- 中文名:汪在聰
- 畢業院校:德國柏林自由大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:地球及其它行星核幔分異、行星增生演化及增生物質成分
- 任職院校:中國地質大學(武漢)地球科學學院
2010/09-2014/02:德國柏林自由大學,地質系,博士,導師:Harry Becker
2016.09- :中國地質大學(武漢),教授
2014/02-2016/09:柏林自由大學,博士後,導師:Harry Becker
1.國家自然基金優秀青年基金:親鐵親銅元素地球化學(負責人,項目批准號41722302, 2017-2020,直接經費130萬)
2. 國家高層次人才項目(2016年)
5.德國DFG自然科學基金BE1820/12-1 (2013-2015):Siderophile volatile element depletion in Earth, Mars and in the aubrite parent body, 154,800€,項目骨幹(2/2)
5. 針對華北克拉通巨量爆發性金礦來源的難點問題,開發了高精度金分析方法,據此提出交代岩石圈地幔中金的強烈富集並不是成超大型金礦的前提,地幔源區並不異常富集金也能大成礦,其中揮發分起著關鍵作用的突破性認識。
6. 依託大型儀器Nu plasma 1700 MC-ICP-MS開發鈣同位素為代表的穩定同位素分析技去套術,套用於地幔橄欖岩和來自不同擴張速率下的洋殼樣品,系統理解了地幔岩漿和洋殼形成過程中的鈣同位素分餾。
1.Wang, Z., Cheng, H., Zong, K., Geng, X., Liu, Y., Yang, J., Wu, F., Becker, H., Foley, S. and Wang, C.Y. (2020) Metasomatized lithospheric mantle for Mesozoic giant gold deposits in the North China craton. Geology 48, 169-173.
2.Dai, W., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Chen, C., Zong, K., Zhou, L., Zhang, G., Li, M., Moynier, F. and Hu, Z. (2020) Calcium isotope compositions of mantle pyroxenites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 270, 144-159.
3.Wang, Z. (2019) Earth’s volatile-element jigsaw. Nat. Geosci. 12, 500-502.
4.Wang, Z., Park, J.-W., Wang, X., Zou, Z., Kim, J., Zhang, P. and Li, M. (2019) Evolution of copper isotopes in arc systems: Insights from lavas and molten sulfur in Niuatahi volcano, Tonga rear arc. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 250, 18-33.
5.Zou, Z., Wang, Z., Li, M., Becker, H., Geng, X., Hu, Z. and Lazarov, M. (2019) Copper Isotope Variations During Magmatic Migration in the Mantle: Insights From Mantle Pyroxenites in Balmuccia Peridotite Massif. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 11130-11149.
6.Chen, C., Ciazela, J., Li, W., Dai, W., Wang, Z., Foley, S.F., Li, M., Hu, Z. and Liu, Y. (2019a) Calcium isotopic compositions of oceanic crust at various spreading rates. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.
7.Chen, C., Dai, W., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Li, M., Becker, H. and Foley, S.F. (2019b) Calcium isotope fractionation during magmatic processes in the upper mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 249, 121-137.
8.Cheng, H., Wang, Z., Chen, K., Zong, K., Zou, Z., He, T., Hu, Z., Fischer-Gödde, M. and Liu, Y. (2019) High-precision Determination of Gold Mass Fractions in Geological Reference Materials by Internal Standardisation. Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 43, 663-680.
9.Li, M., Lei, Y., Feng, L., Wang, Z., Belshaw, N.S., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., Zhou, L., Chen, H. and Chai, X. (2018) High-precision Ca isotopic measurement using a large geometry high resolution MC-ICP-MS with a dummy bucket. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 33, 1707-1719.
10.Wang, Z. and Becker, H. (2018) Molybdenum partitioning behavior and content in the depleted mantle: Insights from Balmuccia and Baldissero mantle tectonites (Ivrea Zone, Italian Alps). Chem. Geol. 499, 138-150.
11.Wang, Z., Becker, H., Liu, Y., Hoffmann, E., Chen, C., Zou, Z. and Li, Y. (2018a) Constant Cu/Ag in upper mantle and oceanic crust: Implications for the role of cumulates during the formation of continental crust. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 493, 25-35.
12.Wang, Z., Lazarov, M., Steinmann Lena, K., Becker, H., Zou, Z. and Geng, X. (2018b) The distribution of lead and thallium in mantle rocks: Insights from the Balmuccia peridotite massif (Italian Alps). Am. Mineral. 103, 1185–1199.
13.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2017a. Chalcophile elements in Martian meteorites indicate low sulfur content in the Martian interior and a volatile element-depleted late veneer. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 463, 56-68.
