



  • 書名:當代商務英語閱讀教程
  • 又名:Contemporary Business English
  • 出版社:華東師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2007年9月1日


出版社: 華東師範大學出版社; 第1版 (2007年9月1日)
外文書名: Contemporary Business English
叢書名: 高職高專十一五規劃教材
平裝: 305頁
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787561755082
條形碼: 9787561755082
尺寸: 25.6 x 18.4 x 1.6 cm
重量: 621 g




Unit 1 商標知多少
Topic—based Content:Trademark,Brand and Logo
Topic Reading:Extracts of Trademark,多主潤束Brand and Logo
Extract 1:Trademarks
Extract 2:The Trademark Application Process
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document:Sample Trademarks
Extract 3:Brand&Log0
Extract 4:Coca—Cola
[文化連結] Culture Link:Branding—It's All about Focus
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document:Trademark Assignment
Unit 2 廣告踏地風雲錄
Topic—based Content:Advertising Industry
Topic Reading:Extracts of Advertising Industry
Extract 1:Advertising
Extract 2:Advertising Media
[相關連結] Related Link:Background History of Advertising
[文化鏈精遷膠接] Culture Link:The Top Tens on the Internet
Extract 3:Misleading Advertising
Extract 4:Advertising Careers
[文化連結] Culture Link:Authentic Advertisements
Unit 3 廣告妙語
Topic—based Content:Language of Advertising
Topic Reading:Extracts of Language of Advertising
Extract 1:Opinions on Advertising Language
Extract 2:Copywriting and Copywriter
[文化連結] Culture Link:Nice’n Easy
Extract 3:Creative Work by Copywriters
Extract 4:The Future of Ad Writing
[文化連結] Culture Link:Effective Ads
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skill:Acronym
Unit 4 傳媒巨子風屑雄踏雲錄
Topic—based Content:Time Warner
Topic Reading:Extracts of Time Warner
Extract 1:Time Warner Inc.
Extract 2:Values of Time Warner
Extract 3:From Time Warner to AOL Time Warner and to Time Warner(TWX)
Extract 4:Background of the Merger
[文化連結] Culture Link:The Future of Digital Media
Unit 5 行銷為王
Topic—based Content:Marketing Mix
Topic Reading:Extracts of Marketing Mix
Extract 1:Marketing Plan
Extract 2:Marketing Mix
[相關連結] Related Link:McDonald’s Five P's
Extract 3:The Product Life Cycle
Extract 4:HOW to Create a Marketing Plan
[文化連結] Culture Link:The Five Roles of a Great Leader
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skill:“一driven”Compound Words
Unit 6 探秘行銷模式
Topic—based Content:Market and Marketing Moulds
Topic Reading:Extracts of Market and Marketing Moulds
Extract 1:Market and Marketing
Extract 2:Projecting Market Share
[相關連結] Related Link:Network Marketing—Internet Business Do’S and Don’ts
Extract 3:Internet Based Network Marketing Success
Extract 4:Creating New Retailing Moulds
[文化連結] Culture Link:Supermarket Competition in UK
Unit 7 銷售文化
Topic—based Content:Different Kinds of Sales Cultures
Topic Reading:Extracts of Different Kinds of Sales Cultures
Extract 1:Car Boot Sale
Extract 2:Some Other Sales or Shops
[文化連結] Culture Link:1 6 eBay Success Secrets
Extract 3:Yard Sales and Garage Sales
Extract 4:Will Wal—Mart Last Forever?
[文化連結] Culture Link:Five—and—Dime Store
[相關連結] Related Link:Building Your MLM Business
Unit 8 期中複習
Topic—based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 1 to Unit 7
Topic Reading: Extracts about Marketing Mix
Extract 1:Definitions of Advertising
Extract 2:Is Your Product D.U.M.B.Enough to Take Overseas?
Extract 3:How to Avoid Blunders in Advertising?
