



  • 中文名:水江瀾
  • 出生日期:1977年10月23日
  • 畢業院校:Uniersity of Rochester
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:鋰離子電池
  • 任職院校:北京航空航天大學



[1] 2006.9-2010.5
羅切斯特大學(美國) | 材料學 | 博士學位 | 博士研究生畢業
[2] 2004.9-2006.7
中國科學技術大學 | 材料物理與化學 | 博士學位 | 博士研究生畢業
[3] 2001.9-2004.7
中國科學技術大學 | 材料物理與化學 | Master's Degree | 碩士研究生畢業
[4] 1996.9-2000.7
天津大學 | 化工機械 | Bachelor's Degree | 大學本科畢業


[1] 2013.6-2014.11
凱斯西儲大學(美國) | 高分子系 | 研究助理 | metal-free 氧還原催化劑研究
[2] 2010.6-2013.5
阿貢國家實驗室(美國) | 化學工程系 | 博士後 | 從事燃料電池和鋰空氣電池貴金屬催化劑研究


2. 鋰-空氣電池
3. 鋰-硫電池
4. 鋰離子電池
5. 氧還原催化劑
6. 先進微納結構


迄今為止,申請美國發明專利一項,發表SCI論文40篇,其中第一/共同第一/通訊作者論文28篇,包括PNAS, Nat. Commun., Sci. Adv., JACS., Nanolett., Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Sci., ChemSusChem等國際著名期刊。
[1] D.J. Liu, J. Lu , T. Xu , S. M. Commet , C. Chen , ‡ L.R. Grabstanowicz , ‡ J.L. Shui,6. D. Zhao.Highly Efficient Non-Precious Metal Electrocatalysts Prepared from One-Pot Synthesized Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs),.Advanced Materials.2014,26 :1093-1097
[2] D.J. Liu, J.D. Almer, D. Zhao, H. A. Dobbs, P. Kenesei, J.S. Okasinski,J.L. Shui.Reversibility of anodic lithium in rechargeable lithium-oxygen batteries,.Nature Communications.2013,4 :2255
[3] L.M. Dai, Q. Li, C.M. Xue, F. Du,J.L. Shui.Vertically Aligned N-Doped Coral-Like Carbon Fiber Arrays as Efficient Air Electrodes for High-Performance Non-Aqueous Li-O2 Batteries,.ACS Nano.2014,8 :3015-3022
[4] L. M. Dai, F. Du, M. Wang,J.L. Shui.N-Doped Carbon Nanomaterials Are Durable Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Acidic Fuel Fells,.Science Advances.2015,1 :e1400129
[5] D.J. Liu, D. Zhao, L. Grabstanowicz, C. Chen,J.L. Shui.Highly efficient nonprecious metal catalyst prepared with metal–organic framework in a continuous carbon nanofibrous network,.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.2016,112 (34):10629-10634
[6] * J.L. Shui*, D.W. Zhang, X.J. He, S. Xin, Y.D. Zhang, T.H. Wang,Y.X. Wu.Electrocatalytic performances of g-C3N4-LaNiO3 composite as bi-functional catalysts for lithium-oxygen batteries,.Scientific Reports.2016,6 :24314
[7] D.J. Liu, J.D. Almer, C. Chen, J.S. Okasinski,J.L. Shui.In Operando Spatiotemporal Study of Li2O2 Grain Growth and its Distribution Inside Operating Li-O2 Batteries,.ChemSusChem.2014,7 :543-548
[8] D.J. Liu,* H.H. Wang,J.L. Shui.Degradation and revival of Li-O2 battery cathode,.Electrochemistry Communications.2013,34 :45-47
[9] D., L.P. Yu, T. Xu, B. Reprogle, S. Comment, C. Chen, ‡ L. Grabstanowicz, ‡ J.L. Shui,S.W. Yuan.Highly-Active and 'Support-free' Oxygen Reduction Catalyst Prepared from Ultrahigh Surface Area Porous Polyporphyrin,.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,52 :8349-8353
[10] Liu, D.J, S.Y. Li, M. Balasubramanian, N.K. Karan,J.L. Shui.Fe/N/C composite in Li–O2 battery: Studies of the catalytic structure and activity towards oxygen evolution reaction,.Journal of the American Chemical Society.2012,134 (40):16654-16661
[11] D.J. Liu, D.P. Wang, B. M. Reprogle, X.Q. Chen,‡ C. Chen,‡ J.L. Shui,D. Zhao.Iron imidazolate framework as precursor for electrocatalysts in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells,.Chemical Science.2012,3 (11):3200 - 3205
[12] D.J. Liu, J.D. Almer, D. Zhao, J.S. Okasinski,J.L. Shui.Microfocused X-ray Study on Precipitate Formation in the Separator Region of Nonaqueous Li-O2 Batteries.ChemSusChem.2012,5 :2421-2426
[13] James C. M. Li,* C. Chen,J.L. Shui.Evolution of Nanoporous Pt-Fe Alloy Nanowires by Dealloying and their Catalytic Property for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,.Advanced Functional Materials.2011,21 :3357-3362
[14] James C.M. Li,* J.W. Zhang,J.L. Shui.Making Pt-Shell Pt30Ni70 nanowires by mild dealloying and heat treatments with little Ni loss,.Journal of Materials Chemistry,21 (17):6225-6229
[15] James C.M. Li,J.L. Shui.Platinum Nanowires Produced by Electrospinning,.Nanoletters.2009,9 (4):1307-1314
[16] C.H. Chen, S. Xie, G.S. Jiang, W.L. Liu, B. Lin,J.L. Shui.Li-Mn-Co-O shelled LiMn2O4 spinel powder as a cathode material for lithium secondary batteries,.Materials Science & Engineering B,128 (1-3):11-15


