- 中文名:楊小平
- 外文名:Xiaoping Yang
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:寧夏固原
- 出生日期:1964年4月
- 職業:研究員、博士生導師、科學家
- 畢業院校:格廷根大學、陝西師範大學
- 主要成就:青年科學家獎
洪堡研究獎 - 工作單位:浙江大學地球科學學院
- 職務:國際地貌學家協會副主席
- 研究方向:沙漠與全球變化、地貌學



- Yang, Xiaoping (ed.). Desert and Alpine Environments – Advances inGeomorphology and Palaeoclimatology. China Ocean Press, 2002.
- Yang, Xiaoping, Dieter Jaekel (eds.). Geomorphology of DesertEnvironment and Desertification. Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie N.F.Supplement Volume 133. Gebrueder Borntraeger, 2004.
- Xiaoping Yang, Andrew GOUDIE and Norm CATTO (guest editors).Geomorphic processes and palaeoclimatology in deserts. QuaternaryInternational, Volume 175, 2007.
- Xiaoping Yang, Arthur Conacher (guest editors). Land degradation andRehabilitation in Ecologically Fragile Areas. Geographical Research, Volume 47,Issue 1,2009.
- Yang, X.,Scuderi, L. (guest editors). Environmental changes in arid and semi-aridregions. Quaternary Research, Vol. 73, No. 1, 2010.
- Lancaster, N.,Yang, X.and Thomas, D (guest editors): Spatial and Temporal Complexity in Quaternary Desert Datasets: Implications for Interpreting Past Dryland Dynamics and Understanding Potential Future Changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 78 (part special issue), 2013.
- Yang, X., & Eitel, B. (2016). Understanding the interactions between climate change, landscape evolution, surface processes and tectonics in the earth system: what can the studies of chinese deserts contribute?Acta Geologica Sinica 90(4), 1444-1454.
- Liang, P., Yang, X. (2016). Landscape spatial patterns in the Maowusu (Mu Us) Sandy Land, northern China and their impact factors. Catena 145, 321-333.
- Yang, X., Forman, S., Hu, F., Zhang, D., Liu, Z., Li, H. (2016). Initial insights into the age and origin of the Kubuqi sand sea of northern China. Geomorphology 259, 30-39.
- Li, H., Yang, X. (2016).Spatial and temporal patterns of aeolian activities in the desert belt ofnorthern China revealed by dune chronologies. Quaternary International 410, Part B, 58-68.
- Hu, F., Yang, X. (2016). Geochemical and geomorphological evidence for the provenance of aeolian deposits in the Badain Jaran Desert, northwestern China. Quaternary Sci Rev 131, Part A, 179-192.
- Yang, X., Scuderi, L.A., Wang, X., Scuderi, L.J., Zhang, D., Li, H., Forman, S., Xu, Q., Wang, R., Huang, W. and Yang, S. (2015): Groundwater sapping as the cause of irreversible desertification of Hunshandake Sandy Lands, Inner Mongolia, northern China. PNAS 112(3), 702-706.
- Yang, X., Williams, M. (2015). Landforms and processes in arid and semi-arid environments. Catena 134, 1-3.
- Li, H. andYang, X.(2014): Temperate dryland vegetation changes under a warming climate and strong human intervention — with a particular reference to the district Xilin Gol, Inner Mongolia, China. Catena 119, 9–20.
- Zhang, D.,Yang, X.,Rozier, O. and Narteau, C. (2014): Mean sediment residence time in barchan dunes. J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 119, 451–463, doi:10.1002/2013JF002833.
- Ren, X.,Yang, X.,Wang, Z., Zhu, B., Zhang, D. and Rioual, P. (2014): Geochemical evidence of the sources of aeolian sands and their transport pathways in the Minqin Oasis, northwestern China. Quaternary International,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.04.037.
- Rioual, P., Lu, Y., Chu, G., Zhu, B. andYang, X.(2014): Morphometric variation of Seminavis pusilla (Bacillariophyceae) and its relationship to salinity in inter-dune lakes of the Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. Phycological Research (accepted).
- Yang, X., Wang, X., Liu, Z., Li, H., Ren, X., Zhang, D., Ma, Z., Rioual, P., Jin X. and Scuderi, L. (2013): Initiation and variation of the dune fields in semi-arid northern China - with a special reference to the Hunshandake Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia. Quaternary Science Reviews78, 369 – 380.
