



  • 中文名:盧劍權
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:複雜網路;布爾網路;混雜系統;多智慧型體系統
  • 任職院校:東南大學數學學院


2006.07―2009.06 香港城市大學套用數學系,哲學博士學位
2003.09―2006.04 東南大學數學系,理學碩士學位
1999.09―2003.07 浙江師範大學數學系,學士學位
1996.09―1999.07 東陽中學,高中
2018年6月至2018年9月,德國洪堡基金會資助,訪問Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;
2016年7月至8月,訪問Texas A&M University at Qatar;
2015年7月至8月,訪問Texas A&M University at Qatar;
2013年7月至8月,訪問Texas A&M University at Qatar;
2010年10月至2012年9月,獲德國洪堡基金會(Alexander von Humboldt - Foundation)資助,作為德國洪堡學者訪問Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;
2010年1月至2月,訪問香港城市大學; 2009年7月至9月,訪問香港城市大學。
Ø2018年起,任SCI刊物IEEE Access(IEEE, 2018年影響因子3.557)的副編輯(Associate Editor)
Ø2016年起,任SCI刊物Journal of Franklin Institute (Elsevier, 2018年影響因子3.576)的副編輯(Associate Editor)
Ø2012年起,任SCI刊物Neural Computing and Applications(Springer, 2018年SCI影響因子為4.213)的副編輯(Associate Editor)
Ø2011年起,任SCI刊物Neural Processing Letters(Springer, 2018年SCI影響因子為1.787)的副編輯(Associate Editor)
Ø2018年,任SCI期刊SCIENCE CHINA: Information Sciences (2018年SCI影響因子為2.188)的客座編輯(Guest Editor)
Ø2016年,任SCI期刊IET Control Theory & Applications (2018年SCI影響因子為3.296)的客座編輯(Guest Editor)
Ø2010年,任SCI期刊“Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”專刊ISNN2010 (Elsevier,2018年SCI影響因子為1.476)的客座編輯(Guest Editor)
Ø2018年起,IEEE Senior Member




1.J.Q. Lu,L.J. Sun, Y. Liu, D.W.C. Ho, J.D. Cao. Stabilization of Booleancontrol networks under aperiodic sampled-data control.SIAM Journal on Controland Optimization,56(6)4385-4404, 2018.
2.B.W. Li,J.Q. Lu,J. Zhong, Y. Liu. Fast-time stability of temporal Boolean networks.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 10.1109/TNNLS.2018.2881459, in press.
3.B.W. Li,J.Q. Lu,Y. Liu, W.X. Zheng. The local convergence of Booleannetworks with disturbances.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: ExpressBriefs, doi:10.1109/TCSII.2018.2857841, in press.
4.Y. Liu, B.X. Jiang,J.Q. Lu, J.D. Cao, G.P. Lu. Event-triggered slidingmode control for attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft.IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (Regular Paper), 10.1109/TSMC.2018.2867061, in press.
5.S.Y. Zhu, Y. Liu, J.G. Lou,J.Q. Lu, F.E. Alsaadi. Sampled-DataState Feedback Control for the Set Stabilization of Boolean Control Networks.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (Regular Paper),doi:10.1109/TSMC.2018.2852703, in press.
6.Y.Q. Wang,J.Q. Lu,J.L. Liang, J.D. Cao, M. Perc. Pinning synchronizationof nonlinear coupled Lur’e networks under hybrid impulses.IEEE Transactionson Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, doi:10.1109/TCSII.2018.2844883.
7.Q.X. Zhu, Y. Liu,J.Q. Lu, J.D. Cao. Controllability and observability ofBoolean control networks via sampled-data control.IEEE Transactions on Controlof Network Systems, Accepted.
8.J. Zhong, D.W.C. Ho,J.Q. Luand Q. Jiao. Pinning Controllers for ActivationOutput Tracking of Boolean Network under One-bit Perturbation.IEEE Transactionson Cybernetics, doi:10.1109/TCYB.2018.2842819, 2018, in press
9.X.S. Yang, Q. Song, J.D. Cao, andJ.Q. Lu. Synchronization of coupledMarkovian reaction-diffusion neural networks with proportional delays via quantizedcontrol.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2018.2853650, in press.
10.Y. Liu, L.Y. Tong, J.G. Lou,J.Q. Lu, and J.D. Cao. Sampled-data Controlfor the Synchronization of Boolean Control Networks.IEEE Transactions onCybernetics,49(2): 726-732, 2019.
11.J.Q. Lu,M.L. Li, T.W. Huang, Y. Liu, J.D. Cao. The transformation between the Galois NLFSRs and the Fibonacci NLFSRs via semi-tensor product of matrices.Automatica,96:010204, 2018.
