



  • 中文名:演講的藝術課堂活動教師手冊
  • 作者:田朝霞、周紅兵
  • ISBN:9787513556118
  • 頁數:212頁
  • 定價:46.9元
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年5月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


《演講的藝術課堂活動教師手冊》借鑑美國定期出版的名為Selections from the Speech Communication Teacher的教師手冊,以真實的課堂教學實踐為基礎,指導演講課堂的設計與組織,其核心理念是“Written by classroomteachers for classroom teachers”。策劃和編寫由Lucas教授全程指導,眾多一線教師參與,旨在構建有效的演講課堂,為英語演講教師提供展示與分享的平台。


Part 1 Teaching Procedures—General
Unit 1 Warm Up
Activity 1.1 A Drawing Speech of Introduction
Activity 1.2 Using the Syllabus to Create a “Talk-Friendly” Environment on the First
Day of
Unit 2 Group Discussion
Activity 2.1 Creative Problem Solving—From Top to Bottom
Activity 2.2 Using New Approaches in Group Discussion Projects
Activity 2.3 Who Will Be the Next One to Get off the Boat?
Unit 3 Note-Taking Training & Listening
Activity 3.1 Learn to Use Your Own Symbols or Abbreviations to Take Notes
Unit 4 Peer Evaluation
Activity 4.1 Peer Evaluation on Introductory Speech
Activity 4.2 Peer Evaluation on the Class Recitation
Unit 5 Teacher’s Feedback
Activity 5.1 Teacher’s Feedback on Informative Speech
Activity 5.2 Teacher’s Feedback on Persuasive Speech
Unit 6 Large Class
Activity 6.1 What’s Wrong with the Speech? Understanding the Contents of the Course
Based on a Case Study.
Activity 6.2 The Outstanding Speaker Contest
Part 2 Preparation and Presentation—General
Unit 7 Speech Anxiety
Activity 7.1 It’s Not Necessary to be Nervous If I Can Do These
Activity 7.2 Public Speaking: Reducing Anxiety and Revealing a Process
Activity 7.3 How to Deal with Speech Anxiety
Unit 8 Communication Awareness
Activity 8.1 How to Maintain the Audience’s Interest During Your Speech
Activity 8.2 Send, Receive, and Draw
Unit 9 Audience Analysis
Activity 9.1 Combining Extemporaneous and Impromptu Speaking
Activity 9.2 An Alternative to Demographic Audience Analysis
Unit 10 Choosing Speech Topics
Activity 10.1 What to Say—Selecting a Topic
Activity 10.2 “FLTRP Cup”: What’s Interesting About the Topic and How to Make It More
Activity 10.3 Choosing Topics for Speeches: A Breath of Fresh Air
Unit 11 Information Literacy
Activity 11.1 Why Should You Believe What Others Say?
Activity 11.2 Teaching Research, Teaching Spee