- Rioual, P., Lu, Y., Yang, H., Scuderi, L., Chu, G., Holmes, J., Zhu, B. andYang, X.(2013): Diatom-environment relationships and a transfer function for conductivity in lakes of the Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Paleolimnology50, 207 – 229.
- Liu, Z. andYang, X.(2013): Geochemical-geomorphological evidence for the provenance of aeolian sands and sedimentary environments in the Hunshandake Sandy Land, eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)87, 871 – 884.
- Yang X, Li H, Conacher A. Large-scale controls on the development of sand seas in northern China. Quaternary International, 2012, 250: 74-83.
- Yang X.Environmental Change in the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. In: John A Matthews (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Environmental Change. SAGE Publications Ltd, London,2012, Volume 2, pp. 141-162.
- Yang X, Scuderi L, Liu T, Paillou P, Li H, Dong J, Zhu B, Jiang W, Jochems A, Weissmann G. Formation of the highest sand dunes on Earth. Geomorphology, 2011, 135(1-2): 108-116.
- Yang X, Scuderi L, Paillou P, Liu Z, Li H, Ren X. Quaternary environmental changes in the drylands of China-A critical review. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011, 30: 3219-3233.
- Zhu B,Yang, X, Rioual P, Qin X, Liu Z, Xiong H, Yu J. Hydrogeochemistry of three watersheds (the Erlqis, Zhungarer and Yili) in northern Xinjiang, NW China. Applied Geochemistry, 2011, 26(8): 1535-1548.
- Brierley G, Huang H, Chen A, Aiken S, Crozier M, Eder W, Goudie A, Ma Y, May J, Migon P, Nanson G, Qi D, Viles H, Wood C, Wray R, Yang G, Yang X, Yu G. Naming conventions in geomorphology: contributions and controversies in the sandstone landscape of Zhangjiajie Geopark, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2011, 36 (14): 1981–1984.
- 朱秉啟,楊小平, Rioual P, 劉子亭, 李朝柱, 熊黑鋼. 沙漠風成沙的可溶鹽組成及其環境意義. 第四紀研究, 2011, 31(6): 1029-1044.
- Yang X, Ma N, Dong J, Zhu B, Xu B, Ma Z, Liu J. Recharge to the inter-dune lakes and Holocene climatic changes in the Badain Jaran Desert, western China. Quaternary Research, 2010, 73: 10-19.
- Yang X, Louis A Scuderi. Hydrological and climatic changes in deserts of China since the late Pleistocene. Quaternary Research, 2010, 73: 1-9.
- Yang, X., 2010. Desertification and land degradation in arid and semi-arid regions. In: Alcantara-Ayala, I., Goudie, A. (Eds), Geomorphological Hazards and Disaster Prevention. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 189 – 198.
- Yang, X., Liu, T., Yuan, B., 2010. The Loess Plateau of China: aeolian sedimentation and fluvial erosion, both with superlative rates. In: Migon, P. (Ed), Geomorphological Landscapes of the World. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 275 – 283.
- Yang, X., 2010. Climate change and desertification – with a special reference to the cases in China. In: Dodson, J. (Ed), Changing Climates, Earth Systems and Society (Climate change theme of the Science Programme for the International Year of Planet Earth). Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 177 – 187.
- Zhu, B.,Yang, X.The origin and distribution of soluble salts in the sand seas of northern China The origin and distribution of soluble salts in the sand seas of northern China. Geomorphology, 2010, 123: 232-242.
- 劉子亭,楊小平, 朱秉啟. 巴丹吉林沙漠全新世環境記錄的年代校正與古氣候重建. 第四紀研究, 2010, 30(5): 925-933.
- 劉陶,楊小平, 董巨峰, 范興燕, 李鴻威, 朱秉啟. 巴丹吉林沙漠沙丘形態與風動力關係的初步研究. 中國沙漠, 2010, 30(6): 1285-1291.
- 盧彥斌, Rioual P,楊小平. 巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊表層硅藻分布的初步研究. 第四紀研究, 2010, 30(3): 625-727.
