王飛躍現任IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica、自動化學報、指揮與控制學報主編,英文《Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation》叢書主編(1996-2000)。1996年創辦Int'l J. of Intelligent Control and Systems和World Scientific Series on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation。曾任IEEE智慧型交通系統彙刊(IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems)、國際智慧型控制與系統雜誌和IEEE Intelligent Systems 主編及IEEE 彙刊《Systems, Man and Cybernetics》、《Intelligent Transportation Systems》Magazine、《Knowledge and Data Engineering》、《Service Computing》和《Robotics & Automation》、《複雜系統與複雜性科學》等多份IEEE 以及其它國際期刊主編、副主編或編委。現任中國自動化學會副理事長兼秘書長,複雜性專業學術委員會主任,智慧型自動化專業委員會副主任;中國管理學會系統複雜性與管理專業委員會主任;中國人工智慧學會社會計算與社會智慧型專委會主任;IEEE SMC 社會計算與社會智慧型專委會主任等職。
王飛躍曾任1998年 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control 和2001年 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics(SMC)國際大會Program Chair,2003年 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 國際大會 General Chair,2004年和2005年 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles (IV)會議Co-Program Chair和General Chair, 2005年和2006年IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (VES) General Chair 和 Program Chair, 2005年7月和2006年8月主持召開 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications(MESA), 2006年10月主持召開The First US-China International Workshop on Digital Government Research and Practice, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) Co-General Chair, 2007年8月主持IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Services, Operations, and Logistics Informatics (SOLI), 2007年12月主持IEEE ICVES,2009-2016一直擔任中國智慧型車未來挑戰賽(IVFC)大賽總裁判,2013年8月任第23屆人工智慧國際聯合大會IJCAI本地主席,這是國際頂級人工智慧大會首次在中國大陸召開。
王飛躍主要研究領域為智慧型系統和複雜系統的建模、分析和控制與管理,是智慧型控制方面的國際知名學者,也是智慧型機器人、無人駕駛、智慧型交通等領域的早期開拓者之一。自上世紀80年代起, 師從機器人和人工智慧領域開拓者G.N.Saridis和R.F.McNaughton教授, 開展智慧型控制、機器人、人工智慧和複雜系統的研究與套用工作, 提出並建立了智慧型系統的協調結構和理論、語言動力學理論、代理控制方法、複雜系統的ACP方法等, 完成“Advanced Studies of Flexible Robotic Manipulators: Modeling, Design, Control and Application”、“Autonomous Rock Excavation: Intelligent Control Techniques and Experimentation”、“Advanced Motion Control and Sensing for Intelligent Vehicles”、“Advances in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications”、 《社會計算》等十餘本學術專著,皆為相關領域的首部學術著作。自二十一世紀初, 發起並開拓了社會計算、社會製造、平行控制、平行管理等新的研究領域。其工作可歸納為四個方面:1).在基礎理論方面,王飛躍教授是智慧型機協調理論,語言動力學系統(Linguistic Dynamic Systems, LDS),代理控制方法(Agent-Based Control, ABC),複雜系統的ACP計算理論和方法等的提出者;2). 在核心技術開發方面,他及其團隊多年來致力於套用特定作業系統ASOS(Application Specific Operating Systems),OSGi兼容中間件,實時嵌入系統和遠程可重構可程式器件的研究和套用;3). 在重大工程套用方面,主要圍繞著智慧型交通系統,智慧型車輛和汽車電子,智慧型空間和智慧型家居系統以及綜合工業自動化等領域取得了顯著的社會和經濟效益;4). 在人才培養方面,自1990年起,王飛躍培養80餘名博士,90多名碩士。
王飛躍在Intelligent Control, Intelligent Systems, Unmanned Systems, Social Computing, Knowledge Automation, Parallel Intelligence和Parallel Management and Control for Complex Systems等方面的代表性文章包括:
Intelligent Control
1.Fei-Yue Wang and Saridis, G.N, “A Model for Coordination of Intelligent Machines Using Petri nets”, Pro. Third IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Arlington, VA, August 1988, pp. 28-33.
2.Fei-Yue Wang, G. N. Saridis, “Task Plan Generation for Intelligent Machines”, Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Philadelphia, PA, 1990, pp. 677-682.
3.Fei-Yue Wang, “Adaptive Design of Fuzzy Control Systems Using Neural Networks”, Proc. of the First Chinese World Congress on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation, August 1993, Beijing, China.
