



  • 中文名:王會琦
  • 畢業院校:四川大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:企業成長理論中的介觀統計力學方法等
  • 職務:重慶大學數學與統計學院碩士生導師









《現代統計學系列叢書:時間序列分析及套用》是為統計學專業學生編寫的時間序列分析課程教材,《現代統計學系列叢書:時間序列分析及套用》共九章,內容包括緒論,預備知識,時間序列的平穩化,自回歸模型,滑動平均模型,自回歸滑動平均模型,求和自回歸滑動平均模型,非線性時間序列,多維時間序列。 《現代統計學...


[1]企業技術諮詢項目(數聯銘品科技):大數據平台中動態企業發展評價技術研究, 2018.01—2018.12.
[2]企業技術諮詢項目(數聯銘品科技):小微企業網路特徵與動態發展評價技術研究, 2017.01—2017.12.
[3]重慶市基礎科學與前沿技術研究(cstc2017jcyjAX0412):信息傳輸中的雙正交隨機最佳化理論研究, 2017/07—2020/06.(主持
[4]重慶市博士後特別資助項目(Xm2016079):基於正交chirp基時頻雙域混合表征的角時信息傳輸理論及套用研究, 2016/11—2017/12.(主持
[5]重慶市基礎科學與前沿技術研究(cstc2016jcyjA0014):基於FrFT運算元的角時信息傳輸理論及其在OFDM系統中的套用, 2016/07—2019/06.(主持
[6]國家自然科學青年基金(11301360):分數階傅立葉群變換運算元理論及其在信息傳輸中的套用, 2014/01—2016/12.(主持
[8]教育部博士點基金(20120181120089):分數階運算元半群理論及其在隨機信號處理中的套用, 2012/01—2015/12.(主持
[9]委託研發項目(四川長虹):多階段混聯生產布局數學模型開發, 2013.09—2014.05.
[10]委託研發項目(四川虹微):生成布局數學模型開發, 2012.03—2013.05.
[11]四川大學青年基金(2010SCU11075):基於FrFT角分復用的小區間干擾抑制技術, 2010.01—2013.12.(主持
[12]國家自然科學基金(10571127):隨機動力系統混沌控制與參數估計的穩健性及其在弱信號檢測中的套用, 2006/01—2008/12.(參與
學術論文(*Corresponding author)
[1]Wang H, Ni F, Lin L and Lv W. Transport behaviors of locally fractional coupled Brownian motors with fluctuating interactions, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017. (Submitted)
[2]Wang H, Lin L, Chen H and Shi S. The stochastic incentive effect of venture capital in bilateral partnership systems with the asymmetric bistable Cobb-Douglas utility, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2017. (Submitted)
[3]Wang H, Yu L, Lin L and Zhong S. The incentive effect of venture capital in bilateral partnership systems with the bias mono-stable Cobb-Douglas utility, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017. (Submitted)
[4] Yu L andWang H*. Sub-manifolds sparsity preserving discriminant analysis for image set based face recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2017.(Submitted)
[5] Lin L andWang H. Generalized stochastic resonance for a fractional harmonic oscillator with bias-signal-modulated trichotomous noise, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017. (Submitted)
[6] Lin L,Wang H* and Zhong Suchuan. Stochastic resonance for a fractional oscillator with random trichotomous mass and random trichotomous frequency, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 31: 1750231, 2017. (SCI)
[7] Zhong S, Zhang Lu,Wang H, Ma H and Luo M. Nonlinear effect of time delay on the generalized stochastic resonance in a fractional oscillator with multiplicative polynomial noise, Nonlinear Dynamics, 89(2): 1327-1340, 2017. (SCI)
[8] Lin L,Wang H* and Lv W. Stochastic resonance system with linear random frequency fluctuation for aperiodic LFM signal, Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(2): 1361-1371, 2017. (SCI)
[9] Yu L, Yang D andWang H*. Sparse multiple maximum scatter difference for dimensionality reduction, Digital Signal Processing, 62: 91-100, 2017. (SCI)
[10] Lin L, Chen C andWang H. Erratum: Trichotomous noise induced stochastic resonance in a fractional oscillator with random damping and random frequency (2016 J. Stat. Mech. 023201). Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2016(6): 069901. (SCI)
[11] Lin L, Yu L,Wang H* and Zhong Suchuan. Parameter-adjusted stochastic resonance system for the aperiodic echo chip signal in optimal FrFT domain, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 43: 171-181, 2017. (SCI)
[12] Lin L,Wang H*, Lv W and Zhong S. A novel parameter induced stochastic resonance phenomena in fractional Fourier domain, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 76-77(2016): 771-779, 2016. (SCI)
[13] Lin L, Chen C andWang H*. Trichotomous noise induced stochastic resonance in a fractional oscillator with random damping and random frequency, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2016(2): 023201. (SCI)