Unit 9 智慧財產權必知錄
Topic—based Content:Intellectual Property and Patent
Topic Reading:Extracts of Intellectual Property and Patent
Extract 1:Intellectual Property
Extract 2:World Intellectual Property Organization
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document(1):IPA
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document(2):Patent
Extract 3:Patent and Its Application
Extract 4:Infringement&Piracy
[文化連結] Culture Link:Patents and Inventions
A Press Release
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Documents(3):Copyright
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skills:Parallel Structure
Unit 10 網路&“E”生活
Topic—based Content:Network and E—Life
Topic Reading:Extracts of Network and E—Life
Extract 1:Intemet and E—Life
Extract 2:Online Shopping
[相關連結] Related Link:E—mail
Extract 3:Information Technology and e—mail
Extract 4:Applications of Networked Multimedia
Unit 11 點擊電子商務
Topic—based Content:Interact and E—Commerce
Topic Reading:Ext瑚lcts of Interact and E—Commerce
Extract 1:ABCs of E—Commerce(1)
Extract 2:ABCs of E—Commerce(2)
[文化連結] Culture Link:TV Is Dying?Long Live TV!
Extract 3:Windows VistaTM
Extract4:Will iPods Bring New Fans to TV Shows7
[相關連結] Related Link:How to Use the Internet
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skills:Transferred Negative
Unit 12 貨幣大觀
Topic—based Content:Money and Its Types
Topic Reading:Extracts of Money and Its Types
Extract 1:Types of Money
Extract 2:Monetary Standards
[相關連結] Related Link:Currency Codes&Symbols f Signs)
[相關連結] Related Link:Foreign Exchange
Extract 3:Monetary Systems
Extract 4:Eurosystem and the European Central Bank
[文化連結] Culture Link:Inventor Who Coined Euro Sign Fights for
Unit 13 銀行業務窺奧
Topic—based Content:Banking
Topic Reading:Extracts of Banking
Extract 1:Banking
Extract 2:Banking in the United States and Other Countries
[相關連結] Related Link:Banking History
Extract 3:Credit Cards
Extract 4:The History of Credit Cards
[文化連結] Culture Link:Bank Holiday
Unit 14 交易小百科
Topic—based Content:Commodity Transactions
Topic Reading:Extracts of Commodity Transactions
Extract 1:Commodity Transactions
Extract 2:The Futures Market
[文化連結] Culture Link:Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.
Extract 3:Different Order Types
Extract 4:Free Trade
[相關連結] Related Link:Trade FalrS
Unit 15 社會保障
Topic—based Content:Social Security
Topic Reading:Extracts of Soci~Security
Extract 1:Social Security
Extract 2:Health Insurance in the United States
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document:Promotional Letter—Auto
I nsurance
Extract 3:Life Insurance
Extract 4:Some Other Insurance Items
[相關連結] Related Link:The Insurance Industry and Insurance Companies
Unit 16 期末複習
Topic—based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 9 to Unit 15
Topic Reading:Extracts about Protecting the Legitimate Rights
Extract 1:How Trademarks Differ from Patents and Copyrights
Extract 2:What Is Piracy?Why Is Piracy Illegal?
Extract 3:Business Models
[文化連結] Culture Link:Authentic Advertisements
Unit 3 廣告妙語
Topic—based Content:Language of Advertising
Topic Reading:Extracts of Language of Advertising
Extract 1:Opinions on Advertising Language
Extract 2:Copywriting and Copywriter
[文化連結] Culture Link:Nice’n Easy
Extract 3:Creative Work by Copywriters
Extract 4:The Future of Ad Writing
[文化連結] Culture Link:Effective Ads
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skill:Acronym
Unit 4 傳媒巨子風雲錄
Topic—based Content:Time Warner
Topic Reading:Extracts of Time Warner
Extract 1:Time Warner Inc.
Extract 2:Values of Time Warner
Extract 3:From Time Warner to AOL Time Warner and to Time Warner(TWX)
Extract 4:Background of the Merger
[文化連結] Culture Link:The Future of Digital Media
Unit 5 行銷為王
Topic—based Content:Marketing Mix
Topic Reading:Extracts of Marketing Mix
Extract 1:Marketing Plan
Extract 2:Marketing Mix
[相關連結] Related Link:McDonald’s Five P's
Extract 3:The Product Life Cycle
Extract 4:HOW to Create a Marketing Plan
[文化連結] Culture Link:The Five Roles of a Great Leader
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skill:“一driven”Compound Words
Unit 6 探秘行銷模式
Topic—based Content:Market and Marketing Moulds
Topic Reading:Extracts of Market and Marketing Moulds
Extract 1:Market and Marketing
Extract 2:Projecting Market Share
[相關連結] Related Link:Network Marketing—Internet Business Do’S and Don’ts
Extract 3:Internet Based Network Marketing Success
Extract 4:Creating New Retailing Moulds
[文化連結] Culture Link:Supermarket Competition in UK
Unit 7 銷售文化
Topic—based Content:Different Kinds of Sales Cultures
Topic Reading:Extracts of Different Kinds of Sales Cultures
Extract 1:Car Boot Sale
Extract 2:Some Other Sales or Shops
[文化連結] Culture Link:1 6 eBay Success Secrets
Extract 3:Yard Sales and Garage Sales
Extract 4:Will Wal—Mart Last Forever?
