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  • 中文名:武浩
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士


主要從事Web信息處理、社會媒體分析與服務、服務計算等方面的研究。近年來主持和參與國家自然科學基金等10餘項課題。在IEEE Trans. Services Computing、Future Generation Computer Systems、Knowledge-Based Systems、Journal of American Society of Information Science and Technology、Scientometrics、Personal and Ubiquitous Computing、Applied Soft Computing、Journal of Supercomputing、Frontiers of Computer Science、Journal of Computer Science and Technology、DASFAA、Bigdata、GPC和SAC等本領域重要期刊及會議上發表論文80餘篇, SCI收錄20餘篇、EI收錄50餘篇, WOS引用150餘次、Google Scholar引用500餘次。申請發明專利授權3項、公開5項, 獲得計算機軟體著作權登記6項。


擔任國際學術會議AC2009~2014、IMMM2011~2017、ENC2010、DSAA2014等程式委員會委員, 國際刊物《International Journal on Advances in Software》編委委員, 國際刊物IEEE TNNLS、IEEE TSC、Journal of Systems and Software、Knowledge-based Systems、NeuroComputing、PLOS One等十餘種期刊審稿人。


Work in progress:
Ø Collaborative Metric Learning: For developing recommendation algorithms using the principle of metric learning and various side information …
Ø Spatio-Temporal QoS Prediction: For developing QoS prediction algorithms considering spatial and temporal contexts in cloud computing and IoT environments…
Ø Mashup-oriented Service/API Recommendation: For developing recommendation algorithms using representation learning in Web API/Service Ecosystem…
ØHao Wu, Qimin Zhou, Zhengxin Zhang, Rencan Nie. Co-occurrence Embedding Regularized Metric Learning for Collaborative Recommendations. Submitted, 2019.
期刊論文 (Corresponding Author )
ØQimin Zhou, Hao Wu, Kun Yue, Ching-Hsien Hsu. Spatio-Temporal Context-Aware Collaborative QoS Prediction. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 100(C):46-57.(SCI/EI, IF 4.639)
ØXin Wang, Hao Wu, Ching-Hsien Hsu.Mashup-Oriented API Recommendation via Random Walk on Knowledge Graph. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:7651-7662. (SCI/EI,IF 3.557)
ØJun He, Liqun Wang, Liu Liu, Jiao Feng, Hao Wu.Long Document Classification From Local Word Glimpses via Recurrent Attention Learning.IEEE Access, 2019,7:40707-40718.(SCI/EI,IF 3.557)
ØHao Wu, Zhengxin Zhang, Jiacheng Luo, Kun Yue, Ching-Hsien Hsu. Multiple Attributes QoS Prediction via Deep Neural Model with Contexts. IEEETransactionsonServices Computing, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2018.2859986 (SCI/EI,IF 4.418)
ØHao Wu, Zhengxin Zhang, Kun Yue, Binbin Zhang, Jun He, Liangchen Sun. Dual-regularized matrix factorization with deep neural networks for recommender systems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 145(C):46-58. (SCI/EI,IF 4.396)
ØHao Wu, Kun Yue, Bo Li, Binbin Zhang, Ching-Hsien Hsu. Collaborative QoS prediction with context-sensitive matrix factorization. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018,82(C):669-678. (SCI/EI,IF 4.639).
ØBo Li, Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, Dijiang Huang. MADM-based smart parking guidance algorithm. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(12): e0188283. (SCI/EI,IF 2.806)
ØJia Hao, Binbin Zhang, Kun Yue, Hao Wu, Jixian Zhang. Measuring performance degradation of virtual machines based on the Bayesian network with hidden variables. International Journal of Communication Systems,2018, 31(13):e3732. (SCI/EI,IF 1.717)
ØWeiyi Liu, Kun Yue, Hao Wu, Xiaodong Fu, Zhijian Zhang, Weipeng Huang. Markov-network based latent link analysis for community detection in social behavioral interactions. Applied Intelligence, 2017,(5915):1-16 (SCI/EI,IF 1.983)
ØHao Wu, Kun Yue, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Yiji Zhao, Binbin Zhang, Guoying Zhang. Deviation-based neighborhood model for context-aware QoS prediction of cloud and IoT services. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017, 76 (C):550–560. (SCI/EI, IF 4.639).
