

法治,顧名思義,法治就是“法的統治”。法治是一種貫徹法律至上、 嚴格依法辦事的治國原則和方式。它要求作為反映社會主體共同意志和根本利益的法律具有至高無上的權威, 並在全社會得到有效的實施、普遍的遵守和有力的貫徹。法治作為一種先進的治國方式, 要求整個國家以及社會生活均依法而治, 即管理國家、治理社會, 是憑靠法律這種公共權威, 這種普遍、穩定、明確的社會規範;而不是靠任何人格權威, 不是靠掌權者的威嚴甚至特權, 不依個人意志為轉移。特別值得注意的是,在當代中國,“法治”和“依法治國”這兩個概念是根本一致的,依法治國實際就是法治的另一種表述,二者之間是一體兩面的關係。 要全面認識法治的內涵,必須對法治與法制、法治與人治、法治與德治的概念做一下辨析,搞清楚它們之間的關係。


  • 書名:法治(英文版)
  • 作者:韓震 嚴育 
  • ISBN:9787300207636
  • 定價:118.00
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015-3-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:1/16






Chapter 1Source of Rule of Law: From “Ruled by Law” to Promoting Law-based Governance of a Country in an All-around Way
IConnotation and discrimination of rule of law
IIHistory of rule of law in China and Western countries
IIIHistorical course of building a socialist country under the rule of law
IVNew milestones of building a socialist country under the rule of law
Chapter 2Follow the Right Path: Adhere to the Path of the Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics
IThe path of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics: What are the Chinese characteristics?
IIPath of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics: What is its destination?
IIIPath of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics: What should we adhere to?
Chapter 3Foundation of National Stability: The Country Should Be Ruled in Line with the Constitution
IThe Constitution is the fundamental law of the country
IIEnhance the authority of the Constitution
IIIPerfect the systems of Constitution implementation and supervision
IVPromote the spirit of the Constitution in the whole
Chapter 4Enact Good Laws: Promote Scientific Legislation and Democratic Legislation
IWhy should we promote scientific legislation and democratic legislation?
IIThe core of scientific legislation lies in respecting and reflecting the objective law
IIIThe core of democratic legislation lies in serving the people and depending on the people
IVPromote legislation in key fields, make legislation compatible with reform policies
Chapter 5A Law-based Government: Law-based Administration and Stringent Enforcement of Law
IWhy should we speed up the establishment of a law-based
IIProgresses and problems in the establishment of law-based government in China
IIIAdvance comprehensive exercise of functions in accordance with law by governments at all levels
IVImprove law-based decision-making mechanism
VDeepen reform of law enforcement by administrative agencies
VIStrengthen limits on and oversight of administrative powers
Chapter 6Judicial Justice:Making Sure People Feel Fairness and Justice
IJudicial justice is the lifeblood of rule of law
IIGuarantee the independent exercise of judicial powers
IIIImprove the allocation of judicial functions and powers and advance stringent judiciary
IVProvide stronger judicial protection of human rights
VStrengthen oversight of judicial activities
Chapter 7Concept of Rule of Law: Create a Law-abiding Society
IWhat is the concept of rule of law?
IIHow to advance law publicity among the people and cultivate concept of rule of law?
IIIHow to nourish rule of law spirit with virtue?
Chapter 8Leadership of the Party: Most Fundamental Guarantee to Socialist Rule of Law
IWhy socialist rule of law cannot be realized without leadership of the Party?
IIBring leadership of the Party to the whole process and all aspects of law-based governance of China
IIIStrengthen the establishment of Party rules and regulations
IVStrengthen rule of law thinking and competence of Party members and cadres