4.Fei-Yue Wang and Hung-man Kim, “Implementing Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controllers with Neural Networks: A Design Paradigm”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 1995, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 165-180.
5.Fei-Yue Wang, Yuetong Lin, Qinglong Wu, Peter M. Fu, and Chris Yeo, “Architecture and Implementation of Intelligent ControlSystems for Smart Consumer Appliances via Internet”, Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man,and Cybernetics, Nashville, Tennessee, 2000, pp. 599-602.
6.Fei-Yue Wang, “Integrated Intelligent Controland Management for Urban Traffic Systems”, Proceeding of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Shanghai, China, 2003, pp. 1313-1317.
7.Fei-Yue Wang and Derong Liu, Advances in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications( Series in Intelligent Controland Intelligent Automation, Vol. 5 ), NJ, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2006.
8.王飛躍, “連通環境下聯網系統的智慧型控制與管理問題”, 模式識別與人工智慧, 2004, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1-6.
9.Qinglong Wu, Fei-Yue Wang, Yuetong Lin, “A Mobile-Agent Based Distributed Intelligent ControlSystem Architecture for Home Automation”, Proceedings of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man,and Cybernetics, Tucson, AZ, 2001, pp. 1599-1605.
10.L. Chen, Fei-Yue Wang, “A Neuro-Fuzzy System Approach for Forecasting Short-Term Freeway Traffic Flows”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Singapore, 2002, pp. 747-751.
11.Xiaobo Shi, P. Lever, and Fei-Yue Wang, Autonomous Rock Excavation: Intelligent ControlTechniques and Experimentation, River Edge, NJ, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1998.
Intelligent Systems
1.Fei-Yue Wang, “Intelligent Systems in a Connected World”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2009, Vol. 24, Issue: 1, pp. 2-4.
2.Fei-Yue Wang, “The Emergence of Intelligent Enterprises: FromCPS to CPSS”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2010, Vol. 25, Issue: 4, pp. 85-88.
3.Fei-Yue Wang, “Back to the Future: Surrogates, Mirror Worlds, and Parallel Universes”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2011, Vol. 26, Issue: 1, pp. 2-4.
4.Fei-Yue Wang, “Tempus Fugit 3.0: IS in Cyberspace”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Nov.-Dec. 2012, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 2.
5.Fei-Yue Wang, “A Big-Data Perspective on AI: Newton, Merton, and Analytics Intelligence”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Sept-Oct. 2012, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 2-4.
6.Fei-YueWang, P. K. Wong, “Intelligent Systems and technology for integrative and predictive medicine: an ACP approach”, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Mar. 2013, Vol. 4, No. 2, Article 32, pp. 6 pages.
7.Hsinchun Chen, Fei-Yue Wang, “Artificial Intelligence for Homeland Security”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2005, Vol. 20, Issue: 5, pp. 12-16.
8.王飛躍, 智慧型系統加速提升醫療保健水平, 中國科學報, 2014.06.27.
Unmanned Systems(Driveless Cars)
1.Fei-Yue Wang, Guanpi Lai, Pitu Mirchandani, “Deployment of Digital Vehicle/Highway Technology for Safety Enhancement”, Proceedings of IEEE 2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2003, pp. 204-207.
2.Fei-Yue Wang, Xiaojing Wang, Li Li, Pit Mirchandani, Zhixue Wang, “Design and Construction of a Digital Vehicle Proving Ground”, Proceedings of IEEE 2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2003, pp. 533-536.
3.Y. T. Lin, Fei-Yue Wang, P. B. Mirchandani, Long Wu, Z. X. Wang, Chris Yeo, and Michael Do, “Implementing Adaptive Driving Systems for Intelligent Vehicles By Using Neuro-Fuzzy Networks”, Transportation Research Record, November 2001, Issue 1774, pp. 98-105.
4.Li Li, Fei-Yue Wang, Qunzhi Zhou, “A Robust Observer Designed for Vehicle Lateral Motion Estimation”, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2005, pp. 417-422.
5.Li Li, Fei-Yue Wang, Hungman Kim, “Cooperative Driving and Lane Changing at Blind Crossings”, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2005, pp. 435-440.
6.Yuetong Lin, Fei-Yue Wang, “Predicting Chaotic Time Series Using Adaptive Wavelet-Fuzzy Inference System”, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2005, pp. 888-893.
8.Li Li, Jingyan Song, Fei-Yue Wang, Niehsen, W. and Nan-Ning Zheng, “IVS 05: New Developments and Research Trends for Intelligent Vehicles”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2005, Vol. 20,No. 4,pp. 10-14.
9.Li Zhenjiang, Wang Kunfeng, Li Li, Fei-Yue Wang, “A Review on Vision-Based Pedestrian Detection for Intelligent Vehicles”, Proceeding of 2006 IEEE International conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, 2006, pp. 57-62.
10.Li Li, Wu-Ling Huang, Yuehu Liu, Nan-Ning Zheng, Fei-Yue Wang, “Intelligence testing for autonomous Vehicles: A new approach”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2016, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 158-166.
Social Computing
1.Fei-Yue Wang, “Toward a Paradigm Shift in Social Computing: The ACP Approach”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2007, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 65-67.
2.Fei-Yue Wang, Daniel Zeng, Kathleen M. Carley, Wenji Mao, “Social Computing: From Social Informatics to Social Intelligence”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2007, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 79-83.
3.Fei-Yue Wang, “Social Computing: Fundamentals and applications”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.
4.王飛躍, “社會計算與數字網路化社會的動態分析”, 科技導報, 2005, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 4-7.
15.Xiarong Li, Daniel Zeng, Wenji Mao, Fei-Yue Wang, “Online Communities: A Social Computing Perspective”, LNCS 5075, 2008, pp. 355-365.
16.Xiaochen Li, Wenji Mao, Daniel Zeng, Fei-Yue Wang, “Agent-Based Social Simulation and Modeling in Social Computing”, LNCS 5075, 2008, pp.401-412.
Knowledge Automation
1.Fei-Yue Wang, “Scanning the issue and beyond: Toward ITS Knowledge Automation”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Feb. 2014, Vol. 15, No .1, pp. 1-5.
1.Fei-Yue Wang, “A Computational Framework for Decision Analysis and Support in ISI: Artificial Societies, Computational Experiments, and Parallel Systems”, LNCS 3917, 2006, pp. 183-184.
2.Fei-YueWang, “Parallel Control and Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Concepts, Architectures, and Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2010, Vol. 11 Issue: 3, pp. 630-638.
3.Fei-Yue Wang, “Back to the Future: Surrogates, Mirror Worlds, and Parallel Universes”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2011, Vol. 26, Issue: 1, pp. 2-4.
5.Fei-YueWang, L. Q. Yang, X. Cheng, S. S. Han, and J. Yang, “Network Softwarization and Parallel Networks: Beyond Software-defined Networks”, IEEE network Magazine, 2016, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 60.
1.Fei-Yue Wang, Yuetong Lin, and James B. Pu, “Linguistic Dynamic Systems and Computing with Words for Complex Systems”, Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2000, pp. 2399-2404.
2.Fei-Yue Wang and Yuetong Lin, J. B. Pu, Linguistic Dynamic Systems and Computing with Words for Modeling, Simulation,and analysis of Complex Systems, in Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation Technologies: A Tapestry of Systems and AI-Based Theories and Methodologies, edited by H. S. Sarjoughian, F. E. Cellier, Heidelberg, Germany, UK: Springer, 2001.
3.Fei-Yue Wang, “Toward a Revolution in Transportation Operations: AI for Complex Systems”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2008, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 8-13.
4.Fei-Yue Wang, Yuetong Lin, and James B. Pu, “Linguistic Dynamic Systems and Computing with Words for Complex Systems”, Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2000, pp. 2399-2404.
5.Feng Cui, Changjian Cheng, Fei-Yue Wang, Wei Wei, Lefei Li, Yumin Zou, “Accelerated GPU computing technology for parallel management systems”, 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), July 7-9, 2010, pp. 5343-5347.
6.王飛躍, “關於複雜系統研究的計算理論與方法”, 中國基礎科學, 2004, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 3-10.
14.Jinyuan Li, Shuming Tang, Fei-Yue Wang, “An Investigation on ATS from the Perspective of Complex Systems”, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Beijing, China, 2008, pp. 20-24.
15.Cheng Chang-jian, Cui Feng, Fei-Yue Wang, “An Investigation of Parallel Management Information System technology based on Service-Oriented Architecture”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics and Informatics (SOLI), July 15-17, 2010, pp. 342-345.