梁純教授1982年獲中山大學化學學士學位;1988年獲美國俄亥俄州邁阿密大學化學碩士學位;1993年獲美國布朗大學的生物學博士學位,並獲得Barry Rosen 分子生物學優異獎。博士畢業後於1993至1998年在世界著名的生物研究所美國冷泉港實驗室做博士後研究員,並獲得著名的Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell癌症基金會博士後基金。1998年加入香港科技大學,主持DNA複製與癌症實驗室。現任香港科技大學生命科學部/癌症研究中心副主任。
他長期從事於酵母和人的DNA複製及以複製起始蛋白為標靶進行癌症檢測和抗癌藥物開發方面的研究,應邀擔任BMC Mol. Biol. 等雜誌的編輯、特約審稿人,在Cell,Genes Dev.,PNAS等國際權威雜誌上發表多篇論文,影響因子合計達250點,並獲得多個美國專利,得到國際同行廣泛讚譽。
梁純先生是國際知名生物學家,曾在世界分子生物學中心冷泉港實驗室做過博士後的研究。在2002年發現一種新穎的去氧核糖核酸(DNA)複製起始蛋白質,在DNA複製的起始階段中起著關鍵作用,這次發現新穎的起始蛋白質,開拓了在正常及癌細胞中研究DNA複製的新領域,不但推進我們對DNA複製的研究,更希望能有助於攻克癌症。梁博士及其研究小組利用酵母基因篩選法,鑑定出一種新穎的複製起始蛋白質--Noc3p,並且運用生物化 學及分子生物學方法,發現了Noc3p在DNA複製起始階段擔當不可缺少的重要角色。研究成果已發表在國際頂級學術期刊CELL雜誌上,更是25年來在中國本土產生的第一篇CELL文章,其主要研究領域DNA複製的起始與癌症.
- Yu R., Liu, H., Yu, Y., Liang L., Xu R., *Liang, C., *Tang J., and *Yao X. (2016) Anticancer activities of proanthocyanidins from the plant Urceola huaitingii and their synergistic effects in combination with chemotherapeutics.J. Fitoterapia(in press).
- Huang Y, Amin A., Qin Y., Wang Z., Jiang H., Liang L., Shi L.,*Liang C.(2016) A Role of hIPI3 in DNA Replication Licensing in Human Cells.Plos One(in press).
- Zhang X., Xiao, D., Wang, Z., Zou, Y., Huang L., Lin, W., Deng, Q., Pan H., Zhou J.,*Liang, C.and He, J.* (2014) MicroRNA-26a/b Regulate DNA Replication Licensing, Tumorigenesis and Prognosis by Targeting CDC6 in Lung Cancer.Mol. Cancer Res. 12, 1535-1546.
- Zhao C., *Lee K.Y., Xu R.,Liang C., Liu D., Ma S., Wibool P., and Zohar Y. (2014) Isolation of circulating tumor cells under hydrodynamic loading using microfluidic technology.Advances Mechanics, 44, 447-494.
- Huo L., R. Wu, Z. Yu, Y. Zhai, X. Yang, T. Chan, J. Yeung, J. Kan, and*Liang C.(2012) The Rix1 (Ipi1p-2p-3p) Complex Is a Critical Determinant of DNA Replication Licensing Independent of Their Roles in Ribosome Biogenesis.Cell Cycle11, 1325-1339.
- Liu, C., Wu, R., Wei, Z., Wang, J., Tye, B.,*Liang, C., and *Zhu G. (2012) Structural Insights into the Cdt1-Mediated Mcm2-7 Chromatin Loading.Nucleic Acids Res.40, 3208-3217 (*co-corresponding authors).
- Wu, R., Wang, J., and*Liang, C.(2012) Cdt1p, through its interaction with Mcm6p, is required for the formation, nuclear accumulation and chromatin loading of the MCM complex.J. Cell Sci.125, 209-219.
- Geng, H., Law, P., Ng, M., Li, T., Liang, L., Ge, T., Wong, K.,Liang, C., Ma, R., So, W., Chan, J., *Ho, Y. (2011) APOE Genotype-Function Relationship: Evidence of 2491 A/T Promoter Polymorphism Modifying Transcription Control but Not Type 2 Diabetes Risk.PLoS ONE6, e24669-e24669.
- Lai, F.Q., Wu, R.T. Wang, J.F., Li, C.M., Zou, L., Lu Y.J., and*Liang, C.(2011) Far3p domains involved in the interactions of Far proteins and pheromone-induced cell cycle arrest in budding yeast.FEMS Yeast Res.11, 72-79.
- Zhai, Y., Yung, P., and*Liang. C.(2011) Cell cycle control of DNA replication by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of replication-initiation proteins in budding yeast. Chapter 6 in “Fundamental Aspects of DNA Replication”. InTech Publisher; Ed. J. Kušić-Tišma; pp87-106.
- Zhai, Y.L. Yung, P., Huo L. and*Liang C.(2010) Cdc14p resets the competency of replication licensing by dephosphorylating multiple initiation proteins.J. Cell Sci.123, 3933-3943.
- Cheng, X., Xu, Z., Wang, J.F., Zhai, Y.L, Lu, Y.J, and*Liang, C.(2010) ATP-dependent Pre-replicative Complex Assembly Is Facilitated by Adk1p in Budding Yeast.J. Biol. Chem.285, 29974-29980.
