This field of study aims to train senior professionals in Educational Technology who will work in the area of new technique education, responsible for the design, development, application, management and evaluation of teaching media and teaching systems, including teachers of Educational Technology of various schools and technicians in Educational Technology of various multimedia teaching centers, television and radio stations.
本專業學生主要學習教育技術學科的基本理論和基本知識,接受學習資源和學習過程的設計、開發、運用、管理和評價等方面的基本訓練,掌握新技術教育套用方面的基本能力。 畢業生應獲得以下幾方面的基本能力:1. 掌握教育技術學科的基本理論和基本知識2. 掌握教學系統分析、設計、管理、評價的方法和技術3. 具有媒體製作的基本能力4. 熟悉國家關於教育和教育技術方面的有關方針、政策、法規;5. 了解教育技術學科理論前沿、套用前景、發展動態;6. 熟悉文獻檢索、資料查詢的基本方法,具有一定的科學研究能力和實際工作能力;7. 具有較強的外語綜合套用能力。
The students will be required to learn the fundamental skill and knowledge in Educational Technology. They will attain some basic training, such as designing study resources and learning process, developing, applying, managing and evaluating them. They should acquire the basic ability of new technique education application.They should have such knowledge and abilities as follows after the course:1. To acquire the fundamental skill and knowledge in Educational Technology. 2. To grasp the method and technology of instructional system analysis, designing, management, evaluation3. To be able to produce educational media.4. To acquire the law and policy in Education and Educational Technology.5. To understand the new theory, potential application and the development of Educational Technology theory.6. To acquire the basic methods to retrieve documents and consult data ;to acquire capabilities in scientific research and work.7. To have the strong synthesis ability of foreign language application.
Major Disciplines: Pedagogy and Science of Computer
Major Courses: Educational Technology , Educational Communication Specialty , Processing of Educational Information, Design and Production of TV Teaching Materials, Information Technology and Education, Design and Production of multimedia Courseware, Research Methods of Educational Technology Specialty, Instructional System Design, Theories and Practices of Instructional Media, Distance Education Specialty, Computer Network Technology and Educational Application, Design and Production of Network Curriculum
Educational Technology, Instructional System Design, Design and Production of TV Teaching Materials, Design and Production of multimedia Courseware
Duration: 4 years
Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Education