



  • 書名:漢英文化讀本
  • 作者:呂家林 楊山青
  • 出版日期:2012年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787221101976 
  • 品牌:貴州人民出版社
  • 外文名:A Reader of Chinese Culture
  • 出版社:貴州人民出版社
  • 頁數:243頁
  • 開本:32
  • 定價:29.00







(周易) The Book of Change
天行健 The Vigorous Heaven's Movement
時止則止 Timing is Essentialin Deciding When to Act and When to Stay Put
(詩經) The Book Of Songs
王風·采葛 Regional Songs·Picking Ramee
小雅·北山 (片段)Minor Festal Songs·The Northern Mountain
(尚書) The Classic of History
欲敗度 Greed Corrupting Statutes
(逸周書) The Book of The Zhou
於安思危 Thinking Over Perils In Safety
(左傳) Chronicle of Zuo
君子畏於天 Gentleman's Fear Of God
三立 The Noblest Deeds for a Person
言以足志 Words Carrying Thoughts
(國語) Discourses of The States
天道無親 The God Blesses Nobody on Purpose
(老子) Lao Tzu
知人者智 People who Know Others are Intelligent
不自見 Free from Self—display
信言不美 True Words are Not Embellished
知足不辱 Free from Insult are Those who Feel Satisfied
(論語) Analects of Confucius
學而不思則罔 Learning without Thinking Leadsto Confusion
不患無位 No Need To Worry About The Position
己欲立而立人 Living And Making People Living
己所不欲 The Thing You Dislike
古之學者為己 Ancient Scholars Learning To Improve Themselves
君子有九思 Nine Cares Of A Gentleman
(孟子) Mencius
大丈夫 A True Man
窮則獨善其身 In Hardship Treasuring Themselves Solely
仰不愧於天 To The Heaven Feeling Unashamed
其進銳者 Advancing With Precipitation
養心在於寡慾 Cultivating One's Heart by Reducing One's Desires
(列子) Lie Tzu
成於此者虧於彼 Gain Here Implying A Loss Elsewhere
(莊子) Chuang Tzu
君子之交淡如水 Gentleman's Friendship is As Pure As Insipid Water
紀渻子養鬥雞 Xingzi Ji Fed a Gamecock for King Xuan of the Zhou Dynasty
(鶡冠子) Heguan Zi
終身之命 Mission Completed Within A Life Time
(荀子) Hsun Tzu
君子博學 Broad Learning
君子坦蕩蕩 The Accommodating Attitude Of A Gentleman
知命者不怨天 Those Who Know Fate Do Not Resent Heaven
君子恥不修 A Gentleman is Ashamed of Lacking Cultivation
(管子) Kuan Chung
國有四維 A State Has Four Reins
身者治之本 Self—cultivation Being The Foundation Of Governance Of The State
仁義禮樂出於法 Benevolence,Righteousness,Propriety,And Music Being Based On The Law
(禮記) Book Of Rites
教學相長 Learning And Teaching Promoting Each Other
成人之道 The Moral Requirements for A Gentleman
君子有三患 Three Worries Of A Gentleman
君子慎獨 The Gentleman Being Cautious In Solitude
五之 Five Abilities
修齊治平 The Four Life Goals Of A Confucian Scholar
(韓非子) Han Feizi
奉法國強 Observing The Law And The Making Of A Strong Country
存私房錢被遣返 A Girl Being Kicked Out By Her Parents—in—law For Having Personal Savings
方士教不死之道 A Necromancer Teaching King Of Yan The Way Of Immortality
曾子殺豬正妻教子 A Promise To Keep
(晏子春秋) The Spring and Autumn Annals of Yan Zi
立子以道 The Way To Educate Children
(呂氏春秋) The Spring And Autumn Annals Of Lv Buwei
君子必在己 The Gentleman Follows His Own Rules
天下之愛 Fraternity
欲知人者 Wanting To Learn Others
不卒聽管仲 Duke Huan Asking For His Tragic Fate In Neglect To Guan Zhong's Advice
眼見未必實 Seeing Is Not Necessarily Believing
用人不疑 No Suspecting Of The Man You Want To Use
(賈誼) Jia Yi
民為本 People Being The Lifeblood To All
德莫高於博愛 Loving Universal Being The Greatest Virtue
(樂府民歌) The Folk Songs From Yue Fu
上邪 Good Heaven
上山采蘼蕪 Gathering Herbs In The Mountains
(法言) The Analects Of Yang Xiong
學以修性 Improving One's Temperament By Learning
君子動以仁義 Gentleman Making Action By Humanity And Righteousness
(淮南子) Huai Nan Tzu
君子不捨小善 Not Failing To Do Every Little Good
(世說新語) A New Account of Tales of The World
罵父乃無禮 Cursing One Before His Child Being Rude
(左思) Zuo Si
詠史 Ode To History
(鮑照) Bao Zhao
擬行路難 Imitation Of A Hard Journey
(陶淵明) Tao Yuanming
飲酒 On Drinking Wine
(北朝民歌) Northern Dynasty Folk Song
敕勒歌 Ode To Chile