[14] Lv W,Wang H*, Lin L, Wang F and Zhong S. Transport properties of elastically coupled fractional Brownian motors, Physica A, 437: 149-161, 2015. (SCI)
[15] Lin L, Chen C, Zhong S andWang H*. Stochastic resonance in a fractional oscillator with random mass and random frequency, Journal of Statistical Physics. 159 (4): 497-511, 2015. (SCI)
[16]Wang H, Lv W, Peng H and Zhou G. Coordinative stochastic resonance filtering based inter-cell interference suppression in FrFT-OFDMA cellular systems, Wireless Personal Communications, 81(1): 427-440, 2015. (SCI)
[17] Zhang L, Deng K,Wang Hand Luo M. Time-delay estimation of multiple targets with wavelet based phase-only matched filter, International Journal of Electronics, 101(7): 963-975, 2014. (SCI)
[18] Zhang L, Deng K,Wang Hand Luo M. Exponential filter-based delay estimation algorithm for active systems in the presence of multi-targets, IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, 7(3): 287-294, 2013. (SCI)
[19]Wang H. Biorthogonal frequency division multiple access cellular system with angle division reuse scheme, Wireless Personal Communications, 70(4): 1553-1573, 2013. (SCI)
[20]Wang H. A novel multiuser SISO-BOFDM systems with group fractional Fourier transforms scheme, Wireless Personal Communications, 69(2): 735-743, 2013. (SCI)
[21]Wang H, Lv W, Bai W and Ma H. A novel OFDMA cellular system based on multiple FrFT angles reuse scheme, Wireless Personal Communication, 66(4): 707-716, 2012. (SCI)
[22] Lv W,Wang H*, Ma H and Zhou Y. A novel adaptive V-BLAST algorithm based on subspace tracking and Hermitian matrix perturbation theorem, Science China Information Sciences, 55(2): 322-336, 2012. (SCI)
[23] Shi S, Yuan Y,Wang Hand Luo M. Weak signal frequency detection method based on generalized doffing oscillator, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(4): 040502, 2011. (SCI)
[24]Wang Hand Ma H. MIMO OFDM system based on the optimal fractional Fourier transform, Wireless Personal Communications, 55(2): 265-272, 2010. (SCI)
[25]Wang Hand Ma H. MMSE equalizer design and simulations for hybrid MIMO transmission schemes in LTE systems, China Communications, 7(5): 154-160, 2010. (SCI)
[26]Wang Hand Ma H, A Novel Blind Multi-user Detector based on the Fractional Lower Order Subspace Tracking in DS-CDMA Systems with Impulsive Noises, China Communications, 6(3A), 103-110, 2009. (SCI)
[27] Zhou Y, Ma H, Lv W andWang H. Prediction of the chaotic time series using multivariate local polynomial regression, Acta Physic Sinca, 56(12): 6809-6814, 2007. (SCI)
[28] Zhou Y, Ma H,Wang Hand Lv W. Local polynomial estimator for narrowband interference suppression in TH-UWB systems, Wireless Personal Communications, 43(4): 1379-1388, 2007. (SCI)
[29]Wang Hand Lv W. FrFT angle division multiple access with optimal time-frequency-angle resource distribution, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 519-520: 1012-1015, 2014. (EI)
[30] Lv W, Guo C,Wang Hand Ling Y. Study on heat distribution of pans, Advanced Materials Research, 821-822: 1398-1401, 2013. (EI)
[31] Lv W andWang H. A novel prediction method for ARFIMA processes, ICCIS2011, Chengdu, 1080-1083, 2011. (EI)
[32]Wang Hand Ma H. Performance Analysis for the Novel Blind Multi-user Detector Based on Compressed Subspace Method in TH-UWB Systems, MAPE2009, Beijing, 1274-1278, 2009. (EI)
[33]Wang Hand Ma H. Performance analysis for the blind multi-user detection based on subspace method in TH-UWB systems, ICCT2008, Hangzhou, 229-232, 2008. (EI)
[34]國家發明專利(201010517557.4):基於角分復用的雙正交頻分多址蜂窩系統,第一發明人, 2013年授權.
[35]周永道,王會琦,呂王勇:時間序列分析及套用,高等教育出版社, 2015.


雜誌IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Wireless Personal Communications, Nonlinear Dynamics, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, International Journal of Electronics, Digital Signal Processing等同行評審。