- 李鴻威,楊小平. 渾善達克沙地近30年來土地沙漠化研究進展與問題. 地球科學進展, 2010, 25: 647- 655.
- Yang X, Conacher A. Land degradation and rehabilitation in ecologically fragile areas: Research status and perspectives. Geographical Research (Journal of the Institute of Australian Geographers), 2009, 47: 1-3.
- Zhu B,Yang X.Chemical weathering of the detrital sediments in the Taklamakan Desert, northwestern China. Geographical Research (Journal of the Institute of Australian Geographers), 2009, 47: 57-70.
- Xiaoping Yang, Feng Zhang, Xudong Fu, Xiaoming Wang. 2008. Oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz in the sand seas and sandy lands of northern China and their implications for understanding the provenances of aeolian sands. Geomorphology, 102: 278–285.
- 楊小平, 師長興, 李炳元, 朱秉啟. 2008. 從地球系統科學角度淺析中國地貌若干問題研究的新進展. 第四紀研究, 28(4): 521-534.
- 馬妮娜,楊小平. 2008. 巴丹吉林沙漠及其東南邊緣地區水化學和環境同位素特徵及其水文學意義. 第四紀研究, 28(4): 702-711.
- 馬妮娜,楊小平, P. Rioual. 2008. 巴丹吉林沙漠地區水樣鹼度特徵的初步研究. 第四紀研究, 28(3): 511-512.
- 董巨峰,楊小平, 馬志邦. 2008. 騰格里沙漠丘間地風沙沉積210Pb初探. 第四紀研究, 28(1): 184-185.
- X. Yang, B. Zhu, X. Wang, C. Li, Z. Zhou, J. Chen, X. Wang, J. Yin, Y. Lu. 2007. Late Quaternary environmental changes and organic carbon density in the Hunshandake Sandy Land, eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Global and Planetary Change, 2008, 61: 70 – 78.
- X. Yang, Y. Liu, C. Li, Y. Song, H. Zhu, X. Jin. Rare earth elements of aeolian deposits in Northern China and their implications for determining the provenance of dust storms in Beijing. Geomorphology, 2007, 87: 365-377.
- X. Yang, Z. Ding, X. Fan, Z. Zhou, N. Ma. Processes and mechanisms of desertification in northern China during the last 30 years, with a special reference to the Hunshandake Sandy Land, eastern Inner Mongolia. Catena, 2007, 71: 2-12.
- Xiaoping Yang, Andrew Goudie. Geomorphic processes and palaeoclimatology in deserts. Quaternary International, 2007, 175: 1-2
- Xiaoping Yang, Bingqi Zhu, Paul D. White. Provenance of aeolian sediment in the Taklamakan Desert of western China, inferred from REE and major-elemental data. Quaternary International, 2007, 175: 71-85.
- 朱秉啟、楊小平. 塔克拉瑪乾沙漠天然水體的化學特徵及其成因.科學通報, 2007, 1561-1566.
- Zhu B,Yang X.The ion chemistry of surface and ground waters in the Taklimakan Desert of Tarim Basin, western China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(12): 2123-2129.
- Xiaoping Yang, Frank Preusser, Ulrich Radtke. Late Quaternary environmental changes in the Taklamakan Desert, western China, inferred from OSL-dated lacustrine and aeolian deposits. Quaternary Sciences Reviews, 2006, 25: 923-932.
- X. Yang, Z. Liu, F. Zhang, P. White, X. Wang. Hydrological changes and land degradation in the southern and eastern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China. Land Degradation and Development, 2006, 17: 381-392.
- Xiaoping Yang. Chemistry and late Quaternary evolution of ground and surface waters in the area of Yabulai Mountains, western Inner Mongolia, China. Catena, 2006, 66: 135-144.
- Xiaoping Yang, Jufeng Dong, Paul White. The key role of water resources management in ecological restoration in western China. Geographical Research (Journal of the Institute of Australian Geographers), 2006, 44: 146-154.
- X. Yang. Desert research in northwestern China – a brief review. Geomorphologie: relief, processus, environment, 2006, no. 4: 65-73.
- 楊小平. 李希霍芬地貌學思想在德國的繼承與發展. 第四紀研究, 2005, 25(4): 432-437.
