楊運友 博士,四川師範大學物理與電子工程學院講師1981年4月生於四川宜賓,2013年6月畢業於南京大學物理學院,獲物理學博士學位,同年7月進入四川師範大學物理與電子工程學院,擔任教學科研工作。
1.Yunyou Yang, Huichao Li, L. Sheng, R. Shen, D.N. Shengand D. Y. Xing. Topological phase transitions with and without energy gap closing.New J. Phys.15,083042 (2013).
2.Yunyou Yang, Zhong Xu, L. Sheng, R. Shen, B. G. Wang and D. Y. Xing. Exchange field induced topological phase transition in ultrathin films of three-dimension topological insulators.Europhys. Lett.100, 27005 (2012).
3.Yunyou Yang, Zhong Xu, L. Sheng, R. Sheng and D. Y. Xing. Magnetoresistance in an ultrathin Bi2Se3 film between two ferromagnetic insulators.Appl. Phys. Lett.99, 182101 (2011).
4.Yunyou Yang, Zhong Xu, L. Sheng, Baigeng Wang, D. Y. Xing and D.N.Sheng. Time-Reversal-Symmetry-Broken Quantum Spin Hall Effect.Phys. Rev. Lett.107, 066602 (2011).