14.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2017b. Silver contents and Cu/Ag ratios in Martian meteorites and the implications for planetary differentiation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 216, 96-114.
15.Wang, Z., Laurenz, V., Petitgirard, S., Becker, H., 2016. Earth's moderately volatile element composition may not be chondritic: Evidence from In, Cd and Zn. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 435, 136-146.
16.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2015a. Abundances of Ag and Cu in mantle peridotites and the implications for the behavior of chalcophile elements in the mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 160, 209-226.
17.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2015b. Comment on “A non-primitive origin of near-chondritic S-Se-Te ratios in mantle peridotites: Implications for the Earth's late accretionary history” by König S. et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 385 (2014) 110–121]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 417, 164-166.
18.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2015c. Fractionation of highly siderophile and chalcogen elements during magma transport in the mantle: Constraints from pyroxenites of the Balmuccia peridotite massif. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 159, 244-263.
19.Wang, Z., Becker, H., Wombacher, F., 2015d. Mass Fractions of S, Cu, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Te, Ba, Sm, W, Tl and Bi in Geological Reference Materials and Selected Carbonaceous Chondrites Determined by Isotope Dilution ICP-MS. Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 39, 185-208.
20.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2014. Abundances of sulfur, selenium, tellurium, rhenium and platinum-group elements in eighteen reference materials by isotope dilution sector-field ICP-MS and negative TIMS. Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 38, 189-209.
21.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2013. Ratios of S, Se and Te in the silicate Earth require a volatile-rich late veneer. Nature 499, 328-331.
22.Wang, Z., Becker, H. and Gawronski, T. (2013) Partial re-equilibration of highly siderophile elements and the chalcogens in the mantle: A case study on the Baldissero and Balmuccia peridotite massifs (Ivrea Zone, Italian Alps). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 108, 21-44.
23.Zeng, Q., Wang, Z., He, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Liu, J., 2014. Multiple isotope composition (S, Pb, H, O, He, and Ar) and genetic implications for gold deposits in the Jiapigou gold belt, Northeast China. Mineral. Deposita 49, 1-20.
24.汪在聰,李勝榮,劉鑫,施娘華,初鳳友,佟景貴, 2007.中太平洋WX海山富鈷結殼磷酸鹽礦物學研究及成因類型分析.岩石礦物學雜誌26, 441-448.
25.汪在聰,李勝榮,申俊峰, 2008.河南省前河構造蝕變岩型金礦的矽卡岩化及其找礦意義.礦床地質27, 751-761.
26.汪在聰,劉建明,劉紅濤,曾慶棟,張松,王永彬, 2010.穩定同位素熱液來源示蹤的複雜性和多解性評述——以造山型金礦為例.岩石礦物學雜誌29, 577-590.
5. 針對華北克拉通巨量爆發性金礦來源的難點問題,開發了高精度金分析方法,據此提出交代岩石圈地幔中金的強烈富集並不是成超大型金礦的前提,地幔源區並不異常富集金也能大成礦,其中揮發分起著關鍵作用的突破性認識。
6. 依託大型儀器Nu plasma 1700 MC-ICP-MS開發鈣同位素為代表的穩定同位素分析技術,套用於地幔橄欖岩和來自不同擴張速率下的洋殼樣品,系統理解了地幔岩漿和洋殼形成過程中的鈣同位素分餾。
1.Wang, Z., Cheng, H., Zong, K., Geng, X., Liu, Y., Yang, J., Wu, F., Becker, H., Foley, S. and Wang, C.Y. (2020) Metasomatized lithospheric mantle for Mesozoic giant gold deposits in the North China craton. Geology 48, 169-173.
2.Dai, W., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Chen, C., Zong, K., Zhou, L., Zhang, G., Li, M., Moynier, F. and Hu, Z. (2020) Calcium isotope compositions of mantle pyroxenites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 270, 144-159.
3.Wang, Z. (2019) Earth’s volatile-element jigsaw. Nat. Geosci. 12, 500-502.
4.Wang, Z., Park, J.-W., Wang, X., Zou, Z., Kim, J., Zhang, P. and Li, M. (2019) Evolution of copper isotopes in arc systems: Insights from lavas and molten sulfur in Niuatahi volcano, Tonga rear arc. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 250, 18-33.
5.Zou, Z., Wang, Z., Li, M., Becker, H., Geng, X., Hu, Z. and Lazarov, M. (2019) Copper Isotope Variations During Magmatic Migration in the Mantle: Insights From Mantle Pyroxenites in Balmuccia Peridotite Massif. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 11130-11149.
