



  • 中文名:氰甙中毒
  • 症狀:缺氧
許多果仁,如杏仁、桃仁、扁桃仁、枇杷仁、梅仁、李仁、櫻桃仁等均含有一種叫氰甙的物質.尤以苦杏仁中含量較多.生吃果仁,氰甙被口水分解,產生一種劇毒物質叫氰氫酸.它能與人體組織細胞含鐵呼吸酶結合,使細胞無法利用氧氣,導致人體缺氧症狀.輕者頭暈、頭痛、噁心、無力;重者嘔吐、腹瀉、神志不清;嚴重者危及生命.苦杏仁應浸泡數日後炒或煮熟後方可食用.其他果仁切勿生食.發現氰甙中毒之後,急救措施是摧吐、洗胃,洗胃常用高錳酸鉀水反覆多次.也可用綠豆面沖湯口服,可起解毒作用.Many nuts, such asalmonds, peachkernel, flat peach kernel,loquatkernels, MEIRen, Li, cherry-jen all carry some intrinsic a substance called cyanide glycosides. Especially bitter almond in the higher levels. Raw nuts, cyanide glycosides bysalivabreak down to produce a toxic substance called hydrogen cyanide acid. It and human tissue cells with iron-containing respiratory enzymes, so that cells can not useoxygen, resulting in the human body hypoxia symptoms. light were dizziness, headache, nausea, inability to ; In severe cases, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation; serious life-threatening. bitter almonds should be soaked in a few days behind the edible fried or boiled. other nuts not to eat raw. glycosides found in cyanide poisoning, the first-aid measure is to destroy spit, wash stomach, gastric lavage of potassium permanganate water used over and over again. face red bean soup can also be taken orally, can play a role in detoxification.


