楊學偉,南京大學副教授,碩士生導師。南開大學理學博士,美國伊利諾伊大學(UIUC)聯合培養博士,香港城市大學經濟與金融系博士後,曾受邀訪問 UCLA Anderson 管理學院和香港科技大學工業工程與物流管理學系。主要研究興趣為金融衍生品(期權、CDS等)定價,行為金融與金融產品創新,信用(違約)風險管理與信用評級。研究成果發表於國際頂級金融學期刊 Journal of Financial Economics,並曾獲得由“金融風險管理師(FRM,Financial Risk Manager)”唯一認證機構——“美國國際金融風險管理師協會(Global Association of Risk Professionals)”評選的“2014 GARP Risk Management Research Award”。
在 Journal of Financial Economics, Mathematical Finance, Quantitative Finance, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Advances in Applied Probability 等期刊發表論文 20 余篇;多篇論文入選 AFA 2017, WFA 2016, The 5th Miami Behavioral Finance Conference(論文接受率 12/195), CICF2014, EFMA 2014, INFORMS Annual Meeting(2013, 2015, 2016, 2017)等高水平國際學術會議。擔任 Management Science, PNAS 等國際頂級期刊匿名審稿人以及 INFORMS Annual Meeting(2015, 2016, 2017)分會場主席。曾經受邀到北京大學、復旦大學、中國科學技術大學、中山大學、南開大學、天津大學、對外經濟貿易大學做學術報告。目前為 AEA 會員,AFA 會員,WFA 會員,INFORMS 會員。
- 中文名:楊學偉
- 外文名:YANG, Xuewei
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:副教授
- 畢業院校:南開大學
- 主要成就:GARP Risk Management Research Award
南開十傑(特等獎學金);周恩來獎學金 - 學位:博士
- 導師:王永進教授, Renming Song教授
- 2014年7月至今:南京大學工程管理學院,副教授
- 2017年01月至2017年03月:UCLA, Anderson School of Management,訪問學者
- 2013年07月至2013年08月:香港科技大學工業工程與物流管理系,訪問學者
- 2012年01月至2014年06月:南京大學工程管理學院,助理研究員
- 2012年01月至2013年01月:香港城市大學商學院經濟與金融系,博士後
工作報告(Working Paper)
- Who Gains and Who Underperforms in Derivatives Trading, and Why? Evidence from Chinese Brokerage Account Data
(with Xindan Li and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam)
- Presented at: UCLA Anderson School of Management, University of New Orleans
- Presented at: 2017 AFA Chicago Meetings, 2016 WFA Park City Meetings, 2014 CICF, 2014 EFMA, 2014 North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society
- This paper won: GARP Risk Management Research Award (selected by the GARP Award Review Committee, announced at the EFMA 2014 Annual Meeting)
- Can Financial Innovation Succeed by Catering to Behavioral Preferences? Evidence from a Callable Options Market, with Xindan Li (李心丹) and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (UCLA), Journal of Financial Economics, 128(1): 38-65, April 2018. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2018.01.010)
——Presented at the 5th Miami Behavioral Finance Conference (acceptance rate 12/195) - International reserve management: a drift-switching reflected jump-diffusion model, with Ning Cai (香港科技大學), Mathematical Finance, 28(1): 409--446, January 2018.
- Optimal processing rate and buffer size of a jump-diffusion processing system, with Xindan Li, Dan Tang and Yongjin Wang, Annals of Operations Research, 217(1): 319--335, June 2014.
- Smooth-pasting property on reflected Lévy processes and its applications in credit risk modeling,with Lijun Bo, Science China: Mathematics, 57(6): 1237--1256, June 2014.
- Credit derivatives pricing based on Lévy field driven term structure, with Lijun Bo and Ying Jiao, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 32(2): 229--252, March 2014.
- On the default probability in a regime-switching regulated market, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 16(1): 101--113, March 2014.
- On the conditional default probability in regulated market with jump risk, with Lijun Bo, Xindan Li and Yongjin Wang, Quantitative Finance, 13(12): 1967--1975, December 2013.
- A new numerical scheme for a class of reflected stochastic differential equations,Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 19(4): 273--279, December 2013.
- Optimal investment and consumption with default risk: HARA utility, with Lijun Bo, Xindan Li and Yongjin Wang, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 20(3): 261--281, September 2013.
- Kernel-correlated Lévy field driven forward rate and application to derivative pricing, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 68(1): 21--41, August 2013.
- First passage times of reflected generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, with Lijun Bo, Guijun Ren and Yongjin Wang, Stochastics and Dynamics, 13(1), 1250014, March 2013.
- Stochastic portfolio optimization with default risk, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 397(2): 467--480, January 2013.
- Optimal portfolio and consumption selection with default risk, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 7(6): 1019--1042, December 2012.
- Sequential maximum likelihood estimation for reflected generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, with Lijun Bo, Statistics and Probability Letters, 82(7): 1374--1382, July 2012.
- The hitting time density for a reflected Brownian motion, with Qin Hu and Yongjin Wang, Computational Economics, 40(1):1--18, June 2012.
- Lévy risk model with two-sided jumps and a barrier dividend strategy, with Lijun Bo, Renming Song, Dan Tang and Yongjin Wang, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 50(2): 280--291, March 2012.
- A note on transition density for the reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, with Xiaoyu Xing and Yongsheng Xing, Statistics and Probability Letters, 82(1): 586--591, March 2012.
- On conditional default probability in a regulated market: a structural approach, with Lijun Bo, Dan Tang and Yongjin Wang, Quantitative Finance, 11(12): 1695--1702, December 2011.
- Derivative pricing based on the exchange rate in a target zone with realignment, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 14(6): 945--956, September 2011.
- First passage times of (reflected) Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes over random jump boundaries, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Journal of Applied Probability, 48(3): 723--732, September 2011.
- Some integral functionals of reflected SDEs and their applications in finance, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Quantitative Finance, 11(3): 343--348, March 2011.
- Maximum likelihood estimation for reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, with Lijun Bo, Yongjin Wang and Guannan Zhang, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(1): 588--596, January 2011.
- An optimal portfolio problem in a defaultable market, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang, Advances in Applied Probability, 42(3): 689--705, September 2010.
- Markov-modulated jump-diffusions for currency option pricing, with Lijun Bo and Yongjin Wang,Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 46(3): 461--469, June 2010.P年