- Yang, X.: Late Quaternary wetter epochs in the southeastern Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. Z. Geomorph. (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie), 2004, Suppl.-Bd.133: 129-141.
- Xiaoping Yang, Karl Tilman Rost, Frank Lehmkuhl, Zhu Zhenda, John Dodson. The evolution of dry lands in northern China and in the Republic of Mongolia since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary International, 2004, 118-119: 69-85.
- 付旭東,楊小平. 中國北方沙漠石英d18O值的初步測定與分析, 第四紀研究, 2004, 24(2): 243.
- 李朝柱,楊小平. 中國北方乾旱區沙質沉積物氣候代用指標對比研究. 第四紀研究, 2004, 24(4): 469-473.
- Yang Xiaoping. Die Veränderungen der Dünenstabilität und des Seespiegels im Gebiet der Badain Jaran Wüste der Inneren Mongolei, China seit dem Spätquatär. Geo-Öko, 2003, 24: 177-188.
- Xiaoping Yang, Martin A.J. Williams. The ion chemistry of lakes and late Holocene desiccation in the Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. Catena, 2003, 51: 45-60.
- Yang Xiaoping, Liu Tungsheng, Xiao Honglang. Evolution of megadunes and lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China during the last 31000 years. Quaternary International, 2003, 104: 99-112.
- 楊小平, 劉東生. 距今30Ka前後我國西北沙漠地區古環境, 第四紀研究, 2003, 23(1): 25-30.
- Xiaoping Yang, Zhenda Zhu, D. Jaekel, L.A.Owen, Jiamao Han. Late Quaternary palaeoenvironment change and landscape evolution along the Keriya River, Xinjiang, China: the relationship between high mountain glaciation and landscape evolution in foreland desert regions. Quaternary International, 2002, 97/98: 155-166.
- Tungsheng Liu, Xinshi Zhang, Shangfa Xiong, Xiaoguang Qin,Xiaoping Yang. Glacial environments on the Tibetan Plateau and global cooling. Quaternary International, 2002, 97-98: 133-139.
- Yang Xiaoping. Changes of the aridity index in the arid regions of northwestern China since the Late Pleistocene - An understanding based on climatic geomorphology. Z. Geomorph. (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie), 2002, Suppl.-Bd.126: 169-181.
- 楊小平. 巴丹吉林沙漠腹地湖泊的水化學特徵及其全新世以來的演變. 第四紀研究, 2002, 22(2): 97-104.
- Yang Xiaoping. Sedimentological studies of aeolian sands in Chinese deserts. In:Yang Xiaoping(Ed), Desert and Alpine Environments. China Ocean Press, 2002, P. 112-120.
- Yang Xiaoping. Late Quaternary evoloution and paleoclimates, western Alashan Plateau, Inner Mongolia, China. Z. Geomorph. (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie), 2001, 45(1): 1-16.
- Yang X.The oases along the Keriya River in the Taklamakan Desert, China, and their evolution since end of last glaciation. Environmental Geology, 2001, 41: 314-320.
- Yang Xiaoping. Landscape evolution and palaeoclimate in the deserts of northwestern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46 (Supp.): 6-11.
- 楊小平. 綠洲演化與自然和人為因素的關係初探. 地學前緣, 2001, 8(1): 83-89.
- Yang Xiaoping. Landscape evolution and precipitation changes in the Badain Jaran Desert during the last 30 000 years. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(11):1042-1047.
- Yang Xiaoping. Late Quaternary variation of the aridity index in the Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China - A deduction from landscape evolutions. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 2000, 9(2): 205-214.
- Xiaoping Yang. The preliminary studies on the lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. Supplement of Eos, 2000, Vol. 81, No.22: WP58
- 楊小平. 近三萬年來巴丹吉林沙漠的景觀發育與雨量變化. 科學通報,2000, 45(4): 428-434.
- 楊小平. 巴丹吉林沙漠地區鈣質膠結層的發現及其古氣候意義. 第四紀研究, 2000, 20(3): 295.
- 楊小平: 巴丹吉林沙漠晚更新世以來的環境演變初探. 地質環境系統研究 1999 (孫樞 主編), 海洋出版社, 2000, P. 40-47.
- 楊小平. 塔里木盆地邊緣山地的黃土沉積. 乾旱區地理, 2000, 23(I): 13-17.