12.X.H. Li,J.Q. Lu, X.Y. Chen, J.L. Qiu, J.D. Cao, and F.E. Alsaadi. Robust Output Tracking of Delayed Boolean Networks under Pinning Control.IEEE Transactionson Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 65(9):1249-1253, 2018.
13.C. Xu, X.S. Yang,J.Q. Lu, J.W. Feng, F.E. Alsaadi, and T. Hayat. Finite-TimeSynchronization of Networks via Quantized Intermittent Pinning Control.IEEETransactions on Cybernetics, 48(10):3021-3027, Oct. 2018.
14.Y. Liu, D.D. Zhang, J.G. Lou,J.Q. Lu, and J.D. Cao. Stability analysisof quaternion-valued neural networks: Decomposition and direct approaches.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(9): 4201-4211,September 2018.
15.Z.Z. Wu, Y.Q. Wu, Z.G. Wu, andJ.Q. Lu. Event-based synchronization ofheterogeneous complex networks subject to transmission delays.IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (Regular Paper), 48(12):2126-2134, 2018.
16.R.J. Liu,J.Q. Lu,Y. Liu, J.D. Cao, and Z.G. Wu. Delayed Feedback Controlfor Stabilization of Boolean Control Networks With State Delay.IEEE Transactionson Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(7):3283-3288, 2018.
17.Q.X. Zhu, Y. Liu,J.Q. Lu, and J.D. Cao. On the optimal control of Booleancontrol networks.SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(2): 1321-1341,2018.
18.H.W. Chen, J.L. Liang,J.Q. Lu, and J.L. Qiu. Synchronization for theRealization-Dependent Probabilistic Boolean Networks.IEEE Transactions onNeural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(4):819-831, April 2018.
19.Y. Liu, J.D. Cao, B.W. Li, andJ.Q. Lu. Normalization and solvability ofdynamic-algebraic Boolean networks.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks andLearning Systems, 29(7):3301-3306, 2018.
20.R.Q. Lu, P. Shi, H.Y. Su, Z.G. Wu, andJ.Q. Lu.Synchronization of GeneralChaotic Neural Networks with Nonuniform Sampling and Packet Missing: ASwitched System Approach.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and LearningSystems, 29(3):523-533, March 2018.
21.J. Zhong,J.Q. Lu,T.W. Huang, D.W.C. Ho. Controllability and Synchronization Analysis of Identical-Hierarchy Mixed-valued Logical Control Networks.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,47(11): 3482-3493, 2017.
22.Y. Liu, B.W. Li,J.Q. Lu,and J.D. Cao. Pinning control for the disturbance decoupling of Boolean networks.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,62(12):6595-6601, 2017.
23.J. Zhong, D.W.C. Ho,J.Q. Luand W.Y. Xu. Global Robust Stability and Stabilizationof Boolean Network with Disturbances.Automatica, 84:142-148, 2017.
24.H.W. Chen, J.L. Liang, andJ.Q. Lu. Partial Synchronization of Interconnected Boolean Networks.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics - regular paper,47(1):258-266, 2017.
25.J.Q. Lu,J. Zhong, D.W.C. Ho, Y. Tang and J.D. Cao. On controllability of delayed Boolean control networks.SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54(2): 475-494, 2016.
26.J.Q. Lu,J. Zhong, C. Huang and J.D. Cao. On pinning controllability of Boolean control networks.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(6):1658-1663, 2016.
27.X.S. Yang andJ.Q. Lu. Finite-time synchronization of coupled networks with Markovian topology and impulsive effects.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,61(8):2256-2261, 2016.
28.Y. Liu, L.J. Sun,J.Q. Luand J.L. Liang. Feedback Controller Design for the Synchronization of Boolean Control Networks.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 27(9):1991-1996, 2016.
29.Y. Tang, H.J. Gao, W. Du,J.Q. Lu, A.V. Vasilakos, and J. Kurths. Robust Multiobjective Controllability of Neuronal Networks.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,13(4):778-791, 2016.
30.X.S. Yang, D.W.C. Ho,J.Q. Luand Q. Song. Finite-time cluster synchronization of T-S fuzzy complex networks with discontinuous subsystems and random coupling.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,23(6):2302-2316, 2015.
31.C. Huang, D.W.C. Ho,J.Q. Luand J. Kurths. Pinning synchronization in T-S fuzzy complex networks with partial and discrete-time couplings.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(4):1274-1285, August 2015.
32.Y. Liu, H.W. Chen,J.Q. Lu, and B.Wu. Controllability of probabilistic Boolean control networks based on transition probability matrices.Automatica, 52:340-345, 2015.
