王城,復旦大學教授。國家特聘專家,復旦大學姚祖輝特聘教授。1984年復旦大學數學系本科畢業,1994年獲加拿大西安大略大學經濟學博士學位。曾任美國卡內基梅隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)商學院助理教授和副教授,愛荷華州立大學(Iowa State University)經濟學副教授和教授。過去十多年中致力於總量經濟學與動態契約理論的研究,研究課題涵蓋巨觀金融、勞動力市場理論與政策、失業保險、經理人薪酬、動態契約基礎理論等領域。
研究成果在 American Economic Review,Review of Economic Studies,Journal of Economic Theory,Journal of Monetary Economics,International Economic Review,Review of Economic Dynamics等經濟學期刊發表。作為動態契約理論比較早的研究者之一,其研究工作對這一經濟學重要文獻的發展及其在總量經濟學中的套用作出了貢獻。他的最新研究興趣是動態經濟關係的最優終止問題及其在勞動力及金融市場模型中的套用。
Wang, Cheng and Youzhi Yang (2015), 'Equilibrium Matching and Termination,' Journal of Monetary Economics, 76: 208-229.
Wang, Cheng and Youzhi Yang (2015), 'Outside Opportunities and Termination,' Games and Economic Behavior, 91: 207-228.
Wang, Cheng (2013), 'Incentives and the Cost of Firing in an Equilibrium Labor Market Model with Endogenous Layoffs,' International Economic Review 54(2):443-472.
Greenwood, Jeremy, Juan Sanchez and Cheng Wang (2013), 'Quantifying the Impact of Financial Development on Economic Development,' Review of Economic Dynamics 16(1): 194-215.
Wang, Cheng (2011), 'Termination of Dynamic Contracts in an Equilibrium Labor Market Model, ' Journal of Economic Theory, 146: 74-110 .
Greenwood, Jeremy, Juan Sanchez and Cheng Wang (2010), 'Financing Development: The Role of Information Costs,' American Economic Review, Vol. 100: 1875-1891.
Wang, Cheng and RuiLin Zhou (2010), 'Equilibrium Lending Mechanism and Aggregate Activity,' International Economic Review, 51(3): 631-650.