ØKun Yue,Hao Wu,Xiaodong Fu,Juan Xu,Zidu Yin,Weiyi Liu. A data-intensive approach for discovering user similarities in social behavioral interactions based on the Bayesian network. Neurocomputing, 2017,219:364-375. ( SCI/EI,IF 3.317)
ØHao Wu, Kun Yue, Yijian Pei, Yiji Zhao, Fan Dong. Collaborative Topic Regression with Social Trust Ensemble for Recommendation in Social Media Systems. Knowledge-based Systems, 2016, 97: 111-122. ( SCI/EI,IF 3.325)
ØHao Wu, Yijian Pei, Bo Li, Zongzhan Kang, Xiaoxin Liu, Hao Li,Item recommendation in collaborative tagging systems via heuristic data fusion, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015, 75(1):124-140. (SCI: 000349193400010, IF 2.947)
ØHao Wu, Kun Yue, Xiaoxin Liu, Yijian Pei, Bo Li, Context-aware Recommendation via Graph-based Contextual Modeling and Post-Filtering, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume2015, Article ID613612.(SCI,IF 0.665)
ØBo Li, Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, Bin Shen. Heuristics to allocate high- performance cloudlets for computation offloading in mobile ad hoc clouds. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2015, 71 (8):3009-3036. (SCI: 000358668000012,IF 0.858)
ØKunYue,HaoWu,YunleiZhu,WeiyiLiu.Representing and processing lineages over uncertain data based on the Bayesian network. Applied Soft Computing, 2015, 37:345-362.(SCI/EI,IF 2.81).
ØHao Wu, Xiaohui Cui, Jun He, Bo Li, Yijian Pei, On improving aggregate recommendation diversity and novelty in folksonomy-based social systems, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2014, 18(8): 1855-1869. (SCI: 000344812200007, IF 1.518)
ØHao Wu, Bo Li, Yijian Pei, Jun He, Unsupervised author disambiguation using Dempster-Shafer theory, Scientometrics, 2014, 101(3): 1955-1972. (SCI: 000345136000020, IF 2.183)
ØBo Li,Yijian Pei,Hao Wu,Bin Shen, Resource availability-aware advance reservation for parallel jobs with deadlines.The Journal of Supercomputing, 2014, 68(2):798-819 (SCI/EI, IF=0.858)
ØJun He,Ming-Wei Gao,Lei Zhang,Hao Wu: Sparse Signal Recovery from Fixed Low-Rank Subspace via Compressive Measurement.Algorithms 6(4): 871-882 (2013)
ØHao Wu, Jun He, Yijian Pei, Scientific impact at the topic level: A case study in computational linguistics., Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2010, 61(11): 2274-2287. (SCI: 000283565500009, EI: 20104613388817, IF 2.18)
ØHao Wu,Yijian Pei,Jiang Yu, Detecting academic experts by topic-sensitive link analysis.Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2009,3(4):445-456 (SCI/EI,IF 0.434)
ØHao Wu.Towards Scalable Web Services Retrieval. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series), Apr. 2008,15(sup.1):104-109.(EI)
ØXiaomin Ning,Hai Jin,Hao Wu: RSS: A framework enabling ranked search on the semantic web.Inf. Process. Manage. 2008, 44(2): 893-909. (SCI/EI)
ØHai Jin,Xiaomin Ning,Weijia Jia, Hao Wu,Guilin Lu: Combining weights with fuzziness for intelligent semantic web search.Knowledge-based Systems, 2008,21(7): 655-665.(SCI/EI)
ØHai Jin,Yunfa Li,Zongfen Han,Hao Wu,Weizhong Qiang: Aeneas: real-time performance evaluation approach for distributed programs with reliability-constrains.Cluster Computing 10(2): 175-186 (2007)(SCI/EI)
ØHai Jin,Hao Wu,Xiaomin Ning: Facilitating Service Discovery with Semantic Overlay.J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(4): 582-591 (2006)(SCI/EI)
ØHai Jin,Hao Wu,Semantic-enabled specification for web services agreement. International Journal of Web Services Practices 1 (1-2), 13-20
Ø 張國英, 武浩, 蔡光卉, 何敏, 餘江, 徐濤. 基於非負多矩陣分解的微博網路信息推薦. 計算機套用研究, 2017, 34 (9):1-5.
Ø 郭心宇, 岳昆, 李勁, 武浩, 張彬彬. 面向評價數據中用戶偏好發現的證據理論方法.計算機科學與探索,2017, 11(2), 231-241.
Ø 高艷,岳昆, 武浩, 付曉東, 劉惟一.面向評價數據中用戶偏好發現的隱變數模型構建與推理,. 計算機套用, 2017, 37 (2): 360-366.