33.J. Zhong,J.Q. Lu,Y. Liu and J.D. Cao. Synchronization in an array of output-coupled Boolean networks with time delay.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 25(12): 2288-2294, 2014.
34.Y. Tang, H.J. Gao,J.Q. Lu, and J. Kurths. Pinning Distributed Synchronization of Stochastic Dynamical Networks: A Mixed Optimization Approach.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 25(10): 1804-1815, Oct. 2014.
35.L.L. Li, D.W.C. Ho, andJ.Q. Lu. A Unified Approach to Practical Consensus with Quantized Data and Time Delay.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper, 60(10):2668–2678,2013.
36.N. Mahdavi, M.B. Menhaj, J. Kurths, andJ.Q. Lu. Fuzzy Complex Dynamical Networks and its Synchronization.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics – regular paper, 43(2):648-659, 2013.
37.X.S. Yang, J.D. Cao, andJ.Q. Lu. Synchronization of randomly coupled neural networks with Markovian jumping and time-delay.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper,60(2):363-376, 2013.
38.J.Q. Lu,J. Kurths, J.D. Cao, N. Mahdavi, and C. Huang. Synchronization Control for Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamical Networks: Pinning Impulsive Strategy.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, regular paper, 23(2):285–292, 2012.
39.X.S. Yang, J.D. Cao, andJ.Q. Lu. Synchronization of Markovian coupled neural networks with nonidentical node-delays and random coupling strengths.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, regular paper, 23(1):60–71, 2012.
40.X.S. Yang, J.D. Cao, andJ.Q. Lu. Stochastic Synchronization of Complex Networks With Nonidentical Nodes Via Hybrid Adaptive and Impulsive Control.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper, 59(2):371–384, 2012.
41.C. Huang, D.W.C. Ho, andJ.Q. Lu. Partial-information-based distributed filtering in two-targets tracking sensor network.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper, 59(4):820-832, 2012.
42.J.Q. Lu,D.W.C. Ho, J.D. Cao, and J. Kurths. Exponential synchronization of linearly coupled neural networks with impulsive disturbances,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 22(2):329-335, 2011.
43.Y. Liu, S.W. Zhao, andJ.Q. Lu, A new fuzzy impulsive control of chaotic systems based on T-S fuzzy model,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 19(2):393-398, APR 2011.
44.J.Q. Lu,D.W.C. Ho, and J.D. Cao. A unified synchronization criterion for impulsive dynamical networks.Automatica, 46:1215-1221, 2010.
45.J.Q. Lu*and D.W.C. Ho. Globally exponential synchronization and synchronizability for general dynamical networks.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B regular paper, 40(2):350-361, 2010.
46.J.Q. Lu,D.W.C. Ho, and Z.D. Wang. Pinning stabilization of linearly coupled stochastic neural networks via minimum number of controllers.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, regular paper, 20(10):1617-1629, 2009.
47.J.Q. Lu,J.D. Cao, and D.W.C. Ho. Adaptive stabilization and synchronization for chaotic Lur’e systems with time-varying delay.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper, 55(5):1347–1356, 2008.
9. 江蘇省第五期“333高層次人才培養工程”中青年科學技術帶頭人,BRA2019260,邏輯網路的動態分析和牽制控制,2019/09-2021/12,在研,項目負責人:盧劍權
Ø大會特邀報告,第二屆《中國科學》控制科學熱點問題研討會,此次會議由《中國科學信息科學》、《Science China Information Sciences》編輯部和中國自動化學會控制理論專業委員會(TCCT)組織,臨沂大學,2017年4月8日-9日;
ØSixth International Conference on Recent Developments in Fluid Mechanics (RDFM-6th)


2.2017年1月獲江蘇省科學技術獎二等獎(排名第一)(項目名稱:脈衝耦合網路趨同行為的理論與方法,獲獎人員:盧劍權,曹進德,楊鑫松,宋強,李露露), 江蘇省人民政府授予;
5.2014年-2017年連續三年入選Elsevier中國高被引學者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜單(數學學科),此榜單由世界著名出版公司愛思唯爾(Elsevier)發布;
9.2011年2月獲江蘇省科學技術獎一等獎(排名第二)(項目名稱:複雜網路的動態分析與控制,獲獎人員:曹進德,盧劍權,虞文武,孫永輝,楊永清), 江蘇省人民政府授予;
14.2015年5月論文(J.D. Cao, J.Q. Lu, Chaos, 16(1):013133,2006)入選25 Articles for 25 Years of Chaos.
15.2014年獲Asian Journal of Control的傑出審稿人(Outstanding Reviewer);