[文化連結] Culture Link:Five—and—Dime Store
[相關連結] Related Link:Building Your MLM Business
Unit 8 期中複習
Topic—based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 1 to Unit 7
Topic Reading: Extracts about Marketing Mix
Extract 1:Definitions of Advertising
Extract 2:Is Your Product D.U.M.B.Enough to Take Overseas?
Extract 3:How to Avoid Blunders in Advertising?
Unit 9 智慧財產權必知錄
Topic—based Content:Intellectual Property and Patent
Topic Reading:Extracts of Intellectual Property and Patent
Extract 1:Intellectual Property
Extract 2:World Intellectual Property Organization
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document(1):IPA
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document(2):Patent
Extract 3:Patent and Its Application
Extract 4:Infringement&Piracy
[文化連結] Culture Link:Patents and Inventions
A Press Release
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Documents(3):Copyright
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skills:Parallel Structure
Unit 10 網路&“E”生活
Topic—based Content:Network and E—Life
Topic Reading:Extracts of Network and E—Life
Extract 1:Intemet and E—Life
Extract 2:Online Shopping
[相關連結] Related Link:E—mail
Extract 3:Information Technology and e—mail
Extract 4:Applications of Networked Multimedia
Unit 11 點擊電子商務
Topic—based Content:Interact and E—Commerce
Topic Reading:Ext瑚lcts of Interact and E—Commerce
Extract 1:ABCs of E—Commerce(1)
Extract 2:ABCs of E—Commerce(2)
[文化連結] Culture Link:TV Is Dying?Long Live TV!
Extract 3:Windows VistaTM
Extract4:Will iPods Bring New Fans to TV Shows7
[相關連結] Related Link:How to Use the Internet
[閱讀連結] Link to Reading Attack Skills:Transferred Negative
Unit 12 貨幣大觀
Topic—based Content:Money and Its Types
Topic Reading:Extracts of Money and Its Types
Extract 1:Types of Money
Extract 2:Monetary Standards
[相關連結] Related Link:Currency Codes&Symbols f Signs)
[相關連結] Related Link:Foreign Exchange
Extract 3:Monetary Systems
Extract 4:Eurosystem and the European Central Bank
[文化連結] Culture Link:Inventor Who Coined Euro Sign Fights for
Unit 13 銀行業務窺奧
Topic—based Content:Banking
Topic Reading:Extracts of Banking
Extract 1:Banking
Extract 2:Banking in the United States and Other Countries
[相關連結] Related Link:Banking History
Extract 3:Credit Cards
Extract 4:The History of Credit Cards
[文化連結] Culture Link:Bank Holiday
Unit 14 交易小百科
Topic—based Content:Commodity Transactions
Topic Reading:Extracts of Commodity Transactions
Extract 1:Commodity Transactions
Extract 2:The Futures Market
[文化連結] Culture Link:Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.
Extract 3:Different Order Types
Extract 4:Free Trade
[相關連結] Related Link:Trade FalrS
Unit 15 社會保障
Topic—based Content:Social Security
Topic Reading:Extracts of Soci~Security
Extract 1:Social Security
Extract 2:Health Insurance in the United States
[實例連結] Link to Authentic Document:Promotional Letter—Auto
I nsurance
Extract 3:Life Insurance
Extract 4:Some Other Insurance Items
[相關連結] Related Link:The Insurance Industry and Insurance Companies
Unit 16 期末複習
Topic—based Content:A Review of the Content from Unit 9 to Unit 15
Topic Reading:Extracts about Protecting the Legitimate Rights
Extract 1:How Trademarks Differ from Patents and Copyrights
Extract 2:What Is Piracy?Why Is Piracy Illegal?
Extract 3:Business Models


