



  • 中文名:毛廣運
  • 畢業院校:安徽醫科大學 
  • 職稱:溫州醫科大學公共衛生與管理學院教授


1995年畢業於南京鐵道醫學院(現東南大學公共衛生學院),獲醫學學士學位。2004年在安徽醫科大學獲得醫學碩士學位,2008年在安徽醫科大學獲得醫學博士學位。隨後在溫州醫科大學公共衛生與管理學院預防醫學系、溫州醫科大學公共衛生與管理學院循證醫學與臨床流行病學研究中心和溫州醫科大學附屬眼視光醫院臨床研究中心從事科研教學工作, 2013年12月赴美國約翰斯·霍普金斯大學作博士後研究,於2015年回國。


8衛生部省部共建項目,WKJ2012-2-018,MicroRNA let-7d對注意缺陷障礙發病及預後關係的研究,2013/01-2015/12,15萬元,已結題,參與
9國際合作課題,Short term health effects of smoking cessation and the relationship between short term health effects and chronic diseases in Chinese population from Chinese mainland.,2013/01-2014/12,92萬,已結題,參與
11 溫州市科技局面上項目,Y20090026,胃癌相關生物標誌物分子流行病學研究,2009/01-2012/12,3萬元,已結題,主持


1 Chen X, Guo X, He P, Nie J, Yan X, Zhu J, Zhang L,Mao G, Wu H, Liu Z, Aga D, Xu P, Smith M, Ren X. Interactive Influence of N6AMT1 and As3MT Genetic Variations on Arsenic Metabolism in the Population of Inner Mongolia, China. Toxicological Sciences 2017; 155(1): 124-34.
2 Zhao T, Jin Y,Mao G, Wei Y, Wu G, Ye X, Zhou Y, Yuan G, Gao L, Hong Y, Chen Y, Hong C, Zhou H, Su D, Qin Z, Lu L. CYFRA 21-1 is an early predictor of chemotherapeutic effectiveness in advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer: An observational study. Medicine 2016; 95(52): e5748.
3 Wang G, Johnson S, Gong Y, Polk S, Divall S, Radovick S, Moon M, Paige D, Hong X, Caruso D, Chen Z, Mallow E, Walker SO,Mao G, Pearson C, Wang MC, Zuckerman B, Cheng TL, Wang X. Weight Gain in Infancy and Overweight or Obesity in Childhood across the Gestational Spectrum: a Prospective Birth Cohort Study. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 29867.
4 Walker SO*,Mao G*, Caruso D, Hong X, Pongracic JA, Wang X. Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Parents of Food-Allergic Children. Medicine 2016; 95(15): e3156.
5 Nachman RM*,Mao G*, Zhang X, Hong X, Chen Z, Soria CS, He H, Wang G, Caruso D, Pearson C, Biswal S, Zuckerman B, Wills-Karp M, Wang X. Intrauterine Inflammation and Maternal Exposure to Ambient PM2.5 during Preconception and Specific Periods of Pregnancy: The Boston Birth Cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; 124(10): 1608-15.
6Mao G, Nachman RM, Sun Q, Zhang X, Koehler K, Chen Z, Hong X, Wang G, Caruso D, Zong G, Pearson C, Ji H, Biswal S, Zuckerman B, Wills-Karp M, Wang X. Individual and Joint Effects of Early-Life Ambient PM2.5 Exposure and Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Obesity on Childhood Overweight or Obesity. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016.
7 Lin Z, Vasudevan B,Mao GY, Ciuffreda KJ, Jhanji V, Li XX, Zhou HJ, Wang NL, Liang YB. The influence of near work on myopic refractive change in urban students in Beijing: a three-year follow-up report. Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 254(11): 2247-55.
8 Lin Z, Vasudevan B, Fang SJ, Jhanji V,Mao GY, Han W, Gao TY, Ciuffreda KJ, Liang YB. Eye exercises of acupoints: their impact on myopia and visual symptoms in Chinese rural children. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2016; 16: 349.
9 Lin Z*,Mao GY*, Vasudevan B, Jin ZB, Ciuffreda KJ, Jhanji V, Zhou HJ, Wang NL, Liang YB. The Association between Maternal Reproductive Age and Progression of Refractive Error in Urban Students in Beijing. PLoS One 2015; 10(9): e0139383.
10 Li J, Jiang S, Zhang Y, Tang G, Wang Y,Mao G, Li Z, Xu X, Wang B, Huo Y. H-type hypertension and risk of stroke in chinese adults: A prospective, nested case-control study. J Transl Int Med 2015; 3(4): 171-8.


1 公共衛生執業醫師基本實踐技能訓練教程,人民衛生出版社,出版日期:2013-09-01,總字數:41萬,編委
2 Epidemiology, Statistics and Preventive Medicine(全英文教材),浙江大學出版社,出版日期:2014-08-23,總字數:128萬,編委


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