Ø 鄧日升,岳昆, 武浩, 劉惟一.基於隱變數模型的線上商品評分預測. 小型微型計算機系統, 2017, 38 (2): 352-356.
Ø 尹子都, 岳昆, 武浩, 付曉東,劉惟一. 基於記憶曲線的數據密集型動態用戶行為建模.計算機科學與探索, 2016, 10:1376-1386.
Ø 岳昆, 王朝祿, 朱運磊,武浩,劉惟一基於機率圖模型的網際網路廣告點擊率預測.華東師範大學學報(自然科學版) 3, 006, 2014.
Ø 李波, 劉海霞, 楊娜,武浩,裴以建. 基於延遲調度截止時間約束提前預留接納控制,華中科技大學學報,2012,40(增刊I):332-336. ( EI: 20131816300614)
Ø 武浩,王美姣, 馮佳明, 裴以建.專家檢索研究進展. 計算機套用研究, 2010, 10:3633-3638.
Ø 李波, 楊從有,武浩,裴以建雲計算環境中 SaaS的接入控制和調度策略研究.計算機技術與發展,2012, 22 (8), 9-12.
Ø 金海,武浩,李運發, 陳漢華.OntoSLAt:本體支持的 SLA建模及管理,小型微型計算機系統 2006, 27 (7), 1362-1368.
Ø ...
會議論文(Corresponding Author )
Ø Zhengxin zhang, Qimin Zhou, Hua Zhao, Hao Wu. Social regularized collaborative metric learning. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, DSS 2019, Zhangjiajie:IEEE CS.
Ø Qimin Zhou, Zhengxin zhang, Hao Wu. NLP at IEST 2018: BiLSTM-Attention and LSTM-Attention via Soft Voting in Emotion Classification. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, WASSA@EMNLP 2018.
Ø Zhengxin Zhang, Qimin Zhou, Hao Wu. NLPZZX at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Using Ensemble Method for Emotion and Sentiment Intensity Determination. In Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval@NAACL-HLT, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 5-6, 2018, pp.116-122.
Ø Hao Wu, Zhengxin Zhang, Kun Yue, Binbin Zhang, Ruichao Zhu. Content Embedding Regularized Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems. In Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (pp. 1–7). June 25 - June 30, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: IEEE. (EI/ISTP)
Ø Guoying Zhang,Min He,Hao Wu,Guanghui Cai,Jianhong Ge. Non-negative multiple matrix factorization with social similarity for recommender systems.BDCAT2016:280-286
Ø Hao Wu,Jun He,Bo Li,Yijian Pei. Personalized QoS Prediction of Cloud Services via Learning Neighborhood-Based Model.CollaborateCom 2015: 106-117.(EI/ISTP)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Enhancing context-aware recommendation via a unified graph model. In: Proceedings of IIKI2014, pp. 76 - 79, Beijing: IEEE, 17-18 Oct. 2014. (EI:20151700774458)
Ø Zongzhan Kang, Yijian Pei,Hao Wu. RWR-Based Resources Recommendation on Weighted and Clustered Folksonomy Graph. In: Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), pp. 120 - 125, Guangzhou: IEEE, 5-7 Nov. 2014. (EI:20150300423700)
Ø Huiming Li, Hao Li, Zimu Zhang,Hao Wu. Personalized recommendation via relevance propagation on social tagging graph. In: Proc. of DASFAA2014, Bali Island, Indonesia: Springer, 2014, pp.192-203. (EI:20143118004545)
Ø Bo Li, Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, et al. Computation offloading management for vehicular Ad Hoc cloud. In: Proc. of ICA3PP 2014, Dalian: Springer, 2014, pp. 728–739. (EI:20143518106467)
Ø Bo Li, Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, et al. Scheduling algorithms based on resource fragmentation for advance reservation tasks. In: Proc. of CSNT2014, IEEE, 2014, pp.1017-1021. (EI:20142617864694)
Ø Bo Li, Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, et al. Mobility prediction based opportunistic computational offloading for mobile device cloud. In: Proc. of CSE2014, IEEE, 2014, pp.786-792. (EI:20151200670732)
Ø Chao He,Kun Yue,Hao Wu,Weiyi Liu: Structure Learning of Bayesian Network with Latent Variables by Weight-Induced Refinement.Web-KRM@CIKM 2014: 37-44(EI/ISTP)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Towards Recommendation to Trust-based User Groups in Social Tagging Systems. In: Proc. of FSKD2013, Shenyang: IEEE, 2013, pp.912-916. (EI:20142417815734)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Personalized Recommendation via Rank Aggregation in Social Tagging Systems. In: Proc. of FSKD2013, Shengyang: IEEE, 2013, pp.917-921. (EI:20142417815733)