6.Chen, C., Ciazela, J., Li, W., Dai, W., Wang, Z., Foley, S.F., Li, M., Hu, Z. and Liu, Y. (2019a) Calcium isotopic compositions of oceanic crust at various spreading rates. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.
7.Chen, C., Dai, W., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Li, M., Becker, H. and Foley, S.F. (2019b) Calcium isotope fractionation during magmatic processes in the upper mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 249, 121-137.
8.Cheng, H., Wang, Z., Chen, K., Zong, K., Zou, Z., He, T., Hu, Z., Fischer-Gödde, M. and Liu, Y. (2019) High-precision Determination of Gold Mass Fractions in Geological Reference Materials by Internal Standardisation. Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 43, 663-680.
9.Li, M., Lei, Y., Feng, L., Wang, Z., Belshaw, N.S., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., Zhou, L., Chen, H. and Chai, X. (2018) High-precision Ca isotopic measurement using a large geometry high resolution MC-ICP-MS with a dummy bucket. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 33, 1707-1719.
10.Wang, Z. and Becker, H. (2018) Molybdenum partitioning behavior and content in the depleted mantle: Insights from Balmuccia and Baldissero mantle tectonites (Ivrea Zone, Italian Alps). Chem. Geol. 499, 138-150.
11.Wang, Z., Becker, H., Liu, Y., Hoffmann, E., Chen, C., Zou, Z. and Li, Y. (2018a) Constant Cu/Ag in upper mantle and oceanic crust: Implications for the role of cumulates during the formation of continental crust. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 493, 25-35.
12.Wang, Z., Lazarov, M., Steinmann Lena, K., Becker, H., Zou, Z. and Geng, X. (2018b) The distribution of lead and thallium in mantle rocks: Insights from the Balmuccia peridotite massif (Italian Alps). Am. Mineral. 103, 1185–1199.
13.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2017a. Chalcophile elements in Martian meteorites indicate low sulfur content in the Martian interior and a volatile element-depleted late veneer. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 463, 56-68.
14.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2017b. Silver contents and Cu/Ag ratios in Martian meteorites and the implications for planetary differentiation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 216, 96-114.
15.Wang, Z., Laurenz, V., Petitgirard, S., Becker, H., 2016. Earth's moderately volatile element composition may not be chondritic: Evidence from In, Cd and Zn. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 435, 136-146.
16.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2015a. Abundances of Ag and Cu in mantle peridotites and the implications for the behavior of chalcophile elements in the mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 160, 209-226.
17.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2015b. Comment on “A non-primitive origin of near-chondritic S-Se-Te ratios in mantle peridotites: Implications for the Earth's late accretionary history” by König S. et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 385 (2014) 110–121]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 417, 164-166.
18.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2015c. Fractionation of highly siderophile and chalcogen elements during magma transport in the mantle: Constraints from pyroxenites of the Balmuccia peridotite massif. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 159, 244-263.
19.Wang, Z., Becker, H., Wombacher, F., 2015d. Mass Fractions of S, Cu, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Te, Ba, Sm, W, Tl and Bi in Geological Reference Materials and Selected Carbonaceous Chondrites Determined by Isotope Dilution ICP-MS. Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 39, 185-208.
20.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2014. Abundances of sulfur, selenium, tellurium, rhenium and platinum-group elements in eighteen reference materials by isotope dilution sector-field ICP-MS and negative TIMS. Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 38, 189-209.
21.Wang, Z., Becker, H., 2013. Ratios of S, Se and Te in the silicate Earth require a volatile-rich late veneer. Nature 499, 328-331.
22.Wang, Z., Becker, H. and Gawronski, T. (2013) Partial re-equilibration of highly siderophile elements and the chalcogens in the mantle: A case study on the Baldissero and Balmuccia peridotite massifs (Ivrea Zone, Italian Alps). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 108, 21-44.
23.Zeng, Q., Wang, Z., He, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Liu, J., 2014. Multiple isotope composition (S, Pb, H, O, He, and Ar) and genetic implications for gold deposits in the Jiapigou gold belt, Northeast China. Mineral. Deposita 49, 1-20.
24.汪在聰,李勝榮,劉鑫,施娘華,初鳳友,佟景貴, 2007.中太平洋WX海山富鈷結殼磷酸鹽礦物學研究及成因類型分析.岩石礦物學雜誌26, 441-448.
25.汪在聰,李勝榮,申俊峰, 2008.河南省前河構造蝕變岩型金礦的矽卡岩化及其找礦意義.礦床地質27, 751-761.
26.汪在聰,劉建明,劉紅濤,曾慶棟,張松,王永彬, 2010.穩定同位素熱液來源示蹤的複雜性和多解性評述——以造山型金礦為例.岩石礦物學雜誌29, 577-590.