



  • 作者:吳詩玉
  • ISBN:9787313054265
  • 頁數:203
  • 定價:26.00元
  • 出版時間:2008-11
  • 叢書:  當代語言學研究文庫




CHAPTER 1 Introducing the Study / 1
1.1 Need for the Study / 1
1.2 Research Questions / 6
1.3 Significance of the Study / 8
1.4 Basic Concepts and Constructs / 11
1.5 Outline of the Book / 15
CHAPTER 2 Research Background / 17
2.1 Reading and Reading Research / 17
2.2 A Brief History in L2 Reading Research / 27
2.3 Previous Research about the Effects of L1 Reading on L2 Reading / 29
2.4 Previous Research on L1 Cognitive Use in L2 Learning / 44
CHAPTER3 Theoretical PersPectives / 52
3.1 The Structure Building Framework / 52
3.2 Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory / 56
3.3 Theories of Transfer / 62
CHAPTER 4 Research Design and Methodology:The Test-based and Productoriented Experiments / 69
4.1 The Effects of L1 Reading Ability on L2 Reading:The Research Design / 69
4.2 The Transfer of the Building of Mentalrepresentations: The Research Design / 76
CHAPTER 5 Research Design and Methodology:The VPA-based and Process-oriented Experiment / 82
5.1 Subjects / 83
5.2 Method / 84
5.3 Material / 86
5.4 Data Collecting Procedure / 87
5.5 Transcribing Verbal Reports / 89
CHAPTER 6 Results and Discussion: The Test-Based and Product-Oriented Experiments / 101
6.1 Question 1 / 101
6.2 Question 2 / 112
6.3 Question 3 / 123
6.4 General Findings / 134
6.5 Reading Problems or Language Problems / 135
6.6 Automaticity or Control in L2 Reading / 137
CHAPTER 7 Results and Discussion. The VPA-based and Process-oriented Experiment / 141
7.1 The Threshold Effect / 141
7.2 The Role of L1 Cognitive Use in L2 Reading / 146
7.3 Discussion and Conclusion / 168
CHAPTER 8 Conclusion / 174
8.1 Findings Based on Test-based and Product-oriented Experiments / 174
8.2 Findings Based on the VPA-based and Processoriented Experiments / 175
Bibliography / 180


