- 書名:無敵國中英語必背詞組
- 作者:金維辰
- 出版社:外文出版社
- 頁數:239頁
- 開本:32
- 定價:19.80
- 外文名:Super English 702 Phrase
- 類型:教材教輔與參考書
- 出版日期:2012年1月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:9787119074115, 7119074113
- 品牌:光海文化
be able to~by then
call on~cut up
day and night~during the rush hour
each other~excuse me
face to face~fromto
generally speaking~grow up
hand down~hurt oneself
in a hurry~instead of
join in~just then
keep a secret~know about
last year~look up
make a contribution to~much too
neck and neck~now that
obey the rules~over the river
pass away~putinto
quarrel with sb~quite well
raise money~run through
save one's life~sweep the floor
take a look at~turninto
up and down~used to
wait for~write in
You are welcome~ You'd better not