Ø Feng Zhou, Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, Zhijun Chen. Bone Repair with Compressive Sensing Based on MRI. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, vols.381-384, pp.4019-4022. (EI:20134116829464)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Enhancing Citation Recommendation with Various Evidences. In: Proc. of FSKD2012, Chongqing: IEEE, 2012, pp.1172-1177. (EI: 20130515971515)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Scholar Search-Oriented Author Disambiguation. In: Proc. of FSKD2012, Chongqing: IEEE, 2012, pp.1178-1182. (EI: 20130515971774)
Ø Bo Li, Enwei Zhou,Hao Wu, et al. Fragment Aware Scheduling for Advance Reservations in Multiprocessor Systems. In: Proc. of CyberC2012, Sanya: IEEE, 2012, pp.278-285. (EI:20130415917371)
Ø Bo Li, Ying Li, Min He,Hao Wu, Jundong Yang.Scheduling of a relaxed backfill strategy with multiple reservations. 2010 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT2010). (EI/ISTP)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Finding Research Community in Collobration Network with Expertise Profiling. In: Proc. of ICIC2010, Changsha: Springer, 2010, pp.337-344.( EI:20104313332437)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Research Topic Evolution in”Bioinformatics”. In: Proc. of iCBBE, Chengdu: IEEE, 2010. (EI: 20103613207351)
Ø Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, et al. Effective Image Registration based on Improved Harris Corner Detection. In: Proc. of ICINA 2010, Kunming: IEEE CS, 2010. (EI:20105213520496)
Ø Bo Li, Man Yang,Hao Wu, Jundong Yang. Scheduling Policies Supporting Co-allocation and Advance Reservation for Large-Scale Distributed Environments. In: Proc. of ICCMS2010, Sanya: IEEE CS, 2010, pp.24-27. (EI: 20101712876986)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Hidden Topic Analysis Based Formal Framework for Finding Experts in Metadata Corpus. In: Proc. of ICIS’09, Shanghai: IEEE CS, 2009, pp. 369-374(EI: 20094612447394)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Scientific Quality towards Specific Topics. In: Proc of BMEI'09, Tianjin: IEEE, 2009, pp.1955~59.(EI: 20100312643970 )
Ø Yijian Pei,Hao Wu, et al. Simulated Joint Robot-hand System Based on Java3D. In: Proc. of CISP'09, Tianjin: IEEE, 2009.(EI: 20100212631843)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. Topic-Sensitive Link-Ranking Approach for Academic Expert Recruiting. In: Proc. of IMSCCS’08, Shanghai: IEEE CS, 2008, pp.150-157. (EI:20091412013021)
Ø Hao Wu, et al. A Suggested Framework for Exploring Contextual Information to Evaluate and Recommend Services. In: Proc of GPC’08, Kunming: Springer, 2008, pp.471-482.(EI:20082411308069)
Ø Hao Wu,Hai Jin,Xiaomin Ning: An approach for indexing, storing and retrieving domain knowledge.SAC 2007: 1381-1382(EI/ISTP)
Ø Hao Wu,Hai Jin: Semantic Metadata Models in References Sharing and Retrieval System SemreX.GPC 2006: 437-446 (SCI/EI/ISTP)
Ø Xiaomin Ning,Hai Jin,Hao Wu: SemreX: Towards Large-Scale Literature Information Retrieval and Browsing with Semantic Association.ICEBE 2006: 602-609(EI/ISTP)
Ø Hanhua Chen,Hai Jin,Feng Mao,Hao Wu: Q-GSM: QoS Oriented Grid Service Management.APWeb 2005: 1041-1044(SCI/EI/ISTP)
Ø Yunfa Li,Hai Jin,Zongfen Han,Chao Xie,Deqing Zou,Hao Wu: Aeneas: Real-Time Performance Evaluation Approach for Distributed Programs with Reliability-Constrains.IPDP 2005(EI/ISTP)
Ø Hao Wu, Hai Jin:Specifying web service agreement with OWL.International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, 2005. NWeSP 2005:109-114
Ø Hao Wu,Hai Jin,Yunfa Li,Hanhan Chen: An Approach for Service Discovery Based on Semantic Peer-to-Peer.ASIAN 2005: 259-260(SCI/EI/ISTP)
Ø Hao Wu,Hai Jin,Hanhua Chen: Semantic-Overlay-Driven Web Services Discovery.SKG 2005: 9(EI/ISTP)