- Zhang J., Yu, L., Wu., X., Zou., L. Sou, K.K.L, Wei, Z., Cheng X., *Zhu, G.. and*Liang C.(2010) The Interacting Domains of hCdt1 and hMcm6 Involved in the Chromatin Loading of the MCM Complex in Human Cells.Cell Cycle9, 4848-4857 (*co-corresponding authors)
- Wei, Z., Liu, C.D., Xu, N.N., Wu, X. Zhou, B.,*Liang, C., and *Zhu, G. (2010) Characterization and structure determination of the Cdt1 binding domain of human minichromosome maintenance (Mcm) 6.J. Boil. Chem.285, 12469-12473 (accelerated publication) (*co-corresponding authors).
- Ma, L.J., Zhai, Y.L., Feng, D.R., Chan, T.C., Lu, J.L., Fu, X.R., Wang, J.F., Chen, Y.H., Li, J.N., Xu, K. and*Liang, C.(2010) Identification of Novel Factors Involved in or Regulating Initiation of DNA Replication by a Phenotypic Screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Cell Cycle9, 4399-4410.
- Wang, J.F., Wu, R.T., Lu, Y.J. and*Liang, C.(2010) Ctf4p facilitates Mcm10p to promote DNA replication in budding yeast.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.395, 336-341.
- Xiong X.D., Qiu F.E., Fang J.H., Shen Y.,Liang C., Jiang W., and *Zhuang S.M. (2009) Association analysis between the Cdc6 G1321A polymorphism and the risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and hepatocellular carcinoma.Mutat. Res.662: 10-15.
- Li, J.N, Feng, C. J.,, Lu, Y.J., Li, H.J., Tu, Z., Liao, G.Q., and*Liang, C.(2008) mRNA expression of the DNA replication-initiation proteins in epithelial dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue.BMC Cancer8: 395-412.
- Kan J, Zou L, Zhang J, Wu R, Wang Z, and*Liang C.(2008) Origin recognition complex (ORC) mediates histone 3 lysine 4 methylation through cooperation with Spp1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.J. Biol. Chem.283, 33803-33807 (accelerated publication).
- Wu ,W.B., Liang, H.Q., Kan, J.S., Liu, C., Yuan, M.J.,Liang, C., *Yang, K. and *Pang, Y. (2008) Autographa californica Multiple Nucleopolyhedrovirus 38K Is a Novel Nucleocapsid Protein That Interacts with VP1054, VP39, VP80 and Itself.J. Virol.82:12356-12364.
- Foulk, M.S.,Liang, C., Wu, N., Blitzblau, H.G., Smith, H., Alam, D., Batra, M. and *Gerbi, S.A. (2006) Ecdysone induces transcription and amplification in Sciara coprophila DNA puff II/9A.Dev Biol.299: 151-163.
- Yu, Z.L., Feng, D.R. and*Liang, C.(2004) Pairwise Interactions of the Six Human MCM Protein Subunits.J. Mol. Biol.340: 1197-1206.
- Feng, D.R., Tu Z., Wu, W.Y., and*Liang, C.(2003) Inhibiting the Expression of DNA Replication-Initiation Proteins Induces Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells.Cancer Res.63: 7356-7364.
- Fu, X.R., Ng, C., Feng, D.R., and*Liang C.(2003) Cdc48p Is Required for the Cell Cycle Commitment Point at START via Degradation of the G1-CDK Inhibitor Far1p.J. Cell Biol.163: 21-26.
- Zhang, Y.X., Yu, Z.L., Fu, X.R., and*Liang, C.(2002) Noc3p, a bHLH protein, plays an integral role in the initiation of DNA replication in budding yeast.Cell, 109, 849-860.
- Urnov, F.D.,Liang, C., Blitzblau, H.G., Smith, H.S. & *Gerbi, S.A. (2002) A DNase I hypersensitive site flanks an origin of DNA replication and amplification in Sciara.Chromosoma111, 291-303.
- Weinreich, M.,Liang, C., Chen, H. H., and *Stillman, B. (2001) Binding of cyclin-dependent kinases to ORC and Cdc6p regulates the chromosome replication cycle.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 98, 11211-11217.
- Weinreich, M.Liang, C., and *Stillman, B. (1999) The Cdc6p nucleotide binding motif is required for loading Mcm proteins onto chromatin.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 96: 441-446.
- *Gerbi, S.A., Bielinsky, A.,Liang, C., Lunyak, V. and Urnov, F. (1999) Methods to map origins of replication in eukaryotes. In "Eukaryotic DNA Replication: A Practical Approach". Ed. S. Cotterill. Oxford University Press. Chapter 1, pp 1-42.
- Liang, C.and *Stillman, B. (1997) Persistent initiation of DNA replication and chromatin bound MCM proteins during the cell cycle in cdc6 mutants.Genes Dev., 11: 3375-3386.
- Liang, C., Weinreich, M. and *Stillman, B. (1995) ORC and Cdc6p interact and determine the frequency of initiation of DNA replication in the genome.Cell, 81: 667-676.
- Liang, C.and *Gerbi, S.A. (1994) Analysis of an origin of DNA amplification in Sciara coprophila using a novel three-dimensional gel method.Mol. Cell. Biol.14: 1520-1529.
- Liang, C., Spitzer, J.D., Smith, H.S. and *Gerbi, S.A. (1993) Replication initiates at a confined region during DNA amplification in Sciara DNA puff II/9A.Genes Dev.7: 1072-1084.
- *Gerbi, S.A.,Liang, C., Wu, N., DiBartolomeis, S., Bienz-Tadmor, B., Smith, H.S. and Urnov, F.D. (1993) DNA amplification in DNA puff II/9A of Sciara coprophila.Quant. Biol.58: 487-494.
- Wu, N.,Liang, C., Smith, H.S., DiBartolomeis, S.M. and *Gerbi, S.A. (1993) Developmental progression in Sciara coprophila DNA puffs: DNA amplification and transcription.Dev. Biol.160: 73-84. (#, equal contribution).