爍拼盡全力穿越雪球大戰前線將蛋奶酥送給珍奇。在“Winter Break-In”中,她建議烤一盤杯糕引誘宇宙校長出去,趁機進入學校從幫餘暉拿到儲物室的鑰匙。在“Dashing Through the Mall”中,她和朋友們進行了秘密禮物交換。在“O Come, All Ye Squashful”中,她和朋友們為了蘋果嘉兒的節日相冊裝扮成了食物,而萍琪派打扮成了一顆玉米。
Isn't this exciting? Are you excited because I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went [gasp] but I mean really, who could top that?
I'd never felt joy like that before! It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever! And I wanted everyone I knew to smile too, but rainbows don't come along that often. I wondered, how else could I create some smiles?
—— “可愛紀元”
My friends laugh with me, not at me.
—— “諧律再臨(上)”
Too old for free candy? Never!
—— “噩夢之夜”
Oh, I never leave home without my party cannon.
—— “社交名馬”
Oh my gosh. Hold on to your hooves – I am just about to be brilliant!
Ha-ha, just kidding. OR AM I?!?!? Sometimes I can't even tell!
—— “物有所值”
We did it! Ponyville won the medal count! And only by one medal.
—— “運動盛會”
Yeah, I get that a lot. Now about those bubbles...
I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I know smiles. And those smiles? They're just not right.
—— “地圖之謎(上)”
Laughs don't come in barrels. They come from inside you as your body's response to delight.
—— “地圖之謎(下)”
No glowing tushies here!
—— “三日之交”
Maud... [sniffs] You know me so well. You really are the most thoughtful gift-giver in the world! I'm gonna love it five-ever! That's even longer than for-ever.
—— “禮尚往來”
Buuuut now that you mention it... I could use more confetti for my party cannon. You wouldn't believe how much of that stuff I go through in a day!
—— “禮尚往來”
Well, look at the bright side! At least they didn't call you Rainbow Trash!
Fluttershy and Twilight in Appleloosa! No, me and Rainbow Dash in Las Pegasus! No, Rainbow Dash and Twilight in Yakyakistan! No, Twilight and Twilight in Twilight's castle! Oh. Me! Me! Oh, me... and Rarity! Ooh! I hope it's some faraway place that nopony has gone before!
You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it they don't work anymore, and you need them all to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time! [squee]
—— 《小馬國女孩》中對暮光閃閃
If I only had some kind of... party cannon that could decorate everything super fast!
—— 《小馬國女孩》
Status update: 'Okie-dokie-lokie!'
—— 《小馬國女孩:彩虹搖滾》
Anybody here remember fun?! I'll give you a hint: It's the exact opposite of being in the Rainbooms!
—— 《小馬國女孩:彩虹搖滾》
Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world in cake?!
Pie eating? Cake eating? [gasps] Pie-cake eating?!
—— 《小馬國女孩:友誼大賽》
That Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world since the Twilight from the pony world doesn't go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses.