



  • 中文名:王竹林
  • 出生地:湖北老河口
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:作物遺傳育種
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學








[1]Wang ZL, Li LH, He ZH, Duan XY, Zhou YL, Chen XM, Wang H, Lillemo M, Singh RP, Xia XC. Seedling and Adult-Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Chinese Bread Wheat Cultivars and Introductions. Plant Dis. 2005, 89(5): 457-463 ISSN 0191-2917.
[2]Z.L. Wang,L. Láng, A.Uhrin, O. Veisz, S.D. Liu, G. Vida. Identification of the Lr34/Yr18 rust resistance gene region in a Hungarian wheat breeding programme. Cereal Research Communication, 2009,37(3):431-440.
[3]Meixia Li, Zhulin Wang(共同第一作者), Ziying Liang, Weinan Shen, Fengli Sun, Yajun Xi, and Shudong Liu. Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis for Kernel-Related Characteristics in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). CROP SCIENCE, 2014(4): 1485-1493.
[4]王竹林,何中虎, 王輝,陳新民 ,段霞瑜,周益林, 夏先春.小麥品種百農 64 慢白粉病抗性QTL 的定位.中笑體國農業科學,2006(10):跨詢催1956-1961.
[6]王竹林. 實驗室良好習慣的培養. 實驗技術與管理, 2011, 28(4): 19-21.
[7]王竹林,楊睿,劉聯正,鐘歡,劉曙東,胡甘. 聚丙烯醯胺凝膠電泳銀染的影響因素.實驗室研究與探索,2011,30(9):15-17.
[8]王竹林,楊睿,楊興聖,劉曙東,胡甘.Mapmaker3.0和作圖軟體使用. 實驗室研究與探索,2012,31(11):62-65.
[9]楊睿 劉聯正 李華 鐘歡 楊興聖 王店府榆竹林(通訊作者) 劉曙東. 波蘭小麥×普通小麥奔棵殼采品系中13 重組自交系(RIL)群體穗部性狀的QTL分析.農業生物技術學報,2012(5),506-513.
[10]沈瑋囡, 王竹林(共同第一作者), 楊睿, 李美霞, 梁子英,奚亞軍, 孫風麗,劉曙東. 波蘭小麥品系XN555×普通小麥品系中13 衍生重組自交系(RILs)群體中籽粒品質相關性狀QTL定位. 農業生物技術學報, 2014(5): 561-571.
[11]Caixia Lan, Shanshan Liang, Zhulin Wang(王竹林), Jun Yan, Yong Zhang, Xianchun Xia, and Zhonghu He. Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Chinese Wheat Cultivar Bainong 64. Phytopathology. 2009,99(10): 1121-1126.
[12]Liang, S. S., Suenaga, K., He, Z. H., Wang, Z. L.(王竹林), Liu, H. Y., Wang, D. S., Singh, R. P., Sourdille, P., and Xia, X. C. Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Bread Wheat. Phytopathology. 2006, 96(7): 784-789.
[13]Gyula Vida. Mariann Gal. Andrea Uhrin. Otto Veisz. Naeem Hasan Syed. Andrew J. Flavell. Zhulin Wang(王竹林). Zoltan Bedo. Molecular markers for the identification of resistance genes and marker-assisted selection in breeding wheat for leaf rust resistance. Euphytica. 2009, 170:67-76.
[9]楊睿 劉聯正 李華 鐘歡 楊興聖 王竹林(通訊作者) 劉曙東. 波蘭小麥×普通小麥品系中13 重組自交系(RIL)群體穗部性狀的QTL分析.農業生物技術學報,2012(5),506-513.
[10]沈瑋囡, 王竹林(共同第一作者), 楊睿, 李美霞, 梁子英,奚亞軍, 孫風麗,劉曙東. 波蘭小麥品系XN555×普通小麥品系中13 衍生重組自交系(RILs)群體中籽粒品質相關性狀QTL定位. 農業生物技術學報, 2014(5): 561-571.
[11]Caixia Lan, Shanshan Liang, Zhulin Wang(王竹林), Jun Yan, Yong Zhang, Xianchun Xia, and Zhonghu He. Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Chinese Wheat Cultivar Bainong 64. Phytopathology. 2009,99(10): 1121-1126.
[12]Liang, S. S., Suenaga, K., He, Z. H., Wang, Z. L.(王竹林), Liu, H. Y., Wang, D. S., Singh, R. P., Sourdille, P., and Xia, X. C. Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Bread Wheat. Phytopathology. 2006, 96(7): 784-789.
[13]Gyula Vida. Mariann Gal. Andrea Uhrin. Otto Veisz. Naeem Hasan Syed. Andrew J. Flavell. Zhulin Wang(王竹林). Zoltan Bedo. Molecular markers for the identification of resistance genes and marker-assisted selection in breeding wheat for leaf rust resistance. Euphytica. 2009, 170:67-76.


