1 近期主持或參與的科研課題
1. 城鎮環境污染物的層次健康風險評價與動態管理系統研究(17YJCZH081),教育部人文社科基金,主持;
2 近期代表論文
[1]F. Li, JD. Zhang, W. et al. Spatial health risk assessment and hierarchical risk management for mercury in soils from a typical contaminated site, China.Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2017, 39(4): 923-934.(SCI)
[2] J. Huang,F. Li,G. Zeng, X. et al. Incorporating hierarchical bioavailability and possible receptor distribution into potential eco-risk assessment of heavy metals in soils: A case study in Xiandao District, Changsha city, China.Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 541: 969-976. (SCI)
[3]F. Li,JD. Zhang, J. Huang, et al. Heavy metals in road dust from Xiandao District, Changsha city, China: Characteristics, health risk assessment and integrated source identification.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 13100–13113 (SCI)
[4]F. Li, JD. Zhang, J. Yang, et al. Site-specific risk assessment and integrated management decision-making: A case study of a typical heavy metal contaminated site, Middle China.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2016, 22(5): 1224–1241 (SCI)
[5]F. Li, J. Huang, G. Zeng, et al. Spatial distributions and health risk assessment of heavy metals associated with receptor population density in street dust: A case study of Xiandao District, Middle China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 6732-6742. (SCI)
[6]F. Li, J. Huang, G. Zeng, et al. Toxic metals in topsoil under different land uses from Xiandao District, middle China: Distribution, relationship with soil characteristics and health risk assessment.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 12261-12275. (SCI)
[7]F. Li, J. Huang, G. Zeng, et al. Integrated source apportionment, screening risk assessment and risk mapping of heavy metals in surface sediments: A case study of the Dongting Lake, Middle China.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2014, 20: 1213-1230. (SCI)
[8] F. Li, J. Huang, G. Zeng, et al. Spatial risk assessment and sources identification of heavy metals in surface sediments from the Dongting Lake, Middle China.Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2013, 132: 75-83. (SCI,ESI高被引論文)
[9]F. Li, J. Huang, G. Zeng, et al. Multimedia health impact assessment: a study of the scenario-uncertainty.Journal of Central South University, 2012, 19: 2901-2909. (SCI)
[10]李飛,黃瑾輝,李雪,劉文楚,曾光明.基於隨機模糊理論的土壤重金屬潛在生態風險評價及溯源分析.環境科學學報, 2015, 35(4): 1233-1240.
3 工程項目經歷
[1] 2013-2014 原長沙市鉻鹽場的污染場地現狀調查、風險評估和修復標準值報告書主撰寫
[2] 2013-2014 長沙市環境保護頂層設計方案,主要參與人
[3] 2013-2014 長沙縣生態白皮書,主要參與人
[4] 2009-2013 長沙大河西先導區空間發展戰略規劃環境影響評價,相關成果獲2012年度湖南省科技進步獎二等獎,參與人;湖南省龍山至吉首高速公路、永順到龍山段公路、湖南省綏寧至城步公路等項目的環評報告書,主要參與人
4 社會職務