


  • 中文名:梁興堃
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:組織管理與創新
  • 任職院校北京大學


2012-2016 工程學博士,劍橋大學工程系(留學基金委資助)
2012-2016 Ph.D. inEngineering, University of Cambridge (Sponsored by CSC)
2008-2012 Bachelor of Management, Peking University
2017.3 至今北京大學信息管理系助理教授
2017.3 - now Assistant Professor, Department of Information Management, Peking University


組織管理與創新 (Organisational Innovation and Strategy)
網際網路創新生態系統(Innovation Ecosystems)
基於信息計量的知識發現 (Informetrics based Knowledge Discovery)
實證研究方法與研究設計 (Qualitative and Quantitative Methods)


Papers on Peer Reviewed Journalsin English
· Liu, Y., Liang, X., & Shi, Y. (2018). Brokerage and balance: Creating an effective organizational interface for product modularization in multinational R&D. Research Policy, 47(6), 1133-1146. [PDF] [LINK] (FT50,ABS 4*)
· Bu, Y., Ding, Y., Liang, X.*, & Murray, D. S. (2018). Understanding persistent scientific collaboration. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 69(3), 438-448. [PDF] [LINK]
· Bu, Y., Ding, Y., Xu, J.*, Liang, X., Gao, G., & Zhao, Y. (2018). Understanding success through the diversity of collaborators and the milestone of career. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 69(1), 87-97. [PDF] [LINK]
· Liang, X. (2017). A Configurational approach to understanding international R&D networks. In: Wu, X; Shi, Y; Guo, B (eds) Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China, p. 141-153.
· Xue, Y., You, J., Liang, X., & Liu, H. (2016). Adopting strategic niche management to evaluate EV demonstration projects in china. Sustainability, 8(2), 142.[LINK]
· Liang, X., et al. (2015). Origins and Trends of the Multinational's R&D Internationalisation Research- a Systematic Literature Review. In: Qi E., Shen J., Dou R. (eds) Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014, p. 597-606.
中文期刊論文(Journal Papers in Chinese)
·周慶山, 梁興堃, 曹雨佳. 微博意見領袖的甄別與內容特徵. 山東圖書館學刊, 2012(1):22-27, 35. ·梁興堃. 大學生網路盜版大學生網路盜版問題及其解決策略探究. 圖書情報工作, 2011, 55(17):96-99.
會議論文(Conference Papers)
· Liang X. 2018 Configurations of International R&D Networks. AOM Annual Conference, Chicago.
· Shi X., Liang, X., Ansari S., 2017. United We Stand: Latecomer Strategies from an Innovation Ecosystem Perspective. SMS Annual Conference, Houston.
· Liu. Y., & Liang, X. 2016. The organisational change process of a decentralised R&D network to support product modularisation. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, U.S.
· Liang, X., Shi, X., Shao, X., & Shi, Y. 2016. Innovation ecosystem governance - a typology of generic strategies for managing complementors. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, U.S.
· Liu, Y., & Liang, X. 2015. Global integration of R&D organisation in MNCs: A process model. The 57th Annual Conference of Academy of International Business. Vancouver, Canada.
· Shi, X., & Liang, X. 2015. Understanding latecomer strategy from a business ecosystem perspective. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
· Liang X., & Probert, D. 2015. Revisiting global R&D networks - a new typology. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
· Liang, X. 2015. Origins and trends of the multinational's R&D internationalisation research. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
· Liang, X., & Probert, D. 2014. Understanding international R&D networks - a structural contingency approach. The 56th Annual Conference of Academy of International Business. Vancouver, Canada.
Other International Conferences
· Liang, X. 2016. Organisational enablers for international R&D networks. The 20th Annual Cambridge Symposium on International Manufacturing. Cambridge, U.K.
· Liang, X., Shi, X., & Shao, X. 2016. Managing complementors in innovation ecosystems: A typology of generic strategies. The 38th Annual R&D Management Conference. Cambridge, U.K.
· Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2015. How do some emerging multinationals become global leading innovators: Evidence from Chinese cases? The 19th Annual Cambridge Symposium on International Manufacturing. Cambridge, U.K.
· Liang, X. 2014. Revisiting international R&D networks for global innovation - cases from European MNCs. The 21st Annual Conference of European Operations Management Association. Palermo, Italy.
· Shang, T., Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2014. The intellectual structure of business ecosystem research. The 14th Annual Conference of European Academy of Management. Valencia, Spain.
· Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2013. The evolution of big questions on R&D internationalisation: A survey of literature. The 39th Annual Conference of European International Business Academy. Bremen, German.
· Liang, X., & Shi, Y. 2013. Frontiers of R&D internationalisation research in recent ten years: A systematic review with bibliographic coupling analysis. The 17th Annual Cambridge Symposium on International Manufacturing. Cambridge, U.K.
· Liang, X. 2013. Dynamic R&D model for open innovation era. The 6th Annual Conference of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Oxford, U.K.
專著章節(Book Chapters)
· X. Liang, X. Shi& Y. Shi, forthcoming. Innovation Capability Evolutions of Chinese Flagship Companies. In Maureen & Jin ed Creating Leading Edge Technical Competencies in Chinese Companies. Edward Elgar Publishers.(The Chinese version will be published by Zhejiang University Press)
· Fleury, A., Shi, Y., Fleury, M., Ferreira, S. Jr., Cordeiro, J., & Liang X. 2015. Framing international operations management: Contributions from emerging country multinationals, in Tihanyi, L., Banalieva, E. R., Devinney, T. M., & Pedersen, T. (ed.) Emerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises (Advances in International Management, Volume 28), Emerald Group Publishing, 351-377.
工作論文(Working Paper)
· United We Stand: Latecomer Strategies from an Innovation Ecosystem Perspective.
· How servitization strategy affects product innovation performance: Evidence from UK manufacturers.
· Dynamic coupling: Organisation structuringfor knowledge-intensive firms.
· Structure and capabilities of international R&D networks.
· Innovation ecosystem governance: A typology of generic strategies for managing complementors.
· Dynamic R&D strategy.
· Structural and temporal features of scholarly networks.
·Research and Development Management Association (RADMA) Doctoral Research Funding- Understanding International R&D Network(2013-2015)
·UK- EPSRC- Global Sustainable Manufacturing Network
·European Commission- Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development- Europe-China High Value Engineering Network
·我國文化產業發展戰略研究( 重大項目) 子課題“數字內容產業發展戰略研究”


