



  • 書名:中國法治十年(英文)
  • 作者:雲昌智
  • 出版社:新世界出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年1月
  • 定價:78 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787510455650






Chapter 1 Towards an Era of Respect for Rights and Balance of Power
1. Horizontal allocation of state power
2. Vertical allocation of state power
3. Handling and coordinating horizontal relations between different regions and those between local governments
4. Respecting and safeguarding constitutional rights, especially human
r 2 034
Chapter 2 Between Economic Rights and Market Regulation
1. Civil Law
2. Commercial Law
Chapter 3 China’s Criminal Law in the Last Decade 101
1. Progress and development of China’s criminal law in the last decade
2. Conclusion
Chapter 4 Procedural Democracy and Visible Justice
1. The criminal procedural law
2. The civil procedural law
Chapter 5 From the Planned Economy to the Mechanism of
Market and Regulation
1. Trade law
2. Competition laws
3. Banking law
4. Tax law
5. Product quality law
6. Law of the PRC on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests Chapter 6 238
Chapter 6 A Balance Between “Administrative Effciency” and “Administration Power Control”
1. Administrative Licence Law of the PRC in 2003
2. Civil Servant Law of the PRC in 2005
3. Regulation of the PRC on the Disclosure of Government Information in 2007
4. State Compensation Law of the PRC revised in 2010 and in 20125. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Supervision (Revised in 2010)
6. Administrative Compulsion Law of the PRC in 2011
7. The Regulation on the Expropriation of Buildings on State-owned Land
and Compensation in 2011
8. ConclusionChapter 7 292
Chapter 7 Towards a Security System of Human Rights and
Social Rights
1. China’s labor law system2. China’s social security law
Chapter 8 New Perspectives on the Rule of Law
1. System improvement: highlighting the central administrative power
attribute of judicial power
2. Internal judicial mechanism: abide by internal laws of the operation of judicial power
3. Judicial independence: comply with the internal logic of judicial justice
4. Democracy: bridge the distance between judicial technicality and affnity
to people
5. Publicity: construct the open and transparent sunshine judicial mechanism
6. Demonstrate the national attributes of judicial discretionary power
7. Subject and integrity: stick to the internal quality of judges
2. Competition laws
3. Banking law
4. Tax law
5. Product quality law
6. Law of the PRC on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests Chapter 6 238
Chapter 6 A Balance Between “Administrative Effciency” and “Administration Power Control”
1. Administrative Licence Law of the PRC in 2003
2. Civil Servant Law of the PRC in 2005
3. Regulation of the PRC on the Disclosure of Government Information in 2007
4. State Compensation Law of the PRC revised in 2010 and in 20125. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Supervision (Revised in 2010)
6. Administrative Compulsion Law of the PRC in 2011
7. The Regulation on the Expropriation of Buildings on State-owned Land
and Compensation in 2011
8. ConclusionChapter 7 292
Chapter 7 Towards a Security System of Human Rights and
Social Rights
1. China’s labor law system2. China’s social security law
Chapter 8 New Perspectives on the Rule of Law
1. System improvement: highlighting the central administrative power
attribute of judicial power
2. Internal judicial mechanism: abide by internal laws of the operation of judicial power
3. Judicial independence: comply with the internal logic of judicial justice
4. Democracy: bridge the distance between judicial technicality and affnity
to people
5. Publicity: construct the open and transparent sunshine judicial mechanism
6. Demonstrate the national attributes of judicial discretionary power
7. Subject and integrity: stick to the internal quality of judges


